The X-Structure


The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral


Brief Introduction – Therner & Loeth
including special texts by Per Bruus-Jensen 

– Ontology of Life, Consciousness and Reality –

The X-Structure - The Living Being and The Organism (Xom3-a) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The X-Structure – The Living Being and The Organism (Xom3-a) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

We recommend reading The ONTOLOGY of The Cosmic Worldview PART I before continuing with PART II.

Brief Overview of Content
– The ONTOLOGY of The Cosmic Worldview PART II

The Mother Energy
The Split of the Mother Energy and the Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Six Basic/ Working Energies
The Split of the Mother Energy: Organic Perspective

The Combinations of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence
The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral: the Six Planes of Existence, the Seven Main Spiral Cycles and Organism Principles

Light and Darkness in the Six Planes of Existence
Selected Cosmological and Ontological Terms and Concepts
Cosmic Paths of Evolution

Life on the Six Planes of Existence: I. Instinct Plane – Plant Kingdom, II. Expansion/ Action Plane – Animal Kingdom, III. Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane – Real Human Kingdom, IV. Intelligence Plane – Wisdom Kingdom, V. Intuition Plane – Divine Kingdom, VI. Memory Plane – Bliss and Mineral Kingdom
Paraphysical Existence and Dimensions in General

Important Levels, Zones and Phases in the Spiral Cycles: Physical and Parphysical Zones, One-Poled State and Double-Poled State, the Inward and Separating Developmental Phase and the Outward and Unifying Developmental Phase, Day-Consciousness/ Primary Consciousness and Night-Consciousness/ Secondary Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and the Five Levels of Cosmic Consciousness

Epilogue – Texts and Knowledge from the Past


The X-Structure
The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral

• The Split/ Division of the Mother Energy

The Mother Energy

PART II begins with a Brief Overview of the Nature and Functions of the Mother Energy – the primary and supreme qualitative basic energy.
In this text, we have only used the term “basic energies” for the “basic” or “fundamental” energies.

The Mother Energy (signature colour violet, impact and penetrative power 420) – the primary and supreme qualitative basic energy constitutes the quintessence of the subject’s/ I’s (X1’s) ability to create and experience (X2). The mother energy is the very source of the six other qualitative basic energies, also termed working energies. These exist as potentialities within the mother energy and are governed and co-ordinated by the mother energy. From this perspective, the mother energy is defined as the first basic energy.

The mother energy is the guarantor of the cosmic world order, i.e., the finely-tuned and precise functioning and development of the manifested, multidimensional Cosmos, as this is a result of the cosmic basic energies and their specific combinations, and the effects of the so-called cosmic creative principles that also exist as potentialities within the mother energy.
The mother energy (X2) operates holistically and fully automatically according to the cosmic creative principles and their specific effect programs. These programs enable the transformation of immaterial initial reality (X0) into material objective reality (X3 obj.) and the experience of it as qualia/ subjective reality (X3 subj.). In this context, the cosmic creative principles function as form-creating effect constants/ morphogenetic effect constants.

The two main functions of the Mother Energy in summary:

  1. The mother energy generates, regulates and co-ordinates the six other basic/ working energies and operates them in a specific cosmochemical manner in a law-governed, structured cyclical flow of particular combinations, thereby enabling all forms of creation to be infinitely varied. This division and conversion of the mother energy, the so-called “split” of the mother energy will be presented in the next main section below.
  2.  The mother energy holds and operates via a number of so-called cosmic creative principles, also termed morphogenetic effect constants, which are formative and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality. For instance, we can empirically observe the effects of the mother energy’s morphogenetic effect constants in what we term the constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision, etc.

To summarize, the appropriate functioning of the manifested, multidimensional Cosmos is a result of the basic energies and the morphogenetic effect constants.
Read more about the mother energy.

The Split of the Mother Energy and the Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Six Basic/ Working Energies

The division and conversion of the mother energy and the law-governed structured flow of the six basic/ working energies into different specific combinations ‒ the so-called “split” of the mother energy ‒ occurs and is structured in the eternal body, (more on this subject below). This continuously ongoing process is an absolute and fundamental prerequisite for all forms of life, development and evolution. The six basic/ working energies are structured in six specific cosmochemical main combinations that follow a cyclical pattern, creating six different planes of existence with varying stages of development.
In other words, the six main combinations of the six basic/ working energies are a result of the continuously ongoing law-governed split/ division of the mother energy. This process follows a specific, predefined and consistent pattern that creates a cyclical flow for each of the six basic/ working energies. This flow has six main stages (see diagram below): a minimum stage, two growth stages, a maximum stage, two reduction stages, followed by a new minimum stage and so on. The pattern is cyclically repeated from minimum to maximum, to minimum, and so on … The flow of the six basic/ working energies is always structured in such a way that all six stages are invariably represented, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Detail of diagram “The Split of the Mother Energy” illustrating the structured flow of the Basic Energies © PBJ and NCP X-AIONS

Detail of diagram “The Split of the Mother Energy” illustrating the structured flow of the Basic Energies © PBJ and NCP X-AIONS

The diagram illustrates the cyclical flow of each basic energy, from left to right: instinct energy (red), expansion/ action energy (orange), contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), intelligence energy (green), intuition energy (blue), memory energy (light indigo) and the mother energy (violet, in the background) the source of them all.

  • The vertical perspective (from the bottom up) illustrates the never-ending cyclical flow of each energy, from minimum to maximum, to a new minimum and so on …
  • The horizontal perspective illustrates that all six stages are invariably represented at all levels.

The Primary and Supreme Cosmic Creative Principle
The split of the mother energy – the eternal, continuously ongoing automatic division and conversion of the mother energy is to be seen as the primary and supreme cosmic creative principle*. It is one of the basic prerequisites for all forms of creation.
* Definition by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Cosmic Chemistry
The nature and the split of the mother energy imply that the six basic/ working energies never appear separately, rather they always operate together in different combinations. Martinus terms this topic “cosmic chemistry”. The split/ division of the mother energy is fundamental and underlying all forms of cosmic chemistry, i.e. for everything created ‒ everything created consists of different cosmochemical combinations of the basic energies.

The Split of the Mother Energy from an Organic Perspective

Before we go further, let’s look at the split/ division of the mother energy from an organic perspective with the symbol (below) “The X-structure – The Living Being and the Organism (Xom3)” as starting point.

The X-Structure - The Living Being and The Organism (Xom3) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The X-Structure – The Living Being and The Organism (Xom3) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Comments to the symbol:
Note the text below refers especially to areas c, d and e on the symbol (Xom3) above.
c: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – mother energy level
d: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – the element of fate
e: the eternal body – secondary level, secondary psychic force field – the soul structure

The symbol (Xom3) illustrates the Total Organism Complex. In the eternal body, (primary level) area c we find the mother energy (violet) and in area d, the eternal body, (primary level, the element of fate) we find six open coloured circles with downward pointing rays that symbolize the six spiral centers also termed basic talent cores (or kernels). The six spiral centers/ talent cores constitute the six basic/ working energy centers of force; the center of instinct energy (red), the center of expansion/ action energy (orange), the center of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), the center of intelligence energy (green), the center of intuition energy (blue), the center of memory energy (light indigo).
It is via the six spiral centers/ basic talent cores that the mother energy is split, divided and converted into the six basic/ working energies.

Below areas c and d on the symbol, we find area e, the eternal body, (secondary level, the soul structure) with six coloured areas symbolizing the six paraphysical basic energy bodies*, one for each basic/ working energy: the body of instinct energy (red), the body of expansion/ action energy (orange)**, the body of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), the body of intelligence energy (green), the body of intuition energy (blue), the body of memory energy (light indigo). The structured flow of the basic energies in the six spiral centers is distributed “down” into these six basic energy bodies; i.e., the energy content in each of the basic energy bodies is determined by the energy distribution and flow from the corresponding spiral center (from the instinct center to the instinct body, etc.) The six basic energy bodies (eternal body secondary level, area e) are thus subordinate to the mother energy and the primary level of the eternal body (area c-d).

Note the text below refers especially to areas c, d and e on the symbol above.
c: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – mother energy level
d: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – the element of fate
e: the eternal body – secondary level, secondary psychic force field – the soul structure

*Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen also termed the six paraphysical basic energy bodies the “spiritual bodies” and “paraphysical bodies”.

** Martinus often expresses the paraphysical basic energy body of expansion/ action energy as the physical body, which is a simplified description based on the culmination of the expansion/ action energy in the physical expansion/ action plane of existence also termed the animal kingdom to which we humans belong. Martinus, however, in explaining his teachings to Per Bruus-Jensen strongly emphasized that the temporary physical body constitutes a separate unit that is linked to the paraphysical body via a semiphysical structure. This semiphysical structure functions as a transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary physical body and the paraphysical eternal body. With Martinus’ consent PBJ named this semiphysical structure the “switching body” (area f on the symbol).

The six paraphysical basic energy bodies constitute interacting organ systems that are integrated into each other and form a complex homogeneous paraphysical organ system (often expressed as the soul structure by Per Bruus-Jensen).

The specific combination of basic/ working energies within the six energy bodies in each individual life-unit, determines the current location of that individual’s life-unit in its ongoing eternal evolutionary process; its place in the so-called cosmic evolutionary spiral. This means that the specific cosmochemical combination of the basic/ working energies within an individual’s life-unit governs its level of consciousness and organism structure.

We will now return to the split of the mother energy and the six main combinations of the basic/ working energies.

• The Combinations of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence ‒ Overview

The diagram below illustrates the law-governed cyclical flow of the mother energy and the different combinations of the basic/ working energies. These six combinations generate six different physical and paraphysical planes of existence (also called natural kingdoms or realms) and each of them consists of different life forms with their corresponding energy combinations, (i.e. life-units with the dominance of instinct energy belong to the plane of existence in which the instinct energy dominates).

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Comments on the diagram:
Note: The mother energy, the primary and supreme basic energy, is often expressed with the number 7 from the perspective that it holds the other six basic/ working energies, which are numbered from 1-6, according to the diagram above.

The six vertical cone-shaped figures symbolize the six paraphysical basic energy bodies and their energy cycles – the law-governed flow of the basic energies. Reading the diagram from left to right:
1. The body of instinct energy (red), 2. body of expansion/ action energy (orange), 3. body of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), 4. body of intelligence energy (green), 5. body of intuition energy (blue), 6. body of memory energy (indigo) and the next coloured column shows the signature colour of the energy that is predominant at each level, followed by the name of the dominant energy and the name of the plane of existence each specific basic energy combination creates.

The number (20, 40, etc.) in each energy body indicates the impact factor and penetrative power of each basic energy. It is worth noting that the impact factor and penetrative power of the mother energy is 420 which is the sum of the six basic energies.

The upward-pointing arrow on the left side illustrates the passage of time. When the diagram is read vertically, from the bottom up, it is seen that each of the basic energy bodies goes through a growth and reduction process that (as previously mentioned) spans six stages: a minimum/ latent stage, two growth stages, a maximum/ culmination stage, two reduction stages (followed by a new minimum stage, and so on continuously, in an eternal cyclical process).
Reading horizontally, the diagram shows the six basic energy bodies and their different combinations in the six different planes of existence, I-VI.
The section between the two bold black horizontal lines comprises all six planes of existence and is termed a spiral cycle (expressed as a “spiral turn” on the right side of the diagram). Every new spiral cycle leads to completely new planes of existence with new dimensions, life forms, organisms and experiences.

The six planes of existence are named after their dominating basic energy: the instinct plane, the expansion/ action plane, the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane, the intelligence plane, the intuition plane and the memory plane. Martinus has also named the physical planes of existence based on how we, as humans, perceive them and the paraphysical planes according to the description of their state and characteristics.

I. The first basic energy combination on the left, the instinct energy is at the maximum stage = instinct plane also termed plant kingdom – physical status. Life-units with this energy combination represent what we know as plants.

II. Second combination: expansion/ action energy at maximum stage = expansion/ action plane also termed animal kingdom – physical status. Humans at the current level belong to this realm.

III. Third combination: contraction/ perception/ feeling energy at maximum stage = contraction/ perception/ feeling plane also termed real human kingdom (human kingdom) – transition zone/ plane; initially physical status then turns into paraphysical status.

IV. Fourth combination: intelligence energy at maximum stage = intelligence plane also termed wisdom kingdom – paraphysical status.

V. Fifth combination: intuition energy at maximum stage = intuition plane also termed divine kingdom – paraphysical status.

VI. Sixth combination: memory energy at maximum stage = memory plane also termed bliss and mineral kingdom – transition zone/ plane; initially paraphysical status then turns into physical status.

As stated above, there are two physical planes of existence (I and II), two paraphysical planes (IV and V) and two planes that constitute transition zones/ planes between physical and paraphysical existence (III) and between paraphysical and physical existence (VI).

We also refer to the two symbols below by Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen illustrating
The Combinations of the Six Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence.

