


The pages SUPPLEMENTARY and TERMINOLOGY complement each other, and we therefore recommend that you search for information on both pages.


“Supplementary Information to Ontological Presentations and Symbols/Diagrams (Xom3)”

SUPPLEMENTARY includes background perspectives and further developments with comparative and explanatory texts, special terms, classifications, references to Martinus’ concepts and terminology, different translations of designations and terms, etc.


TERMINOLOGY – Introduction

This page is under development and will be expanded by degrees.

The TERMINOLOGY includes clarifications of special terms and expressions created by the Danish intuitive philosopher Martinus (M) and his co-worker Per Bruus-Jensen (PBJ) with the aim of presenting and illustrating The Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology. The Terminology also includes additions by Therner & Loeth (Löth) (T&L), New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS, of which most are developed in consultation with Per Bruus-Jensen, (as well as a few other relevant expressions).

In this short introduction we also want to emphasize that Martinus clearly points out that he does not present a “complete map” or a “concrete illustration” of life and reality. The X-Structure and the paraphysical reality are completely different in nature from the physical space and time related reality we know. Similarly, principles, structures, functions, etc. outside space and time cannot be described in the conventional sense via physical concepts and illustrations*. Thus, concepts, special terms, etc. are in this context merely to be seen as educational aids to facilitate the understanding of the real nature of life and reality.

* In this context the Danish physicist Niels Bohr can be mentioned, who introduced a “picture ban” in the light of the fact that quantum mechanics cannot be illustrated through physical images etc., but rather via formulas.


Please note: The explanations of the concepts and designations in this terminology are usually relatively brief. More detailed descriptions can be found in the more comprehensive and in-depth texts, mainly in ONTOLOGY II.

Terms by Martinus are marked (M), by Per Bruus-Jensen (PBJ), by Therner and Loeth (T&L).

X-Structure (PBJ, T&L) – the Nature of Life and Reality – see also X-RCT Process

A  –  Z

Ability-Nuc, see Ability-Nuc principle / Talent Core principle

Ability-Nuc principle / talent core (or talent-kernel) principle / the principle for the formation of ability-nucs / talent cores (in some English translations talent-kernels) (M)

Action energy / expansion energy (T&L)DK original ”tyngdeenergi” (M) – in some English translations also known as “gravity energy”, which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term

Animal kingdom, see Expansion/ action plane

Autonomous Organ-talent core (PBJ), see also Talent Core principle

Basic energies / cosmic basic energies / fundamental energies (M)

Basic talent core, see Spiral center

Bliss energy, see Memory energy

Bliss kingdom (bliss and mineral kingdom), see Memory plane

Central need (PBJ)  (short: CN)

Changing and Renewal principle (T&L) / hunger and satiation principle / the principle of hunger and satiation (M)

Contraction/ perception energy (T&L) / feeling energy (M)

Contraction/ perception/ feeling plane (PBJ, T&L) / real human kingdom (M)

Contrast principle / the principle for the formation of contrast (M)

Cosmic basic energies, see Basic energies

Cosmic creative principles, see Creative principles

Cosmos – universe, multiverse – the living, all-embracing, multidimensional Cosmos

Creative principles / cosmic creative principles (M) / morphogenetic effect constants (PBJ)

Cycle principle / the principle for the formation of cycles (M)

Derived motions; the four derived motions (PBJ)

Development, Protection and Parent principle / the principle for the formation of development, protection and teaching (T&L) / world redemption principle /the principle of world redemption / parent principle (M)

Divine kingdom, see Intuition plane

Double-poled state (M), see Pole-structures

Evolutionary spiral, see Cosmic evolutionary spiral

Expansion/ action energy (T&L)DK original ”tyngdeenergi” (M) – in some English translations also known as “gravity energy”, which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term)

Expansion/ action plane (PBJ, T&L) / animal kingdom (M)

Experience = X3 subj., see X-structure

Feeling energy (M) / contraction/ perception energy (T&L)

Fundamental energies / basic energies / cosmic basic energies (M)

“Gravity energy”, see Expansion energy / Action energy (in some English translations “gravity energy” is used which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term)

Human kingdom / real human kingdom, see Contraction/ perception/ feeling plane

Hunger and Satiation principle / the principle of hunger and satiation (M) / changing and renewal principle (T&L)

I, the I / the subject, see X1

Initial reality, see X0

Instinct plane / plant kingdom (M)

Intelligence plane / wisdom kingdom (M)

Intuition plane / divine kingdom (M)

Inward and separating developmental phase* (M, T&L), see also Outward and unifying developmental phase .
* Martinus’ original terms in Danish “indvikling” and “udvikling” have, in some English texts, been translated “involution/ the involution phase” and “evolution/ the evolution phase”. To clarify these designations Therner & Loeth use the following terms: “the inward and separating phase” and “the outward and unifying phase”.