Martinus' Symbol No. 12 © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 12, “The Combinations of the Basic Energies”* (© Martinus Institute DK), which is the basis of Per Bruus-Jensen’s symbol to its right. *The Eternal World Picture Volume I 

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence − Per Bruus-Jensen © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

“The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence” (No.5) − Per Bruus-Jensen © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Comments to the symbol (PBJ symbol No. 5):
The other coloured The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No.5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONScircle symbolizes the six planes of existence in the spiral cycle illustrated by the signature colour of the dominant basic energy in each plane. The red section at the bottom is the instinct plane or plant kingdom dominated by instinct energy ‒ followed on the right by orange: expansion/ action plane or animal kingdom dominated by expansion/ action energy ‒ yellow: the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane or real human kingdom dominated by contraction/ perception/ feeling energy ‒ green: the intelligence plane or wisdom kingdom dominated by intelligence energy ‒ blue: the intuition plane or divine kingdom dominated by intuition energy ‒ light indigo: the memory plane or bliss and mineral kingdom dominated by bliss and memory energy.
The six smaller circles illustrate the total energy combination at the culmination stage in each plane of existence.
We are not going to delve into this symbol for the moment but would like to note that the white colour (triangles and circle) symbolises X1 (the I/ subject) and the violet colour symbolises the mother energy X2 (the creative and experiential ability).

The six planes of existence constitute prerequisites and conditions for widely different forms of life and experiences and satisfy X1’s /the I’s primordial urge and its need for change and renewal according to the changing and renewal principle/ hunger and satiation principle.
We will return to the six planes of existence after an overview of the cosmic evolutionary spiral below.

• The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral

According to the Cosmic Worldview, the Cosmos is undergoing an eternal dynamic cyclical evolutionary process; the “Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral”, illustrated below by Martinus’ symbol no 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I. The ongoing result of the cosmic evolutionary spiral is the constant renewal and development of all forms of life – for all living beings an Eternal Evolution of Life and Consciousness.

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I (© Martinus Institute DK) 

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I – © Martinus Institute DK – The symbol on the right has been adjusted slightly for clarification.

Symbol No. 14: Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth:

The symbol illustrates seven sections or spiral cycles of the infinite and eternal Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral with physical and paraphysical planes of existence:

Red = Instinct plane (Plant kingdom)
Orange = Expansion/ Action plane (Animal kingdom)
Yellow = Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling plane (Real Human kingdom)
Green = Intelligence plane (Wisdom kingdom)
Blue = Intuition plane (Divine kingdom)
Pale indigo = Memory plane (Bliss and Mineral kingdom)

The seven spiral cycles/sections A, B, C, D, E, F, and G encompass different life forms with numerous organic structures and organisms, from the micro-cosmos A with elementary particles to the macro-cosmos F and G with solar systems and galaxies. Section D in the middle represents the so-called organism spiral cycle (also termed the organism spiral) at the meso-cosmos level including humanity’s current level of development.

These seven spiral cycles and main organism structures (A – G) are termed by Martinus as we know them from our human perspective: (Both terms “spiral cycle” and “spiral” are used by Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen.)

A. Elementary particle spiral cycle (elementary particle spiral) – elementary particles
B. Cell spiral cycle (cell spiral) – cells
C. Organ spiral cycle (organ spiral) – organs
D. Organism spiral cycle (organism spiral) – organisms
E. Planet spiral cycle (planet spiral) – planets
F. Solar system spiral cycle (solar system spiral) – solar systems
G. Galaxy spiral cycle (galaxy spiral) – galaxies

The seven main organism principles A to G are repeated endlessly in constantly renewed and varying versions, both “upwards” in the infinite macrocosm and “downwards” in the infinite microcosm. In addition to the seven main spiral cycles and organism principles (A – G) there are also several intermediate spiral cycles and organism principles representing different variants of the main spiral cycles and organism principles.

The symbol also illustrates how life organizes itself as “Life within Life”. This organic structuring is governed by the life-unit principle. The “life within life-effect” of this principle means that every being/ life-unit is both a macro-being and a micro-being:
– A macro-being which provides living space for micro-beings – and also
– A micro-being which gets its living space from a larger macro-being.
In this way, all living beings are vital to one another.
This organization of life implies an organic and holistic structure.

From our human perspective, we exist in the organism spiral and the Earth in the planet spiral is our primary macro-being, which is a micro-being in the solar system it exists in, which is a micro-being in the Galaxy and so on “upwards” in the macro-cosmos … In the other direction, we are macro-beings for the organs existing in our bodies, which are macro-beings for cells, which are macro-beings for elementary particles, and so on “downwards” in the micro-cosmos …

The type of organism that each organism principle (A – G) represents constitutes an extension of the I’s (X1’s) creator and experience ability (X2) − a tool that enables creation and experience, for example in the physical material world we know. One and the same organism principle (A – G) applies throughout an entire spiral cycle for each life-unit/ individual, but the organism evolves and adapts to the plane of existence that the individual belongs to.

You will find Martinus’ own explanation in The Eternal World Picture vol.1, symbol No. 14.

From Darkness to Light 

In every spiral cycle, the beings/ individuals experience a movement from darkness and ignorance to light and cosmic consciousness, and thereafter on to new experiences of darkness and light in new spiral cycles. Every new spiral cycle is experienced as a new variation. Martinus’ symbol No. 13 The Eternal World Plan below illustrates the periods of darkness and light in the spiral. The symbol is complex and very extensive, we will now just look at a few details.

The contrast between darkness and light is necessary for our ability to perceive and experience, and their interaction is an effect of the contrast principle (without contrast no experience).

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Symbol No. 13: Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth:
The outermost white and black circles at the edge of the symbol indicate the interaction between darkness and light in the six planes of existence, with the culmination of darkness in the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane, orange-dominated section). It is in this physical evolutionary phase that egoism and ignorance of the true nature of life are dominant, resulting in war, murder, torture, slavery, environmental damage etc., and beings killing and eating other beings who are day-conscious on the physical plane. This is in total contrast to the state of cosmic consciousness in the paraphysical planes of existence where light dominates (the culmination of light is in the intuition plane/ divine kingdom, blue-dominated section), characterized by ultimate knowledge and understanding of life and reality, altruism and unconditional love.

The next multicoloured circle (divided into six sections) illustrates the changing combinations of the basic energies, which form the “matter” that makes up and characterizes the six planes of existence. In other words, the six planes of existence consist of these specific basic energy combinations.

The red-dominated section at the bottom represents the instinct plane (plant kingdom), followed, to the right by the orange-dominated section representing expansion/ action plane (animal kingdom) – culmination of darkness, then the yellow-dominated section representing the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane (real human kingdom), the green-dominated section representing the intelligence plane (wisdom kingdom), the blue-dominated section representing the intuition plane (divine kingdom) – culmination of light, and the pale indigo-dominated section representing the memory plane (bliss and mineral kingdom).

The six rhomboid figures symbolize the combination of the basic energies in the living being’s organism and consciousness as a whole at its culmination level, as it appears in each of the six planes of existence.

Additional comment:
The white triangle in the center symbolizes the I (X1) of the infinite and all-encompassing Cosmos, the surrounding violet color symbolizes the mother energy (X2). The six white circles symbolize the I (X1) of an individual/ life-unit on each plane of existence (X3), and the rhomboid figures (connected to the white circles) illustrate the basic energy combination within each of these six beings/ individuals.

The Road towards Light
Before we go further, we shall briefly examine quick look at Martinus’ symbol No. 4 The Road towards Light (below), illustrating the development from darkness to light.
The symbol illustrates the evolutionary process from mineral to real human. The individual life-units/ beings evolve from mineral life forms into plant life forms, then on into animal life forms and from there into human life forms. These different forms of life constitute the epochs of evolution that we know in daily life under the concepts of the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom followed by the completely perfect or finished human kingdom.

Martinus’ symbol No. 4 The Road towards Light © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 4, The Road towards Light © Martinus Institute DK

Symbol No. 4: Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth:
The horizontal figure in three coloured vertical sections represents a section of the Cosmos, these three-part sections symbolize living beings/ life-units (the X-structure). The white area symbolizes the being’s eternal I (X1); the violet area symbolizes its mother energy (X2) and eternal cosmic structure (X2/X3); the coloured area symbolizes its temporary physical organism (X2/X3) and its consciousness (X3).
The figures increasing in size from left to right indicate the beings’ evolution. The coloured areas symbolize the following planes of existence: indigo – the mineral kingdom, red – the plant kingdom, orange – the animal kingdom, yellow – the real human kingdom.
The area between the thin vertical white line in the animal kingdom and the yellow area (the latter part of the animal kingdom) symbolizes the unfinished human* being’s zone of evolution.

*Martinus defines humans on Earth as ”unfinished human” from the perspective that we still belong to the animal kingdom (orange). We have not yet overcome our ignorance, egoism and characteristic animal behavior to the advantage of human mentality and behavior. The finished human beings, who constitute the real and correspondingly finished human kingdom (yellow), will be the outcome of the present unfinished human kingdom on Earth. Our path from darkness to light involves a multitude of incarnations in the animal kingdom …

The yellow ray that extends from a small star to a larger one symbolizes what Martinus terms the “religious principle”, which means guidance via so-called world-impulses from higher planes of existence (also conveyed on Earth by “teachers/ precursors” in different fields) successively adapted to our current level of development, (development, protection and parent principle). This stimulates the development of consciousness from a stage of belief in a deity, further on to materialism and atheism, and from there to cosmic consciousness.

The illustration of Earth at the top of the symbol is placed directly above the unfinished terrestrial human beings’ stage of evolution.

Detail of Martinus' symbol no 4

Detail of Martinus’ symbol No. 4

The small diagram in the lower left corner (detail to the right) illustrates that the unfinished, cosmically unconscious human being (the small triangle) experiences and understands only his/her physical organism and part of physical life and reality. Finished, cosmically conscious human beings (the larger triangle with rays) have superior capabilities enabling them to sense and experience both the physical and paraphysical structures; thereby the real nature of life and reality.

• Light and Darkness in the Six Planes of Existence

As explained earlier, the I /X1 (creator and experiencer) is driven by its primal urge (generated by the central need) to use its ability to create and experience X2, to transform the X0-nature (initial reality, unmanifested, immaterial, emptiness, stillness) into X3 the created and the experienced, represented by: objective reality X3 obj.; movement and quanta (the manifested Cosmos) – and the experience of it as qualia; subjective reality X3 subj.
This is fundamental and characteristic of all life. The primal urge, the “eternal driving force of life” is in its basic nature neutral and unspecified as it targets all types of experience, both what we, from our human perspective here and now, designate as “pleasant” and “unpleasant”. The I /X1 has the ability to feel the difference between pleasure/comfort and unpleasure/ pain and chooses to strive for the forms of experience that are experienced as pleasant. Through interaction between the contrast principle (X2) and the primal urge, the I/X1 gains access to an infinite number of creations and experience possibilities based on contrasts (pleasure/comfort – unpleasure/pain, black – white, good – evil, etc.). The interaction between the primal urge and the contrast principle is present in everything created and experienced (X3). The infinite and eternal spiral cycles with all planes of existence are characterized by contrasts: ignorance – high intellectuality, evil – love, darkness – light, comfort – discomfort etc.

The contrast principle interacts with a sub-principle that creates dynamics; the changing and renewal principle/ hunger and satiation principle. This principle gives rise to a need for renewal, resulting in a flow of states of hunger and satiation, thereby specifying the primordial urge, governing the individual’s intention, desire and goal orientation. The life-unit feels a specific hunger/longing for something which leads to goal-oriented activity, that leads to satisfaction, which is then followed by satiation, and a new hunger/longing begins and so on…. These processes lead to continuous changing and renewal effects both external (environmental) and internal (mental, psychological) and also in the individual organic structure and organism development. It is the above-mentioned factors and processes that create the powerful longing for the “light”; peace and love that more and more people on Earth are feeling, we are saturated and exhausted by the “darkness”; war, suffering and egoism.
And it is those same processes and forces that once made us long for the darkness as a necessary contrast to the world of love and light in the paraphysical planes of existence where we had lived for long periods of time.

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DKIt should be added that the most severe darkness and suffering is mainly found in the animal kingdom (which constitutes 1/6 of the total spiral cycle) when the life-units are day-conscious in the physical world. As we know, however, all existence in the animal kingdom is not characterized by cruelty and suffering, there is also love and light, and during sleep when we are night-conscious, we rest from the hard physical world.

It should also be emphasized that between our physical incarnations, we live in the paraphysical worlds where we experience love and light and may rest from the physical darkness and suffering. From these perspectives, the animal kingdom is not completely dominated by darkness, despite all wars, suffering, egoism, etc. that are highly present here (more about this later).

The Cycles of “Hunger and Satiation” – main Stages of the Change and Renewal Process

The Cycles of  “Hunger and Satiation” –  main Stages of the Change and Renewal Process

The diagram illustrates how X1 /the I and its primordial urge (PU) in interaction with the contrast principle (X2) – black and white circle – creates experiences of pleasure/ comfort/ enjoyment and unpleasure/ discomfort/ pain (X3), and the cycle of hunger and satiation (effects of the hunger and satiation/ changing and renewal principle) at its four main stages:
1. Hunger, desire 2. Effort, work to achieve the desired 3. Satisfaction, reward, pleasure, enjoyment 4. Satiation and tediousness that leads to a new cycle of hunger, desire and so on …

Selected Cosmological and Ontological Terms and Concepts

To understand life and reality on the six planes of existence, it is necessary to become familiar with some cosmological and ontological terms and concepts: we recommend you follow the LINK below to the supplementary texts regarding sections 1, 2 and 3 before continuing reading on this page.

 LINK to Supplementary Texts
Appendix link 5

  1. States and Levels of Consciousness: Day-consciousness and Night-consciousness, Primary consciousness and Secondary consciousness, Day-conscious (primary state of life/being) and Night-conscious (secondary state of life/being), Cosmic consciousness, Cosmically conscious and Cosmically unconscious, Primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos and Secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, Primary day-conscious zone of the Cosmos
  2. The Pole-Structures the Transformation of the Poles, One-poled state and Double-poled state
  3. Reincarnation, the Reincarnation principle

• Cosmic Paths of Evolution

Before going further, we provide a brief introduction to the Cosmic Paths of Evolution.

Within the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral and the different planes of existence, there is an infinite number of so-called Cosmic Paths of Evolution, and we only know a very small number of these and their life forms. Below is a very brief explanation (adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth) of Martinus’ symbol No. 29 illustrating “Cosmic Paths of Evolution”.

Martinus’ symbol No. 29, “Cosmic Paths of Evolution”, © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 29, “Cosmic Paths of Evolution”, © Martinus Institute DK

The Cosmos contains an infinitude of living beings and different paths of evolution, one of which is represented by terrestrial mankind. Other beings corresponding to our level of development (“earth-human stage”) naturally have completely different structures and forms of organisms from ours. Just as the organisms of terrestrial mankind are created and adapted for life on Earth, other human organisms of other planets are adapted to function within the astronomical situation of those planets and their life conditions.
The symbol represents parts of the eternal life of living beings. The red colored area at the bottom of the staircase formation symbolizes parts of the instinct plane of existence, known to us as the plant kingdom. The following orange area illustrates the expansion/action plane of existence – the animal kingdom where we humans still belong. And the yellow area symbolizes the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane of existence – the real human kingdom. The white mist takes over and hides the continuation of the real human kingdom and can be interpreted as a representation of life passing from the physical to the paraphysical state.
The white mist that surrounds the staircase formation also symbolizes the I or X1 of all living beings. The slight hint of violet at the sides of the diagram symbolizes the beings’ creative and experiential ability or X2. The colored sections (red, orange, yellow) symbolize the beings’ organisms or X3 (from the perspective of the created) constituting the above-mentioned realms (plant kingdom/ red, animal kingdom/ orange, real human kingdom/ yellow).
The patterned stripes on the “stairs” symbolize various cosmic paths of evolution. The beings of every single path constitute a particular species with its particular characteristics. Most of the infinite numbers of paths of evolution in the Cosmos do not come into contact with Earth, but with other planets and worlds in eternal and infinite space.
The fifth path of evolution from the right symbolizes the “mammalian path”, to which the terrestrial human being belongs.
The fourth and sixth paths of evolution from the right symbolize the paths of insects and birds respectively.

• Life on the Six Planes of Existence ‒ Overview


In this overview, we will focus primarily on the two physical realms that we know from our human perspective* as the plant kingdom (instinct plane) and the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane), as well as the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane) that we are heading towards (this is a transitionary plane; initially having physical status and then attaining paraphysical status).
*From this human perspective we will mostly use the designations ‘plant kingdom’, ‘animal kingdom’ etc. in the following text.

It should be emphasized that there are no clear-cut boundaries between the different planes of existence; the transitions are soft and gradual. This also means that there is some repetition of certain passages in the descriptions of the different planes of existence, which also aims to show comparative contexts and create an overview.
We recommend reading the brief overview outlining the specific characteristics of the qualitative basic energies in connection with the description of the six different planes of existence below (with special focus on the dominant energy on each plane).

The following two central and important topics, briefly highlighted in the text, will be presented in more detail after the overview of the six planes of existence:

Reincarnation, the Principle of Reincarnation
The Transformation of the Poles and the Sexual Evolution

And finally, we would like to emphasize that Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen have written 1000s of pages on these subjects and our texts and material are to be seen as an overall and very concise summary of selected parts. We also focus on presenting information that Martinus conveyed to Per Bruus-Jensen during his intensive private tuition (1958-1968), which we find very significant, as much of this material is not included in Martinus’ own literature, (see also Supplementary Information …).

INSTINCT PLANE — Plant Kingdom

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Instinct Plane (Plant Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Instinct Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Instinct Beings’ (Plants) Six Basic Energy Bodies. —
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Instinct energy (red, impact factor 20) characteristics: automation, autonomy, automatic functions, tropisms, habitual patterns, routines, virtuosity, traditionalism, rituals, ability to believe even fanaticism, dogmatism.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Instinct Plane - NCP X-AIONS

Life forms/ beings with the above basic energy combination represent the Instinct Plane (Plant Kingdom) and are day-conscious (primary state) at the paraphysical level and night-conscious (secondary state) at the physical level. These individuals have cosmic consciousness, and their day-conscious lives (primary state of life) in the paraphysical world are dominated by their memory/ bliss energy with its strong impact and penetrative power 100, (the intuition energy is waning, but due to its strong penetrating power [120] it still has a significant influence). Plant beings/ instinct individuals live in a wonderful paraphysical world of bliss, joy, light, memories* and intuition, but also with a growing longing for contrast to this “paradise”. Even in the most wonderful conditions, in time, a feeling of saturation arises along with a need for contrast (without contrast, there is no experience …). This is an effect of the interaction between the primordial urge, the contrast principle and the changing and renewal principle (also termed hunger and satiation principle).

For beings/ life-units in the instinct realm/ plant kingdom this saturation and longing had already begun in the previous memory plane/ bliss and mineral kingdom.  (Already in the latter part of the intuition plane/ divine kingdom, the necessity of entering a new physical phase begins to be noticeable.) After eons spent on paraphysical planes of existence dominated by love and light in a harmonic double-poled state, they need contrast to be able to experience further. Their strong memory energy reinforces this longing by enabling them to remember their previous existence in the physical world, which occurs through so-called gold-copies*, and physical existence becomes desirable with new development opportunities and challenges.
A renewed return and establishment into the physical world characterized by “heavy” physical matter, one-poled state, egoism, reincarnation, etc., provides the necessary contrast to paraphysical existence. Per Bruus-Jensen expresses this evolutionary phase symbolically and concisely as “a required and vital development process from the paraphysical light to the physical darkness”.

* gold-copies: cosmic, chemically processed and refined sections of accumulated experiences and memories (processed and “refined” memory-talent cores) that give rise to a state of bliss and pleasure (to be explained later in the section that deals with the bliss and mineral kingdom).

Martinus poetically declares: As long as a flower exists, the memory of a higher world cannot be erased. And Per Bruus-Jensen continues: The beauty of plants is a physical reflection of the light in the paraphysical world in which they are day-conscious (primary state).

Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 1 NCP X-AIONS
Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 2 NCP X-AIONS
Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 3 NCP X-AIONS

In its night-conscious/ secondary state, the instinct/ plant being is establishing itself on the physical plane. It slowly develops its physical organism and over time perceives and senses more and more of the physical world. The goal for the instinct or plant being is to develop its physical organism so that it is able to support and retain its consciousness and thereby become day-conscious in the physical world. When it reaches this stage, it is referred to as an animal, i.e., the plant stage in the plant kingdom has transformed into animal stage in the animal kingdom. The increasing expansion/ action energy and contraction/ perception/ feeling energy strongly support this process. Physical matter, organisms and activities are primarily based on the interaction between these two basic energies, which enable establishment, manifestation and “awakening”, perception, experience and communication in the physical world.

The instinct plane/ plant kingdom constitutes a transition zone where beings/ life-units develop and prepare themselves for a future day-conscious life (primary state of life) in the physical world to which they will react and adapt automatically, strongly supported by their maximum capacity of instinct energy. The instinct energy implies vague, unclear and more or less diffuse experiences which are interpreted by the instinct being’s I (X1) as comfort (favorable) or discomfort (unfavorable), and its primordial urge’s pursuit of comfort/pleasure leads to a gradual development of the being’s abilities, and influences its behaviour.

The instinct beings react to external influences (sound, vibration, touch, wind, atmosphere, light, etc.) and these reactions occur spontaneously and automatically. The I (X1) of the instinct being is thus able, via its instinct energy (X2), to translate external influences into subjective knowledge (X3) and, based on this, develop appropriate automatic functions/ tropisms. For example, plants automatically Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 4 NCP X-AIONSreact to their physical environment; they open and turn to light and close to rain and darkness, their roots extend towards water etc. These and other tropisms are mainly effects of the instinct energy. Automatic functions are based on instinct energy and also here memory energy (with its archiving function) and the talent core principle are of great significance.

In other words, the plants’ night-conscious/ secondary state in the physical world dominated by instinct energy implies that the plant gradually begins to sense and experience the physical world and successively undergoes an “awakening process” on the physical plane.

During the plant kingdom, various defense methods against the physical environment are developed such as thorns, bristles, toxins, camouflage colors and patterns etc. And the wind prepares the plantPlant Kingdom Instinct Plane 5 NCP X-AIONS being over time so that it can move independently which is very important in the next realm, the animal kingdom, not least in order to escape, fight and attack.

Plants communicate in different ways and they can “support” each other, through their roots, for instance. They create physical expressions in the form of high-frequency sounds (which we can, at least partly, technically register), and express themselves using these sounds to convey, for example, when they are dehydrated or damaged. Research shows, for example, that the sounds differ depending on what happens to the plant and which species it belongs to. Another example of the establishment of plants in the physical world is the development of a sense of “smell” by which they have the ability to perceive organic molecules that are spread through the air, and they recognize molecules that they themselves and other plants produce. They can, for example, perceive molecules that other plants secrete when they are attacked by pests, and in this way, plants in the vicinity of pest-affected plants can be warned and activate defense mechanisms even before they are attacked.
Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 6 NCP X-AIONS

Plants don´t need much physical nutrition to establish themselves and survive on the physical level. Plants which take most of their nutrients from the air via their aerial roots are an example of this.
Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 7 NCP X-AIONSThe need for physical nourishment culminates in the animal kingdom. It should be added that there are also carnivorous individuals on the instinct plane (i.e. they eat life-units/ individuals who are day-conscious on the physical plane, known to us as “animals”) which is a sign of an approach to the animal kingdom where meat-eating is common for longer or shorter periods (however, there is an infinite number of versions depending on the different cosmic paths of evolution).

The development of one-poled state, i.e. sex and gender division begins in the plant kingdom (and culminates in the animal kingdom).Plant Kingdom Instinct Plane 8 NCP X-AIONS. We can, for example, observe this in plants with stamens and pistils in the same flower, and plants with both male and female flowers (also different kinds of pollination systems etc.) which is necessary for their establishment and survival in the physical world. Plant reproduction implies a physical materialization process, a type of elementary reincarnation. The reincarnation process then develops further and becomes most tangible in the animal kingdom where it culminates for example, in the mammalian stage.

Growing - New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS Instinct Plane 9The materialization and establishment of a new organism principle in the physical world begin automatically on the instinct plane of existence (plant kingdom). The autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-T) are a crucial prerequisite for this process and are created at the paraphysical planes of existence (intuition plane and intelligence plane) before the coming transition into a new organism principle. All the new AO-TC are developed and specialized for the new organism structure and its basic and essential functions, features and future development. They contain complete programs that are later activated and function completely automatically in the realization of the new organism principle in physical matter, which occurs entirely without the individual’s day-conscious volition and participation.

In summary, the plant kingdom (instinct plane) entails a gradual transition of day-consciousness (primary consciousness) from the paraphysical world to the physical world – an “awakening process” towards the physical plane of existence. When an individual has become day-conscious in the physical world, it belongs to the animal kingdom. This transition involves a loss of cosmic consciousness (individuals in the animal kingdom are cosmically unconscious).


Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Expansion/ Action Plane (Animal Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Expansion/ Action Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Expansion/ Action Beings’ (Animals) Six Basic Energy Bodies. —
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Expansion/ Action energy (orange, impact factor 40) characteristics: expansion, action, dynamism, manifestation, acting outwards, explosion, acceleration, heat, the main component of physical matter, “mass-function”; responsible for what we term mass and the Higgs field. In consciousness, this energy is emotionally expressed as aggressiveness, ruthlessness, egoism, destructive actions, cruelty, even to harm and kill living beings.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Expansion/ Action Plane (Animal Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Life forms/ individuals with the above illustrated basic energy combination represent the Expansion/ Action Plane (Animal Kingdom). The cosmically unconscious individuals/ life-units are one-poled and day-conscious (primary state) on the physical plane and night-conscious (secondary state) on the paraphysical plane. The previous instinct being has thereby developed into an expansion/ action being. From our human and known perspective, this means that the plant has become an animal and is day-conscious (primary state) in the physical world.