Karma (or Destiny) principle / the principle for the formation of karma / law of karma / law of cause and effect (M)

Law of Cause and Effect, see Law of karma / Karma (or destiny) principle

Law of Karma / law of cause and effect / karma (or destiny) principle / the principle for the formation of karma (M)

Life-experience = X3 subj., see X-structure

Life-Unit principle / the principle for the formation of life-units (M) / matter-and-life-unit principle (PBJ, T&L) 

Manual Activity-Organ-talent core (PBJ, T&L), see also Talent Core principle

Matter-and-Life-Unit principle, see Life-Unit principle / the principle for the formation of life-units

Memory energy / bliss energy (M)

Memory plane / bliss and mineral kingdom (M)

Memory-talent core (PBJ), see also Talent Core principle

Mineral kingdom, see Memory plane

Morphogenetic effect constants (PBJ) / cosmic creative principles / creative principles (M) 

Mother energy (M) – the primary and supreme basic energy/ fundamental energy

Motion; the five universal classes of motion (PBJ)

Motion principle / the principle for the formation of motion (M)

Objective reality, see X3 (X3 obj.)

One-poled state (M), see Pole-structures

Organism principle / the principle for the formation of organisms (M)

Organ-talent core (PBJ), see Autonomous Organ-talent core and Manual Activity-Organ-talent core

Outward and unifying developmental phase* (M, T&L), see also Inward and separating developmental phase
* Martinus’ original terms in Danish “indvikling” and “udvikling” have, in some English texts, been translated “involution/ the involution phase” and “evolution/ the evolution phase”. To clarify these designations Therner & Loeth use the following terms: “the inward and separating phase” and “the outward and unifying phase”.

Paraphysical (PBJ): comprises “finer”, more subtle form of energy/matter with higher frequencies based on and functioning according to different constants and laws of nature compared to the physical world – read more

Parent principle, see Development, Protection and Parent principle

Perception archive (PBJ, T&L) / (DK: erindringskartoteket (M)), see Talent Core principle 

Perception energy / contraction energy (T&L) / feeling energy (M)

Perspective principle / the principle for the formation of perspective (M)

Plant kingdom, see Instinct plane

Pole principle / the principle for the formation of poles (M)

Pole-structures (M), see also One-poled state and Double-poled state

Primordial desire, see Primordial urge

Primordial urge / primordial desire (M) (short: PU)

Qulia = X3 subj., see X-structure

Real human kingdom / human kingdom, see Contraction/ perception/ feeling plane

Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (T&L) / the X-RCT Process (T&L) see also X-Structure

Reincarnation principle / the principle for the formation of reincarnation (M)

Semiphysical (PBJ): comprises a combination of physical and paraphysical energy/matter – read more

Spiral center/ Basic talent core (M), it is through the six spiral centers that the mother energy is divided and converted into the six basic energies/ working energies, i.e. the so-called “split” of the mother energy, (see the eternal body, the element of fate, area d (Xom3))

Spiral cycle / spiral section (M)

Spiritual (Martinus’ and Per Bruus-Jensen’s use of the term Spiritual)

Split/ Division of the Mother Energy  “the Split” (PBJ, T&L) 

Subjective reality, see X3 (X3 subj.)

Switching body (PBJ), see the symbol Xom3, area f, – functions as a transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary physical body and the paraphysical eternal body.

Talent Core (M), see Talent Core principle / Ability-Nuc principle, Note: There are different types of talent cores: Memory-talent cores (M-TC) (PBJ), 2. Manual activity-organ-talent cores (MAO-TC) (PBJ, T&L), 3. Autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-TC) (PBJ). The six Spiral centers are also called Basic talent cores, see Spiral center.

Talent Core (or Talent-Kernel) principle / ability-nuc principle / the principle for the formation of talent cores / ability-nucs (in some English translations talent-kernels) (M)

Talent-Kernel (M), see Talent Core principle / Ability-Nuc principle

Talent-Kernel principle, see Talent Core principle / Ability-Nuc principle

Triplementary principle (PBJ, T&L) / triune operating principle (PBJ) / triune principle (M)

Triune operating principle / triune principle, see Triplementary principle

Wisdom kingdom, see Intelligence plane

Working energies (PBJ): the six basic energies that are generated, controlled and coordinated by the mother energy (the primary basic energy), see Mother energy and Basic energies

World redemption principle / the principle of world redemption / parent principle (M) / development, protection and parent principle / the principle for the formation of development, protection and teaching) (T&L)

X0 (PBJ) / 0X (M) – X0-nature, initial reality

X1 / the creator and experiencer, the “I” (M) – the subject

X2 / the creative and experiential ability (M)

X3 / the created and experienced (M) – objective reality (X3 obj.) and subjective reality (X3 subj.)

X-RCT Process / the Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (T&L) see also X-Structure

X-Structure (PBJ, T&L) – the Nature of Life and Reality – see also X-RCT Process