Overall, the animal kingdom is characterized by the development of complex physical organisms and physical activities. Reincarnation and the organic development into a one-poled state (sex and gender division), which began in the plant kingdom, culminate here and then subside. This is followed by the organic development of a new double-poled state and when this Animal Kingdom EA Plane 1 NCP X-AIONSevolutionary process is completed, the individual transitions from the animal kingdom into the real human kingdom. The double-poled state can briefly be described as androgynous with a combination of and balance between male/ masculinity and female/ femininity, which means that a new kind of human being is about to evolve. (See the pole-structures: the transformation of the poles, one-poled state and double-poled state).
The latter part of the animal kingdom entails the development and transition from darkness, egoism and ignorance to light, love, high intellectuality and awareness which are characteristics of the following real human kingdom. We, humans of today, are at the end of the complex animal kingdom.

This text refers mainly to the development of humans on Earth, who represent only one of the infinite number of life forms at the expansion/ action plane of existence.

Animal Kingdom EA Plane 2 NCP X-AIONS
Animal Kingdom EA Plane 3 NCP X-AIONS
Animal Kingdom EA Plane 4 NCP X-AIONS

As can be seen from the diagram, in the animal kingdom the instinct energy decreases, expansion/ action energy culminates, and the contraction/ perception/ feeling energy increases. This basic energy combination underlies complex physical organisms. Over time, the increasing contraction/ perception/ feeling energy also implies a development from egoism (based on expansion/ action energy) to altruism (based on contraction/ perception/ feeling energy). The intelligence energy is also increasing, and this energy is neutral. The results and Animal Kingdom EA Plane 5 NCP X-AIONSeffects of the intelligence energy depend on how we use it. Intelligence energy in combination with a predominance of expansion/ action energy, results, for example, in the creation of atomic weapons and instruments of torture, Animal Kingdom EA Plane 6 NCP X-AIONSand in combination with predominately contraction/ perception/ feeling energy results in the creation of, for instance, life-giving and health-promoting instruments and equipment, etc.

Animal Kingdom EA Plane 7 NCP X-AIONSMan is now in a dangerous phase; the intelligence energy is often used for destructive, selfish purposes, to create power and financial gain. This has caused and continues to cause dangerous and dire consequences for humans, animals, environment and climate. In effect, the whole planet is seriously affected.

The weak position of intelligence (first increasing stage), intuition (minimum stage) and memory energy* (second decreasing stage) indicates that man is still practically unaware of the paraphysical and intellectual side of existence. Materialism and physicalism dominate, and the paraphysical reality is unknown to us. We do not understand the real nature of life and reality, but we are on the way to a sweeping change; the intelligence energy and the intuition energy (with their high impact factors 80 and 120) will successively increase while the expansion/ action energy decreases and the contraction/ perception / feeling energy increases. This development implies crucial advances and changes in our psyche and mentality, which entails that egoism will gradually be replaced by altruism at the same time as an increasing awareness of life and reality will evolve and become established.

* The decreasing memory energy also means, for example, that normally we do not remember previous lives – in fact, most of us even have difficulty remembering various events and parts of our current life …

The animal kingdom is dominated by the expansion/ action energy and characterized by a dominant focus on the physical world with associated physical activities. However, it must be emphasized that the instinct energy (that dominates in the plant kingdom/ instinct plane), also governs and controls many processes and functions of animal beings, complex automatic functions are crucial for the life and development of animal beings.
In the animal kingdom prevails what Per Bruus-Jensen expresses as the “principle of egoism and killing”. The animal kingdom with its maximum of expansion/ action energy represents the “darkness” in the spiral cycle, dominated by egoism, ignorance, lust for power, suffering etc. This realm constitutes a necessary contrast to the other planes of existence which represent the “light” in the spiral cycle, dominated by brilliant intelligence and knowledge, intuition, altruism, unconditional love, etc.
However, as previously described, the animal kingdom does not only mean darkness and suffering. There is also plenty of happiness, love, and light in the awake day-conscious/ primary state at the physical level as well as during sleep in the night-conscious/ secondary state when we visit the paraphysical planes. During the period between two physical incarnations (after death and before birth), life continues in paraphysical planes of existence, which implies a regenerating life dominated by love and light. In other words, after death we become temporary guests or visitors in the paraphysical worlds where we also receive guidance before we re-incarnate in the physical world. These paraphysical periods between lives in the physical world are often likened to a wonderful and relaxing summer vacation from the hard school of physical existence (more on this topic later).

Animal Kingdom EA Plane 8 NCP X-AIONSAs mentioned earlier, terrestrial mankind can be illustrated by the Sphinx; a mixture of animal and human, embodying the mentality and behavior of both.

The terrestrial human being is not an animal in the purest sense, but he/she is not a finished human being either. He/she is a wounded refugee between two kingdoms.

The Law of Movement – Martinus’ symbol no 15 – © Copyright Martinus Institut

The Law of Movement – Martinus’ symbol no 15 – © Copyright Martinus Institut

There are many factors that work together in the evolutionary phase of development from animal to what Martinus terms “real human being”. Two of the most important factors are the transformation of the poles and the principle of karma (the law of karma). According to the cycle principle and the law of movement, every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path which means that it returns to its source. This also underlies the principle of karma (destiny principle); everything that we “send out” (every action, thought, feeling, etc.) returns to us sooner or later (in this or further life/existence). The energy always returns to its source in one form or another – the law of cause and effect/karma.
In the animal kingdom, where egoism and recklessness prevail, these principles cause a great deal of suffering. However, all the suffering that the animal being experiences leads it to develop the capacity for compassion and pity, which over time generates a change in behavior; egoism will gradually be replaced by altruism. In this way, karma means teaching, and suffering takes on meaning; it develops compassion. Martinus really emphasizes the importance of always trying to relieve suffering in all its forms, (if we ignore it, if we don’t care about it, we ourselves will be met by an equivalent or similar response). Another important and stimulating development factor is the so-called Cosmic World-Impulses, through which guidance and teaching are conveyed by various “predecessors/ teachers”, such as Sufi masters, Rama, Krishna, Jesus and Buddha amongst many others. Their knowledge and messages have often been related in a simplified and metaphorical way through myths and parables, adapted so that people would be able to grasp the knowledge through the frame of reference and general level of development of their time.*

* Development, Protection and Parent principle (the principle for the formation of development, protection and teaching) – effect: all forms of development (e.g. physical, biological, psychological, emotional, intellectual), protection, parenting, caring, health and social care, leadership, guidance, teaching, education, school and education systems, etc. The principle also entails comprehensive protection and responsibility for all forms of development in a greater perspective including evolution. In this context, what Martinus terms the religious principle should be mentioned. This implies guidance via so-called world-impulses from higher planes of existence (also conveyed on Earth by “teachers/ precursors” in different fields) successively adapted to our current level of development. This stimulates the development of consciousness from a stage of belief in a deity, further on to materialism and atheism, and from there to cosmic consciousness. From belief to knowing ….

During the animal kingdom, beings evolve from elementary to increasingly complex life forms with specialized organisms. We will focus on our own organism development (describing the so-called repetition, autonomous-talent cores, teleostats, etc.) further on in the section on Reincarnation.

Animal Kingdom EA Plane 9 NCP X-AIONS A large part of the suffering in the animal kingdom is caused by the fact that food, in many cases consists of organs and parts from the bodies of other living beings, and here we can also add various forms of exploitation and abuse of physical organisms, such as in the fur industry, “entertainment” (game and trophy hunting, bullfighting, etc.). The need for physical nourishment culminates in the animal kingdom where we find carnivorous life-units/ individuals, which means, briefly and generally speaking, they eat other beings/life-units who are day-conscious on the physical plane which causes great suffering. Animal Kingdom EA Plane10 NCP X-AIONSLater in their development these individuals leave the carnivorous stage and become vegetarians, vegans and fruitarians. After a period of continued development in the next realm, the real human kingdom, individuals need only lighter, more subtle nutrients which they absorb from the air. This is characteristic of many life forms within the transition zone between the physical and paraphysical stages. In this case, the life-unit/ animal moves further into paraphysical existence and becomes day-conscious (primary state) on the paraphysical plane (real human kingdom). This can be compared with plants/ instinct beings which are day-conscious (primary state) on the paraphysical plane while establishing themselves on the physical plane. Many of these take nourishment from the air through their aerial roots.
The abovementioned process for humans involves very extensive and comprehensive organic development and changes in our internal organs. For instance, our digestive organs (dominated by expansion/ action energy) will slowly diminish and degenerate, while our lungs (dominated by contraction/ perception/ feeling energy) and their capacity will develop and increase, at the same time as our physical body gradually becomes more and more androgynous (the ongoing transformation of the poles).

This phase of development — when our expansion/ action energy (associated with egoistic and destructive behavior) decreases, and we begin to achieve a balance between our increasing contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (associated with altruistic and loving behavior) and intelligence energy — opens up within us the ability to use the intuition energy. Our “heavy and solid” physical bodies will undergo a gradual refining process over time that allows us to organically receive and handle greater amounts of the strong intuition energy.

In this context, we shall very briefly mention a few examples of our physical bodily structures, systems and senses from the perspective of the most associative and/or dominant basic energy in these:
  • Skin and muscles – instinct energy.
  • Digestive system / Stomach and intestinal system – expansion/ action energy (characterized by degradation and “killing” qualities and effects): The digestive organs, which are adapted to dense and animal-based foods, will diminish as expansion/ action energy decreases. At the same time, our physical bodies will be gradually refined as our nutritional requirements become more and more subtle. This process signifies development according to the principle of “least possible killing,” which means minimizing and finally stopping the killing of other living beings (especially those that are day-conscious on the physical plane) for food and other purposes.
  • Respiratory system/ Blood system and lungs – contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (characterized by “life-giving” qualities and effects): The diminishing of the digestive system alongside the simultaneous increase of the respiratory system is a characteristic of the development from the animal stage (dominated by expansion/ action energy) to the real human stage (dominated by contraction/ perception/ feeling energy).
  • Brain structure and nervous system – intelligence energy.
  • Hair, nails, bones, teeth* – memory energy (mineral plane).
    * In the parts of these in which we have no sensation e.g. hair (excluding root). 
  • Senses: Taste – instinct energy, Smell – expansion/ action energy, Touch – contraction/ perception/ feeling energy, Sound – intelligence energy, Sight – intuition energy.

The increasing and powerful intelligence energy has greatly influenced our lives in the physical world in general. For instance, our ability to communicate with each other. Already in the plant kingdom, individuals begin to express themselves using various physical high-frequency sounds (see Instinct plane above). This continues with the development of various specialized sounds in the animal kingdom; sound expressions that we humans later develop into a nuanced spoken and written language. Animal Kingdom EA Plane 11 NCP X-AIONSWe have also created different ways to communicate technically, by conveying words and images, for example, via telephone, radio, TV, telefax, computers, mobile phones, internet, etc. (communication which today takes place more or less immediately and independently of physical distances all over the globe).Animal Kingdom EA Plane 12 NCP X-AIONS IT, VR, AI development, etc. is extensive, pervasive and very quickly expanding – and all this is just the very beginning.
Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen described much of this development years ago and explained that it is to be seen as a preliminary stage and experimental training for the development of our future ability to communicate telepathically; to be able to communicate with each other directly via our thoughts and feelings without physical language or technical equipment, as well as being able to move instantly “from one place to another” in a paraphysical “world of states” (beginning in the real human kingdom) which will replace the physical world of time and distances in which we live here and now. (More on this subject in the section The Real Human Kingdom.)

During the latter part of the animal kingdom, up until the real human kingdom, humanity’s existential and religious orientation, perception of God and worldview undergo several stages, which are governed and developed by the gradual flow of their basic energy combinations. Below, is a very brief outline of the characteristics of three of these “existential main stages”:

  1. Man believes in God, a governing and judging deity – Traditional religious belief systems – based on instinct energy domination.
  2. Man believes in coincidence and chance – Traditional atheism and materialism – based on unbalanced and limited intelligence energy domination, (thereby also resulting in belief systems).
  3. Man realizes that all forms of life are immortal life-units, unique parts of the infinite and all-embracing Divine Cosmos – Cosmic consciousness – based on intuition energy domination.

Original short version by Per Bruus-Jensen:
Man believes in God – Man does not believe in God – Man realizes that she/he is a part of God.

Before we go further with the paraphysical planes of existence, there follows a brief introduction to facilitate a general understanding of the subject.

A Brief Introduction to

Paraphysical structures and dimensions comprise “finer”, more subtle forms of energy and matter, with extremely high frequencies, based on and functioning according to different constants and laws of nature, compared to the physical world we know. The physical dimension implies a “world of distances” and the paraphysical dimension is a “non-local world of conditions/states”. The real human kingdom implies a transition from a physical “universe of distances” to a paraphysical “universe of conditions/states”.
The quantum vacuum represents a “doorway” into worlds and dimensions beyond our present knowledge of space and time etc. which can help us to get a little bit closer to an increasing understanding of both the physical and the paraphysical worlds, how they are interconnected and the transition between them.

We are also reminded that the X-Structure and the paraphysical reality cannot be described in the conventional sense via physical concepts and illustrations. In this context the Danish physicist Niels Bohr can be mentioned, who introduced a “picture ban” in the light of the fact that quantum mechanics cannot be illustrated through physical images etc., but rather via formulas. Thus, concepts, diagrams, texts etc. are merely to be seen as educational aids to facilitate the understanding of the real nature of life and reality, on the way to an intuitive understanding …


Detail of diagram, The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Detail of diagram, The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

(Numbers I-VI on the left side of the diagram)

I. Instinct plane (plant kingdom) – physical status.
II. Expansion/ action plane (animal kingdom) – physical status.
III. Contraction/ perception/ feeling plane (real human kingdom) – transition zone/ plane; initially physical status then turns into paraphysical status.
IV. Intelligence plane (wisdom kingdom) – paraphysical status.
V. Intuition plane (wisdom kingdom) – paraphysical status.
VI. Memory plane (bliss and mineral kingdom) – transition zone/ plane; initially paraphysical status then turns into physical status.

For most people, it is difficult to understand life and existence in the paraphysical planes of existence which are worlds of conditions/states (not tied to space-time geometry). These worlds are very different from our day-conscious/ primary state of life in the physical distance-related world we know.

Communication and Interaction at the Paraphysical level
In order to more easily understand paraphysical existence, we shall briefly describe the communication and interaction between two individuals called A (“sender”) and B (“receiver”) in these paraphysical planes of existence. It should also be added that after the death of the physical body, our life continues in the paraphysical world until we reincarnate again in the physical world (i.e. between two physical incarnations).
What A (sender) wants to convey becomes directly “visible” by being manifested in paraphysical matter (materialization) and this becomes completely real for B (receiver). What A wants to convey takes shape as a completely realistic and natural sequence of events, and B is surrounded and directly present in this scenery and participates in it. Communication at the paraphysical level is “direct and immediate” (or can be described as a form of instant telepathic communication).
This direct communication can be compared to communication in the physical world which is “indirect communication”, where the individuals’ communication is limited by the laws of nature in the physical world, the individual’s sensory organs, language, interpretation of words and stimuli, experiences, imagination, capabilities, levels of development etc. In other words, in the physical world, the sender’s (A) message is interpreted by the receiver (B) and this interpretation is dependent on physical conditions and the receiver’s (B) individual abilities, conditions etc.
On the paraphysical level, however, what A conveys (a special event, for example) coincides and co-exists with what B experiences, and as a whole, a realistic scenario is created (there are no “intermediaries” or “gaps” here). This also means that B’s reactions to the event that A conveys become directly visible to B and result in B becoming a co-actor. This leads to a mutual and direct interaction between A and B who together become both sender and receiver.
The paraphysical event that is related to A and B merges into a whole that they both directly experience, jointly maintain and further develop. This means that the individuals experience a feeling of “we”; an experience of “oneness ” and strong community. In the physical world of indirect communication and interaction however, there is a much greater sense of separation and loneliness; “I and the others”. In this connection we can relate to the two expressions ”alone” and “all one”: we feel “alone” in the physical planes of existence and are “all one” in the paraphysical planes of existence.
All life-units are parts of the infinite wholeness Cosmos (the life-unit principle and the structure of entanglement). In the paraphysical planes of existence individuals are aware of this, unlike in physical existence which often involves a lot of pain and suffering).

Diagram illustrating communication and interaction at the paraphysical level

Communication and Interaction at the Paraphysical level © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Communication and Interaction at the Paraphysical level © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The diagram above illustrates two individuals/ life-units (A and B) who, through their individual paraphysical structures (D), are in direct mutual communication and interaction with each other by using and influencing paraphysical energy/matter (M) materialization. This interaction and materialization process creates experiences (X3 subj. = Y) for both individuals (A and B). Through the direct communication and interaction between A and B, their experiences become practically identical in terms of character and content. The fact that paraphysical matter (M) is directly affected by both A/D and B/D also contributes to this.

In Conclusion

  • At the paraphysical level individuals/ life-units are in direct communication and interaction with each other.
  • Instead of existing in separate worlds individuals collectively maintain one paraphysical world that they are engaged in and characterize. This means that the paraphysical world is created through direct interaction between individuals using and influencing paraphysical energy/matter (materialization and dematerialization processes).
  • Mutual interaction between individuals in the paraphysical world thus means the establishment of a common objective world that they continuously create and develop in paraphysical matter (objective status). Of course, each individual/ life-unit has subjective experiences (X3 subj.) of this objective world (X3 obj.), i.e., as always, the I/X1 experiences through its creative and experiential ability/X2 a subjective version/X3 subj. of the objective world/X3 obj.


Detail of the Split of the Mother energy: Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane (Real Human Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Beings’ (Real Humans) Six Basic Energy Bodies. —
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling energy (yellow, impact factor 60) characteristics: contraction, perception, registering, reception, regulation of dynamics, acting inwards, receiving activities, implosion, retardation, coldness, condensing effect, “gravity-function”. In consciousness, this energy is emotionally expressed as sensitivity, empathy, sympathy, altruism, life-giving and loving actions.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother energy: Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane (Real Human Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Life forms/ individuals with the above illustrated basic energy combination represent the Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane (Real Human Kingdom also termed the Human Kingdom) and the individuals have cosmic consciousness. The real human kingdom is a transition plane; the first part of this realm has physical status and later turns into paraphysical status. This means that the being’s/ life-unit’s day-consciousness (primary consciousness) transitions from the physical plane to the paraphysical plane. Consequently, this is a transition in the opposite direction compared to the instinct realm/ plant kingdom where the individuals’ day-consciousness (primary consciousness) transitions from the paraphysical world to the physical world (when this process is completed, they are referred to as animals and day-conscious (primary state of life) in the physical animal kingdom).

This text refers mainly to the development of humans, who represent only one of the infinite number of life forms at the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane of existence.

Terrestrial humanity still belongs to the animal kingdom, but the animal stage is degenerating very strongly in favour of the beginning of the real human kingdom, which Martinus estimates will be established on Earth in about three thousand years. It is worth mentioning that from Earth’s perspective (according to its position in the planet principle), these three thousand years equal approximately 12 and a half minutes. To the macro-being Earth, what we humans perceive as one year is the equivalent of a quarter of a second.

The real human kingdom is characterized by altruism, empathy, joy, reverence and care for all life (based on contraction/ perception/ feeling energy). The selfishness, aggressiveness, recklessness, ignorance etc. (based on expansion/ action energy) of the animal kingdom are obliterated because the dominant contraction/ perception/ feeling energy in the real human kingdom controls the decreasing expansion/ action energy).
The finished human understands the nature of life and reality and uses the increasing intelligence energy and intuition energy to create and improve living conditions and serve all living beings. The memory energy is at its minimum level and individuals are living and focusing primarily in the present.

UN The Golden RuleThe Golden Rule – “Treat others the way you wish to be treated yourself” – which was conveyed via the previous cosmic world-impulse is found globally in most religions and in many philosophical teachings. This etic rule becomes a fundamental and absolute given in the human kingdom.
With this pervasive altruistic development also come sweeping changes in society. There will be no borders and countries, but something that can be described as a global world state will emerge. According to Martinus, the UN constitutes an “embryo” for this future altruistic global society and Per Bruus-Jensen uses the term “cosmic homocracy” as a designation for this new global world order and altruistic society.

As previously mentioned, the need for physical nourishment decreases and finally disappears in the real human kingdom. After the fruitarian stage, individuals switch increasingly to taking nourishment from the air. During this evolutionary phase the digestive organs (dominated by expansion/ action energy) slowly diminish and degenerate, while the lungs (dominated by contraction/ perception/ feeling energy) and their capacity will develop and increase.

Terrestrial mankind’s evolution from animal to real human involves the development of organisms and organs, enabling individuals to function, create and experience in the paraphysical world. The transition into the real human kingdom is characterized by balance between the masculine pole and the feminine pole; the individual has become double-poled, (see the pole-structures).
Martinus expresses this phase as the “Great Birth”, which also implies that the individual’s consciousness evolves into the first level of cosmic consciousness. Man has thereby reached the third existential orientation and worldview (previously described in the animal kingdom): Man realizes that all forms of life are immortal life-units, unique parts of the infinite and all-embracing Divine Cosmos.

A short quote from The Book of Life, No 1, paragraph 248, where Martinus writes as follows:

Martinus’ symbol No 4 The Road towards Light © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No 4 The Road towards Light © Martinus Institute DK

The Great Birth cannot take place on Earth in the case of those human beings who gradually become so purified and developed that they are able to receive a fundamental experience of it, but only in worlds which are further forward in evolution. This means that when a terrestrial person has experienced a number of forerunner symptoms of the Great Birth through several lives, and has become mature enough for the genuine experience, he or she will no longer be born on this Earth but in a higher world where the Great Birth is fundamental. However, in about three thousand years’ time the Earth’s development will have reached so far that the Great Birth can be experienced here, and the real human kingdom will have arisen within the Earth’s horizon. As expressed on the symbol (No 4) it means that in three thousand years the Earth will have reached the yellow star which depicts the Great Birth and has begun to gain access to the yellow section (the real human kingdom). See also The road towards light.

The physical reincarnation process has ceased and the physical organism degenerates and becomes more and more subtle. Over time individuals transform from physical status to paraphysical status (as mentioned earlier, only the first part of the real human kingdom is physical). A paraphysical organism replaces the physical body and the switching body, the so-called appearance body, with which the individual is organically connected, identifies itself and appears to others in the paraphysical world. The individual can influence and change the appearance body indefinitely (hence the name appearance body, meaning that one can appear in different ways). See also the symbol Xom3, (the text after area g), in the paraphysical planes of existence the semiphysical switching body (f) and the physical organism (g) are replaced by the appearance body.

In other words, the individual continuously and completely automatically establishes an individual paraphysical organism with which one identifies and appears to others. The individual feels, experiences and moves with this appearance body in a similar way as with a physical organism. The appearance body involves a kind of materialization and dematerialization in paraphysical matter, which the individual controls with the power of the mind. This paraphysical appearance body is a “tool” for life – manifestations and experiences – which, in the paraphysical world, can be compared to the much more limited physical organism in the physical world.

In the real human kingdom, individuals gradually develop their ability to interact, materialize and dematerialize, and they communicate directly (telepathically) with each other via their thoughts and feelings, (see above; communication and interaction at the paraphysical level). As previously mentioned, terrestrial man’s creation of Information Technology in the latter part of the animal kingdom can be seen as early “training projects and practice stages”: immediate communication and information transfer, materialization, etc. (governed by will and thoughts, without any technical equipment) that characterizes the real human kingdom.

Before we go further, we want to emphasize and clarify that the term “sexuality” has a new and far wider meaning in the Cosmic Worldview than that currently accepted. In the ontology of the Cosmic Worldview, sexuality is divided into two main groups: emotional sexuality and intellectual sexuality. These two types of sexuality are tied to the individual’s paraphysical pole organs: emotional sexuality (and its climax phase) is connected to and depends on the individual’s emotional pole organ, and intellectual sexuality is connected to the intellectual pole organ and presupposes intuition energy for its maximum level.
Terrestrial man can only experience a very, very vague form of intellectual sexualism, as in intellectual pleasure, strong and overwhelming joy associated with intellectual creation, intellectual problem solving and the understanding of complex problems, creation of art etc.
Martinus has created a special term; the “highest fire”, which in short, means the “ultimate pleasure”, and its source is sexuality in its pure state. This highest fire/ ultimate pleasure (“sexual climax”) can be achieved in an infinite number of ways, emotionally and intellectually, depending on which plane of existence and which organismic principle the life unit/ individual exists in and represents. The experience of ultimate pleasure and bliss – the state of the highest fire culminates in the bliss and mineral kingdom/memory plane.
We will return to this subject in the text Sexual Evolution and the Transformation of the Poles.

Below a few summary points by Per Bruus-Jensen describing the physical zone and the paraphysical zone of the real human kingdom.

 The Physical Zone of the Real Human Kingdom:

  • The reincarnation process has ceased and is replaced by materialisation and dematerialisation. At the beginning, the individuals are assisted by masters who possesses this ability.
  • The fruitarian stage is decreasing and air nutrition is increasing.
  • The individuals focus on science, art, serving all living beings, living in the service of love.
  • The individuals are no longer divided into genders, they are double-poled which means a harmonious union of the masculine principle and the feminine principle. The sexual structure and the nervous system have undergone profound changes and the individual transitions from so-called “animal sexuality” to a new kind of sexuality; “human sexuality”. At this stage the “sexual climax” is achieved through the lips via the kiss.
  • Individuals have developed an organic structure, which enables them to handle and use the strong intuition energy and thereby reach the first level of cosmic consciousness.
  •  In short, the physical part of the real human kingdom represents the highest form of physical existence.

The Paraphysical Zone of the Real Human Kingdom:

  • The individual organism is totally paraphysical; the appearance body, controlled by the individual’s thoughts.
  • The nutrition is paraphysical, the individual gets nutrition/energy from thoughts, feelings and experiences.
  • Individuals continue to develop science, art, serving all living beings; living and acting fully in the service of Love.
  • The individual’s freedom of movement has increased to the speed of thought and the range of consciousness. Individuals fully master materialization and dematerialization, and direct and limitless communication and interaction.
  • The most highly developed ”predecessors and teachers” (termed ”world redeemers” by Martinus) who convey messages and teach terrestrial humans, normally live in this paraphysical zone of the real human kingdom and incarnate temporarily in the physical world in order to bring forward new, more altruistic values and to develop cultures that replace older and more primitive ones.
  •  At this paraphysical level of the real human kingdom individuals have further developed their organic ability to handle and use the intuition energy and are thereby fully cosmically conscious (the latter part of the first level of cosmic consciousness).


Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intelligence Plane (Wisdom Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Wisdom Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Intelligence Beings’ Six Basic Energy Bodies.—
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Intelligence energy (green, impact factor 80) characteristics: analysis, logic, rationality, expediency, efficiency, recognition/ identification, reflection, calculation, foresight, imagination.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intelligence Plane (Wisdom Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONSLife forms/ individuals with the above illustrated basic energy combination represent the Intelligence Plane (Wisdom Kingdom). This realm has paraphysical status and the beings/ life-units are double-poled and cosmically conscious. Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen emphasize that it is very difficult to describe the intelligence plane and the following two realms (the intuition plane and the bliss and memory plane) as they are totally different from the physical reality we know.
The life-units/ individuals in the wisdom realm are double-poled, cosmically conscious and have paraphysical organisms (appearance bodies). They obtain their nutrition/energy through thoughts and experiences, and they have direct and instant communication and exchange of information with each other, (see Communication and Interaction at the Paraphysical level).
Life on this plane of existence is characterized by love, happiness, joy, communication, inspiring collaboration and intensive experimentation and creation in paraphysical matter where individuals/ life-units from different cosmic paths of evolution interact. These cosmically conscious individuals can, by intuition, communicate and interact with individuals belonging to the wisdom realm in different spiral cycles (“overlying” and “underlying” spiral cycles).
The special basic energy combination that represents the intelligence realm constitutes a nature that defines this plane of existence as “The cosmic center of art, science and technology”.

Individuals on the intelligence plane have a great need to give and receive love. Sexuality and its climax phase – the highest fire – are expressed and experienced through caresses and the sense of touch, and intellectual pleasure through interaction and creation in paraphysical matter. Life here can be described as a great act of unconditional love in combination with the highest intelligence.

During the first part of the wisdom plane the life-units/ individuals relive their past evolutionary history and communicate a great deal about this with each other. They can re-experience their previous planes of existence; the real human kingdom, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the mineral and bliss kingdom, the divine kingdom, and back to their previous existence in the wisdom kingdom. They also display their individual background and history to each other, and all this is very entertaining and inspiring for them.
All these re-experiences are made possible by the fact that the life-units, through increasing intuition energy, can access with their entire store of gold-copies* in combination with culminating intelligence energy and increasing memory energy.
The gold-copies are of a “conclusive” nature and quality, and give individuals an enormous overview and understanding of their past. Individuals process these “conclusive” experiences from their evolutionary history, which means that they really relive their previous existence as actual and authentic reality in detail.

* Gold-copy: cosmic chemically processed and refined sections of accumulated experiences, memories. The memory-talent cores (M-TC) are constantly processed and influenced by the mother energy and over time undergo a cosmic chemical process that results in special “refined” M-TC termed “gold-copies”. The gold-copies give rise to a state of bliss and intense pleasure, which dominates in the bliss and mineral realm where memory/ bliss energy culminates.
The individual’s gold-copies and M-TC are archived and situated in the Element of Fate: the Eternal Body – Primary level, Primary Psychic Force Field (PP-force field), see the symbol Xom3 (area d).  

Over time, however, individuals gradually become tired of re-experiencing and communicating about their previous lives and existence (an effect of the contrast principle and the changing and renewal principle – hunger and satiation principle). Instead, they become more and more inspired and motivated to plan their future development in the forthcoming spiral cycle. In other words, they leave their past and begin to focus on their future. According to Martinus, this creativity begins with free imagination, innovation and ideas. Through their maximized intelligence energy and increasing intuition energy, individuals have immense knowledge of the principles of reality and laws of the Cosmos. This knowledge and insight are used when they interact and create paraphysical “models” for their future existence (as mentioned earlier, this work includes life-units from different paths of evolution and organism principles).

It is easy to understand why Martinus also called the intelligence plane the “divine workshop”. Here, models are created and tested in paraphysical matter for new material worlds, physical planes of existence, cultures, organisms, organic systems, etc. The availableThe seven main organism principles, NCP X-AIONS PBJ vast material from their past evolutionary history inspires wisdom beings in different spirals to interact and create new models adapted to micro, meso, and macrocosmic levels, which enable completely new forms of experience and creation in the forthcomming spiral cycle. This means, for example, that we humans (belonging to the organism principle on planet Earth at the end of the animal kingdom) in the wisdom kingdom in our previous spiral cycle were co-creators of our current physical bodies with their sensory organs, etc. It also means that in our future existence in the wisdom kingdom and the divine kingdom, we will create models for our life in the next spiral cycle and the planet principle. (The image on the right illustrates the seven main organism principles in the cosmic evolutionary spiral, see life-unit principle and organism principle.)
All this creativity takes place in close integrated collaboration with the intuition plane/ the divine kingdom, where the ideas for these new models are created. The intelligence plane and the intuition plane are of a similar nature and there is coexistence and widespread cooperation between them, (more about this in the following section “The Intuition Plane”).

Per Bruus-Jensen emphasizes similarities and connections between our creations in the physical world and creations in the paraphysical world – for instance, with the eye as a model, we created the camera. This also applies in the opposite direction; what we create here and now in the form of science, technology, art, etc. can constitute the basis for something that will be further developed in the forthcoming wisdom kingdom. This means innovative and refined development governed by the highest intelligence and ethics, which will result in new, more expedient and sophisticated models and constructions that can be used in future spiral cycles …

Femur and calcaneus spongiosa as models and inspirations for technical constructions.

INTUITION  PLANE — Divine Kingdom

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intuition Plane (Divine Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Divine Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Intuition Beings’ Six Basic Energy Bodies. —
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Intuition energy (blue, impact factor 120) characteristics: synthesis, quintessence, instant understanding and knowing (independent of previous studies and our ordinary perception and sensory organs), penetrating, immediate insight, design and generation of ingenious ideas and perfected constructive creativity.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DKMartinus’ symbol no 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intuition Plane (Divine Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Life forms/ individuals with the above illustrated basic energy combination represent the Intuition Plane (Divine Kingdom). This realm has paraphysical status, and the double-poled beings have the highest level of cosmic consciousness (their intuition energy body is at the maximum level).
The intuition plane is characterized by unconditional love, joy, insight, design and generation of ingenious ideas, direct communication and interaction, strong rapport and “all-one and we-identification”. The divine kingdom represents the culmination of “light” in the spiral cycle – as opposed to the animal kingdom which represents the culmination of “darkness”.

The similarities and the connection between the intuition plane and the intelligence plane are so significant that these two paraphysical planes of existence must be described in relation to each other. There is coexistence and widespread cooperation between them – they constitute a whole. This is also evident from Martinus’ designations: the “divine workshop” as an expression of the wisdom kingdom/ intelligence plane – and the “divine architect center” as an expression of the divine kingdom/ intuition plane.

The most perfect and innovative ideas, the “highest idea material” of the Cosmos are created in the divine architect center/ intuition plane. These ideas become materialized, experimental, and tested in the divine workshop/ intelligence plane. In brief, the primary difference between these two integrated realms is that individuals in the intuition plane are creating and generating ideas of models and projects, and individuals in the intelligence plane take these ideas to model development and materialization in paraphysical matter.
The so-called autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-TC) represent an important example of the close collaboration between the intuition plane and the intelligence plane. These AO-TC are also expressions of these individuals’ planning for their future existence as they contain the information needed for the individual’s organism development and functions to be materialized and realized in the forthcoming spiral cycle*.

* The Autonomous Organ-Talent Cores contain information for the creation and development of paraphysical and physical organs and organisms, and are crucial to how things take their form, grow and evolve in a particular way, (dismissing the traditional theory that all this complex form-shaping and development is solely genetically programmed).
An example of this is the reincarnation process at our current level of development. The primary form-shaping and evolving processes with all the underlying information are accumulated in the AO-TC and activated at the paraphysical level when the reincarnation process begins. It should also be added that all our automatic functions and behaviors are governed by the information stored in the individual talent cores. For instance, only a small proportion (2-4 percent) of our bodily functions are volitional. The beginning of a new incarnation implies activation of the individual’s autonomous organ-talent cores at the paraphysical level, which initiate and govern complex processes at the physical level via the transforming semiphysical switching body. We can follow these intensively progressing processes and activities at the physical level from conception at the zygote stage onward. The individual’s AO-TC are situated in the Fate Element: the Eternal Body – Primary level, Primary Psychic Force Field (PP-force field), see the symbol symbol Xom3 (area d).

Note: in the text below the expansion/ action energy is shortened to “expansion” energy and the contraction/ perception/ feeling energy is shortened to “contraction” energy.

The designation “divine kingdom” illustrates that this realm represents the absolute highest level of consciousness in the infinite Cosmos; the ultimate and primary conscious zone of the Cosmos. The individuals/ life-units who belong to this realm are at their maximum peak in the spiral cycle, in other words, they represent the highest form of manifestation/ creation and perception in the infinite and all-embracing Cosmos. At this paraphysical plane of existence – the ultimate level of consciousness and development – the three consciousness-creating basic energies are at maximum level (intuition) or close to the maximum level (intelligence and memory), while the three matter-creating basic energies are at weak levels (instinct, expansion and contraction energies).

The two main Developmental Phases of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral Cycles: 
The Inward and Separating Developmental Phase and The Outward and Unifying Developmental Phase.
In this context, we shall briefly elucidate what Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen describe as the two main developmental phases of the cosmic evolutionary spiral cycles: the inward and separating phase and the outward and unifying phase*.

* Martinus’ original terms in Danish “indvikling” and “udvikling” have, in some English texts, been translated “involution/ the involution phase” and “evolution/ the evolution phase”. To clarify these designations Therner & Loeth use the following terms: “the inward and separating phase” and “the outward and unifying phase”.

The inward and separating phase means establishment and continued development in physical matter, physical status (increasing “matter-creating” basic energies: instinct, expansion/ action, and contraction/ perception/ feeling). This phase implies development from paraphysical status to physical status and the transformation takes place in the bliss and mineral kingdom (memory plane). During this separation phase, individuals lose the experience of oneness (we-identity and we-awareness) and develop strong individuality (I-identity and I-awareness). The inward and separating phase implies the culmination of “darkness” in each spiral cycle.

The outward and unifying phase means establishment and continued development at the paraphysical level (increasing “consciousness-creating” basic energies: intelligence, intuition and memory). This phase implies development from physical status to paraphysical status, and the transformation takes place in the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane). During this unifying phase, individuals lose their strong individuality (I-identity and I-awareness) and develop experience of oneness (we-identity and we-awareness). The outward and unifying phase implies the culmination of “light” in each spiral cycle.

In the latter part of the divine kingdom/ intuition plane, individuals are beginning to face the entrance to a new inward and separating phase which represents a kind of turning point in the spiral cycle. There are two main factors behind this development: the law-governed structured flow of the basic energies and the X1-factor with its primordial urge and inherent self-preservation, which in this context react primarily due to the following:

Failing contrast and experience. The individuals in the divine kingdom find it increasingly difficult to create a clear and well-defined life experience. The constantly ongoing experience of “light” (altruism, joy, harmony, ingenious idea creation, intuition, high intelligence, etc.) eventually leads to a gradually reduced experience due to the lack of contrast. The less contrast the weaker the experience – and individuals also reach a state of saturation (the contrast principle and the changing and renewal principle/ hunger and satiation principle). The inward and separating phase implies the necessary contrast in the form of “darkness” (suffering, egoism, selfishness, ignorance, loneliness, primitiveness, etc.).

Failing individual identity. The intensive direct communication and interaction between individuals creates a strong we-feeling and rapport. This, over time, means that individual “I-identity” and “I-awareness” gradually decrease. The individuals are “all-one”, (experience of oneness) and the “we-identity” and “we-awareness” take over and become dominant. The inward and separating phase provides the necessary contrast, here in the form of strong individuality, separation, increasing I-identity, and I-awareness.

Per Bruus-Jensen especially emphasizes the need for contrast to altruism, which is associated with the two points above. The darkness of the inward and separating phase implies I-identity, selfishness, and egoism which constitute a necessary contrast to the unconditional love and altruism of the outward and unifying phase.
More information about the two developmental phases follows in the memory plane.

The two Developmental Phases of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral CyclesThe two Devlopmental Phases of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral Cycles 2When light culminates in the divine kingdom a need for darkness (inward and separating phase) arises. This corresponds to the opposite situation; when darkness culminates in the animal kingdom, a need for light (outward and unifying phase) arises, see the diagrams. Both of these developmental phases are a prerequisite for life and experience.

1. Instinct plane,   2. Expansion/Action plane,  3.Contraction/ Feeling/ Perception plane,  4. Intelligence plane,  5. Intuition plane,  6. Memory plane
6b-3a The Inward and Separating Developmental Phase — 3b-6a The Outward and Unifying Developmental Phase.

Individuals in the divine kingdom/ intuition plane are prepared for the inward and separating phase that begins in the bliss and mineral kingdom/ memory plane. During their period in the wisdom kingdom/ intelligence plane, they create a comprehensive collection of autonomous organ-talent cores which they carry with them into the divine kingdom. The idea-generating and developing work in the divine realm then consolidates, structures and organizes these AO-TC so that they become activated and function effectively in the coming inward and separating phase. Some selected AO-TC receive a superior status and are directly linked to the so-called basic talent cores or spiral centers, primarily the spiral center for intuition energy and the spiral center for instinct energy, (see Xom3 area d) the Fate Element: the Eternal Body – Primary level, Primary Psychic Force Field (PP-force field). These superior AO-TC ensure the activity and function of the other autonomous organ-talent cores in the new organismic principle. Overall, the AO-TC are a prerequisite for the individual’s establishment in the coming organismic principle in the new spiral cycle.

The integrated creation of ideas (intuition plane) and creation of models (intelligence plane) take place at an extremely advanced level – incomprehensible viewed from our stage of development. However, we can observe and study the results of this incredibly ingenious work everywhere in the macro, meso and micro Cosmos. Think about, for example, the evolutionary processes and the fascinating organism and structure of planet Earth, the constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision which maintain the physical world that we know, the orbits of planets, the structure of the solar system, our own physical body with its advanced autonomous internal interactions and functions, the structures of elementary particles and atoms, the bonds of molecules, cooperation of cells etc. …. Most often, only extremely small changes in these finely tuned and accurate systems lead to extensive and widespread consequences and chaotic conditions. In nature – everything everywhere – is imbued with ingenious perfection and precision, representing overwhelming evidence of interaction and creation in higher planes of existence (intelligence and intuition realms).

MEMORY  PLANE — Bliss and Mineral Kingdom

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Memory Plane (Bliss and Mineral Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

— The Basic Energy Combination of the Bliss and Mineral Plane and
the Developmental Level of the Memory Beings’ Six Basic Energy Bodies. ——
(detail of diagram, complete diagram below)

Memory energy (light indigo, impact factor 100) characteristics: accumulation, preservation and archiving, retrospection, remembrance. This energy is dominating in experiences of bliss and intense pleasure based on what Martinus terms “gold-copies”; cosmic chemically processed and refined sections of accumulated experiences, memories.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Combinations of the Basic Energies in the Six Planes of Existence (PBJ No. 5) © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 13, The Eternal World Plan © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I © Martinus Institute DK

Diagram and Symbols – Brief Summary and Comments adapted to Ontology II by Therner & Loeth

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Memory Plane (Bliss and Mineral Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Life forms/ individuals with the above illustrated basic energy combination represent the Memory Plan/ the Bliss and Mineral Kingdom (sometimes expressed simply as the Mineral Kingdom). This realm has paraphysical and physical status, and the double-poled cosmically conscious individuals/ life-units are day-conscious (primary state of life) on the paraphysical plane, and night-conscious on the physical plane during their mineral state (which represents their secondary state of life).

The memory plane serves as a transformation zone, bridging the paraphysical and physical dimensions. It marks the onset of the inward and separating developmental phase; a crucial developmental stage that enables the renewal of life experience.

The two Developmental Phases of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral CyclesThe two Devlopmental Phases of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral Cycles 2
Repetition of Diagrams
When light culminates in the divine kingdom, a need for darkness (inward and separating phase) arises. This corresponds to the opposite situation; when darkness culminates in the animal kingdom, a need for light (outward and unifying phase) arises. Both of these developmental phases are prerequisites for life and experience.
1. Instinct plane,   2. Expansion/Action plane,  3.Contraction/ Feeling/ Perception plane,  4. Intelligence plane,  5. Intuition plane,  6. Memory plane
6b-3a The Inward and Separating Developmental Phase — 3b-6a The Outward and Unifying Developmental Phase.

As previously mentioned, in the latter part of the intuition plane/ divine kingdom, individuals find it increasingly difficult to create a clear and well-defined life experience, due to the lack of contrast and the dominating we-identity and we-awareness. The inward and separating developmental phase introduces necessary contrasts to this state, and beings develop a strong individuality with distinctive I-identity and I-awareness.

The bliss and mineral plane is characterized by the effects of memory energy in combination with the still-strong intuition and intelligence energies, and increasing instinct and expansion/ action energies. Individuals are in a state of bliss, pleasure, ecstasy, and inspiration, and have an intensive longing for the physical planes of existence. On the memory plane, individuals live in a world of their own; an inner world of memories. Contact and interaction between individuals decrease gradually and eventually cease.
Each individual lives separately in a vast and exclusive world of memories from their previous existence, to which they have complete access through their memory talent-cores and culminating memory energy. On the physical plane, the paraphysical life of the memory beings is materialized as what we call minerals, of which the memory individuals are completely unaware.

Mineral Kingdom 1
Mineral KIngdom 2
Mineral Kingdom 3

Per Bruus-Jensen clarifies that the “primary state” of the memory plane is the paraphysical and “spiritual” state of bliss, the “bliss kingdom” where individuals are day-conscious (primary state). The “mineral kingdom” is the branch of the bliss kingdom that enters the physical world, where it manifests as the mineral state in which mineral beings are night-conscious (secondary state).

The indescribably beautiful “outside” (external side) that the “Bliss Kingdom” represents in the form of the “Mineral Kingdom” is, to the bliss and mineral beings, a desolate and dead world. Martinus

Mineral Kingdom 4
Mineral Kingdom 5
Mineral Kingdom 6
Mineral Kingdom 7

The inner world of memories does not mean a passive and observing life for the memory beings; on the contrary, it is very real and something they actively and intensively participate in with great zeal. They relive their former existences, especially periods in the physical dimensions where darkness is culminating. These experiences are compared with experiences they have had in the “nearby” worlds of light, the intuition plane (the divine kingdom) and the intelligence plane (wisdom kingdom), with which they are now saturated and in need of contrast.
Their external life through the mineral kingdom involves passive expressions of life in the external world (of which they are not aware). A contributing factor is that at this stage the individuals’ organs for interaction with the external world have greatly deteriorated and weakened, and their outward expressions of life become very elementary.
The memories that bliss and mineral beings (memory individuals) re-experience from their former existence in the instinct plane (plant kingdom) and expansion/ action plane (animal kingdom) through active life in the external physical world appear now as something fantastic and highly desirable. These individuals have an intense longing for physical life, which means a total contrast that gives satisfaction and, in fact, “a new life”.
The cosmically conscious memory beings with their culminating memory energy in combination with their strong intuition and intelligence energies are enabled to create new scenarios by mixing new ideas with experiences and memories from their various former existences – a kind of experimentation that results in new experiences and, not least, inspiring ideas for their forthcoming life in the next spiral cycle.

The fact that experiences from previous physical dimensions that involved a lot of darkness and pain, can now be experienced as something positive and desirable is because the memories of these experiences have been transformed into so-called “gold-copies”. This transformation process involves a cosmic, chemically processed refining of the memories accumulated in the individual’s memory-talent cores (in the fate element, (see Xom3, area d). This means that these gold-copies have been cleansed of pain and suffering and everything appears as pleasure, resulting in a state of bliss. This can be described as the gold-copies being loaded with bliss energy, which creates experiences and feelings of bliss, ultimate pleasure and ecstasy; a state Martinus terms the “highest fire”*. This state of bliss can be most closely compared to the experience of sexual climax/orgasm in the animal kingdom. Per Bruus-Jensen explains that the experience of sexual orgasm in the animal kingdom involves a very brief re-experiencing; an ultra-short glimpse of the constant ecstatic state of bliss that dominates each individual’s experience in the bliss and mineral kingdom.

* The “highest fire”, the “ultimate pleasure”, has its source in sexuality in its pure state. This highest fire/ ultimate pleasure (“sexual climax”) can be achieved in an infinite number of ways emotionally and intellectually, depending on which plane of existence and which organismic principle the life unit/ individual exists in and represents. The state of the highest fire culminates in the bliss and mineral kingdom/ memory plane.

On the memory plane, the individuals’, expansion/action energy is in the first increasing stage and their paraphysical body of expansion/ action energy (see Xom3 area e) is growing steadily which is crucial for its establishment at the physical level and forthcoming life on the physical planes of existence in the new spiral cycle. This developmental process enables the activation of the individuals’ new autonomous organ-talent cores (created on the intuition and intelligence planes) and, thereby, the development of a new organism structure adapted to physical life. The paraphysical expansion/ action energy body is vital to the maintenance of a physical organism.

In this condensed overview of the six planes of existence, we shall mention only very briefly the memory beings’ establishment in the physical world and their continuing journey within the inward and separating developmental phase in the next cycle of the cosmic evolutionary spiral.

When the memory being’s expansion/ action energy body has reached a certain degree of development, it becomes increasingly affected by the being’s ecstatic state. The individual’s culminating bliss/ memory energy and ecstatic experiences accompanied by an intense longing for physical life give rise to impulses that successively affect the growth and development of its expansion/ action energy body. The individual’s ecstatic energies also propagate further, via its expansion/ action energy body, to the outer world; first at the paraphysical level and then progressing to the physical level where they are influenced and begin to vibrate. These generated vibrations “high cosmic vibrations”, imply extremely high-frequency movements with different wavelengths representing each unique individual. These active processes are governed and controlled by the individual’s autonomous organ-talent cores with superior status* interacting with the total complex of autonomous organ-talent cores.

* The superior autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-TC) ensure the activity and function of the other autonomous organ-talent cores in the new organismic principle in the forthcoming spiral cycle. These superior AO-TCs are directly linked to the so-called basic talent cores or spiral centers in the fate element (see Xom3 area d), the Eternal Body – Primary level, Primary Psychic Force Field).

In short, at this paraphysical level and state, the bliss/mineral individual (memory being) begins to impact the external world, which entails connecting with other individuals. The bliss/mineral being is completely unaware of all these activities and processes. The high cosmic vibrations automatically lead to connection and interaction between beings in the micro, meso, and macro cosmos who are in the same development phase. Based on the unique individual vibrations and associated resonance conditions of each individual, a selection automatically takes place, which ensures that connection can only be achieved with beings in the micro, meso, and macro cosmos who, based on their talent core retention, are on the same or nearby wavelengths. These extensive and selective processes mean that every being (A) connects with and binds to themself beings (B) from the level that, from their (A’s) perspective, represent micro-beings (B) at the micro-cosmos level, and these micro-beings will later build up (A’s) new physical organisms.

The process takes place gradually, the radiation of high cosmic vibrations and the connection and bonds between beings increase successively and become intensively ongoing between the micro, meso, and macro cosmos further on in the bliss and mineral realm (memory plane).
To enable this new establishment of physical organisms at the physical level a precise collaboration occurs between the micro, meso, and macro cosmos, where beings/ life-units are organized according to the life-unit principle. (Life within life structures in various organism principles known to us as particles, cells, organs, organisms, planets, suns, and galaxies.)

Mineral Kingdom 8As previously mentioned, the memory beings in the bliss and mineral kingdom are unaware of all these external activities and materialization on the physical plane. Their physical structures and organisms are very elementary and represent the first physical establishment of the new organism principle, which will develop further in the new spiral cycle, which begins in the plant kingdom/ instinct plane. The plant kingdom entails an awakening process into the physical world, during which individuals’ physical organisms develop gradually, and the plant/ instinct beings become progressively aware of the outer physical world. Their culminating instinct energy enables them to act and react automatically to the external environment while, at the same time, their day-consciousness gradually approaches the physical plane. Individuals become increasingly prepared for a day-conscious and active physical life in the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) where the physical organisms are most complex and advanced. In the latter part of the animal kingdom and the first part of the real human kingdom, physical organisms are gradually refined and later cease in the second and paraphysical part of the real human kingdom.

The following two sections, Overview I and II – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral – Important Levels, Zones, and Phases in the Spiral Cycles, partly overlap.

• Overview I – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral
– Important Levels, Zones and Phases in the Spiral Cycles 

In this overview, we have primarily used the “kingdom names” for the six planes of existence in order to gain perspective from the natural kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals) that we know in nature.

Instinct plane – Plant kingdom
Expansion/ Action plane – Animal kingdom
Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling plane – Real Human kingdom
Intelligence plane – Wisdom kingdom
Intuition plane – Divine kingdom
Memory plane – Bliss and Mineral kingdom

The text also contains descriptions of cosmological terms of consciousness.

– Day-Consciousness (Primary Consciousness) and Night-Consciousness (Secondary Consciousness)
Martinus refers to day-consciousness and night-consciousness as two different states of consciousness. Day-consciousness implies a state where the life-unit/ living being experiences existence in an awake and conscious way, and enables conscious, will-controlled thoughts, reflections, activities and manifestations. Day-consciousness is also termed primary consciousness and refers to the life-unit’s/ individual’s primary state of life/being. Night-consciousness, also termed secondary consciousness, refers to the individual’s secondary state of life/being. Night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) is also an “awake/aware state” but at the individual´s secondary state of life/being, (see also Perspectives of consciousness from our current level of development).

Individuals that have physical organisms*, i.e. individuals belonging to the mineral kingdom (latter part of the bliss and mineral kingdom/ memory plane), plant kingdom (instinct plane), animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) and the first part of the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane). These individuals have a “double existence”: a primary state of life in which they are day-conscious (primary state) and a secondary state of life in which they are night-conscious (secondary state).

* In the mineral kingdom, physical organisms are very elementary and the paraphysical individuals are unaware of their physical structures and organisms. These elementary physical organisms represent the first physical establishment of the new organism principle, which will develop further in the new spiral cycle that begins in the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom entails an awakening process into the physical world, and the individuals’ physical organisms develop gradually. Individuals become increasingly prepared for a day-conscious and active physical life in the animal kingdom, where the physical organisms are most complex and advanced. In the latter part of the animal kingdom and the first part of the real human kingdom, physical organisms are gradually refined and later cease in the second and paraphysical part of the real human kingdom.

– Cosmic Consciousness
Individuals in the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane), wisdom kingdom (intelligence plane), divine kingdom (intuition plane), bliss and mineral kingdom (memory plane), and plant kingdom (instinct plane) have cosmic consciousness. (The animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) is the only plane of existence where individuals are cosmically unconscious).
Cosmically conscious individuals have undergone an evolutionary process involving their day-consciousness (primary consciousness) and night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) merging into a higher form of consciousness, which means an expanded form of day-consciousness (primary consciousness) called cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness at its maximum and highest level entails almost a cessation of night-consciousness (secondary consciousness), which takes on an utterly latent nature.
There are different levels of cosmic consciousness, and these are determined by the individual’s current basic energy combination which corresponds to the level of development of the individual’s six paraphysical basic energy bodies (see Xom3 area e). This means that there are five* different main levels of cosmic consciousness corresponding to each of the five planes of existence where individuals are cosmically conscious:
First level – real human kingdom; secondary level – wisdom kingdom; third level – divine kingdom; fourth level – bliss and mineral kingdom; fifth level – plant kingdom. The highest level of cosmic consciousness is the third level, which occurs when intuition energy culminates in the intuition plane/ divine kingdom.

* Classification designation of cosmic consciousness in five levels by Therner & Loeth for systematization reasons.

– One-poled state and Double-poled state 
The one-poled state, i.e. sex and gender division, occurs in physical planes of existence, beginning in the plant kingdom (instinct plane) and culminating in the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) where it subsequently decreases, and the development of a new double-poled state begins and continues in a maturation process. The double-poled state is completed in the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane) when physical life and existence pass on to paraphysical life and existence.
In summary, the one-poled state culminates when individuals are cosmically unconscious (animal kingdom). Individuals in the paraphysical planes of existence and the mineral kingdom (the latter part of the memory plane) are double-poled.

It must be emphasized that there are no sharp boundaries between the different states of consciousness or the six planes of existence. The continuous evolutionary process through the six different realms of the spiral cycles takes place gradually in step with the law-governed flow of the basic energies.

Levels, States of Consciousness and Pole Status in the Six Planes of Existence

Plant kingdom (Instinct plane)Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Instinct Plane (Plant Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Individuals are cosmically conscious and day-conscious at the paraphysical level (their primary state of life) and night-conscious at the physical level (their secondary state of life). The individual’s cosmic consciousness (fifth level of cosmic consciousness) diminishes and finally ceases when they transition into the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane). The transformation process from a double-poled state to a one-poled state begins in the plant kingdom (instinct plane).

Animal kingdom (Expansion/ Action plane)
Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Expansion/ Action Plane (Animal Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Individuals are cosmically unconscious and day-conscious at the physical level (their primary state of life) and night-conscious at the paraphysical level (their secondary state of life). In the latter part of the animal kingdom, the individual’s cosmically unconscious state develops slowly and progressively towards cosmic consciousness. When individuals reach the real human kingdom, they are cosmically conscious (first level of cosmic consciousness). The one-poled state culminates in the animal kingdom, then decreases later, and the development of a new double-poled state begins and continues in a maturation process which is completed in the real human kingdom.

Real Human kingdom (Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling plane)

Detail of the Split of the Mother energy: Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Plane (Real Human Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Transition plane (from physical state to paraphysical state) – the beginning of the outward and unifying developmental phase.
Individuals are cosmically conscious (first level of cosmic consciousness). During the first and physical part of this realm, (when they still have physical organisms these cosmically conscious individuals are day-conscious (primary state) at the physical level and night-conscious (secondary state) at the paraphysical level. In the latter part of this realm, individuals transition from a physical to a paraphysical state and become day-conscious at the paraphysical level. Their night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) then begins to move towards a more latent stage, and their cosmic consciousness develops gradually toward higher levels.
The double-poled state is completed in this realm when physical existence passes on to paraphysical existence.

Wisdom kingdom (Intelligence plane)
Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intelligence Plane (Wisdom Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Individuals are cosmically conscious (secondary level of cosmic consciousness) and double-poled. At this level, day- and night-consciousness do not exist in their distinct forms; the wisdom (intelligence) individuals’ day-consciousness is cosmic consciousness and their night-consciousness is latent.

Divine kingdom (Intuition plane)

Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Intuition Plane (Divine Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Individuals are cosmically conscious (third and highest level of cosmic consciousness) and double-poled. At this level, day- and night-consciousness do not exist in their distinct forms; the divine (intuition) individuals’ day-consciousness is cosmic consciousness and their night-consciousness is latent.

Bliss and Mineral kingdom (Memory plane)
Detail of the Split of the Mother Energy: Memory Plane (Bliss and Mineral Kingdom) - NCP X-AIONS

Transition plane (from paraphysical state to physical state) – the beginning of the inward and separating developmental phase.
The bliss and mineral beings (memory individuals) are double-poled and cosmically conscious (fourth level of cosmic consciousness). On the memory plane, their life transitions from activities in the external world (intensive interaction and communication with other individuals) to existence in their inner world. This introverted state implies a kind of resting stage. Cosmically conscious memory individuals (bliss beings) are day-conscious on the paraphysical plane. In the latter part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (memory plane), individuals have physical organisms, (known to us as minerals) and their night-consciousness (secondary-consciousness) gradually develops from a latent stage to an increasing stage. The mineral kingdom also entails the transition into a new organism principle and the individuals’ cosmic consciousness (fourth level) gradually begins to diminish. This decreasing process then continues in the plant kingdom (instinct plane), which represents the fifth level of cosmic consciousness, (when the individual transitions into the animal stage, they are cosmically unconscious).

The Two main Zones of Consciousness of the Cosmos
– An overall and somewhat simplified description
The primary zone of consciousness of the infinite Cosmos (also termed the primary day-conscious zone of the Cosmos) includes the planes of existence where individuals/ life-units have cosmic consciousness which represents approximately 5/6 of the Cosmos. The highest (third) level of the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos occurs in the divine realm (intuition plane). The first level of cosmic consciousness in the real human kingdom and the secondary level of cosmic consciousness in the wisdom kingdom involve a gradual increasing of cosmic consciousness. The fourth level of cosmic consciousness in the bliss and mineral kingdom (memory plane) and the fifth level of cosmic consciousness in the plant kingdom (instinct plane) involve a gradual reduction of cosmic consciousness.
The secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, approximately 1/6, is represented by the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane), where individuals/ life-units do not have cosmic consciousness and are day-conscious (primary-conscious) at the physical level.

• Overview II – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral
– Important Levels, Zones and Phases in the Spiral Cycles 

Before we go further, a brief repetition of the six planes of existence and the seven spiral cycles and main organism principles in the infinite cosmic evolutionary spiral.
Each spiral cycle (also termed spiral turn or section) consists of six planes of existence according to the flow of the six basic energies (diagram to the left below):
I. Instinct plane – Plant kingdom, II. Expansion/ Action plane – Animal kingdom, III. Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling plane – Real Human kingdom, IV. Intelligence plane – Wisdom kingdom, V. Intuition plane – Divine kingdom, VI. Memory plane – Bliss and Mineral kingdom.

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

The Split of the Mother Energy – The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence © PBJ & NCP X-AIONS

Martinus’ symbol no 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I (© Martinus Institute DK) 

Martinus’ symbol No. 14, The Cosmic Spiral Cycle I – © Martinus Institute DK – The symbol on the right has been adjusted slightly for clarification.

There are seven main versions of spiral cycles, these are marked A, B, C, D, E, F, and G (the symbol to the right) with numerous organic structures and organisms, from the micro-cosmos A with elementary particles to the macro-cosmos F and G with solar systems and galaxies. Section D in the middle represents the so-called “organism spiral cycle” (also termed the organism spiral) at the meso-cosmos level including humanity’s current level of development.
These seven spiral cycles and main organism structures (A – G) are termed by Martinus as we know them from our human perspective: (Both terms “spiral cycle” and “spiral” are used by Martinus and er Bruus-Jensen.)

A. Elementary particle spiral cycle (elementary particle spiral) – elementary particles
B. Cell spiral cycle (cell spiral) – cells
C. Organ spiral cycle (organ spiral) – organs
D. Organism spiral cycle (organism spiral) – organisms
E. Planet spiral cycle (planet spiral) – planets
F. Solar system spiral cycle (solar system spiral) – solar systems
G. Galaxy spiral cycle (galaxy spiral) – galaxies

The seven main organism principles A to G are repeated endlessly in constantly renewed and varying versions, both “upwards” in the infinite macrocosm and “downwards” in the infinite microcosm. In addition to the seven main spiral cycles and organism principles (A – G). There are also several intermediate spiral cycles and organism principles representing different variants of the main spiral cycles and organism principles.

— —  — — —

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

The Spiral Cycle III – © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Diagram and Diagram Text
– Important Levels, Zones and Phases in the Spiral Cycles
The diagram to the right and following text generally and briefly describe some crucial levels, zones and phases in a spiral cycle. In principle, these levels, zones and phases are the same in all spiral cycles, regardless of which organismic principle applies.

Please note:
– The two arrows show the direction of development in the spiral cycles, i.e. counterclockwise, and the diagram text below follows the same direction.
– The headings focus on different areas, but these overlap, and the text should be seen as a whole.
– There are no definite and sharp boundaries between the different levels, zones, and phases; all processes and transitions are gradual.

The Six Planes of Existence
Numbers 1 to 6 represent the six planes of existence. In this diagram text, we have used the “kingdom names”.

1. Instinct plane – Plant kingdom
2. Expansion/ Action plane – Animal kingdom
3. Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling plane – Real Human kingdom
4. Intelligence plane – Wisdom kingdom
5. Intuition plane – Divine kingdom
6. Memory plane – Bliss and Mineral kingdom

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

The Physical Zone and Paraphysical Zone
The diagonal line through the circle from A to B which splits the bliss and mineral kingdom (6) into two parts (6a and 6b) and the real human kingdom (3) into two parts (3b and 3a) marks the border between the physical zone and paraphysical zone in the spiral cycle.
The physical zone includes the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the first part of the real human kingdom (6b, 1, 2, 3a).
The paraphysical zone includes the latter part of the real human kingdom, the wisdom kingdom, the divine kingdom and the first part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (3b, 4, 5, 6a).

The A in the middle of the bliss and mineral kingdom (6) marks the zone of the beginning of physical establishment and materialization of the new organism principle (represented by elementary physical organisms/structures) in the new spiral cycle, i.e. the transition from the paraphysical bliss kingdom (6a) into the physical mineral kingdom (6b).

The B in the middle of the real human kingdom (3) marks the zone where individuals transition into the paraphysical state, and their physical bodies/organisms are replaced through the materialization of paraphysical so-called appearance bodies.

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

The Two Developmental Phases
The two main developmental phases of the cosmic evolutionary spiral cycles are termed the inward and separating phase and the outward and unifying phase.
The inward and separating phase means establishment and continued development in physical matter, physical status (increasing “matter-creating” basic energies: instinct, expansion/ action and contraction/ perception/ feeling). This phase implies development from paraphysical status to physical status and the transformation takes place in the bliss and mineral kingdom (6). During this separation phase, individuals lose the experience of oneness (we-identity and we-awareness) and develop strong individuality (I-identity and I-awareness). The inward and separating phase implies the culmination of “darkness” in the spiral cycles.
The inward and separating developmental phase includes the physical zone/planes of existence: the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom and the first part of the real human kingdom (6b, 1, 2, 3a).

The E between the divine kingdom (5) and the first part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (6a) marks the zone where individuals leave the external world (intensive interaction and communication with other individuals) and live in their inner world of memories. This introverted state is a resting stage that precedes the initiation of the transition phase into the inward and separating developmental phase.

The outward and unifying phase means establishment and continued development at the paraphysical level (increasing “consciousness-creating” basic energies: intelligence, intuition and memory). This phase implies development from physical status to paraphysical status, and the transformation takes place in the real human kingdom (3). During this unifying phase, individuals lose their strong individuality (I-identity and I-awareness) and develop experience of oneness (we-identity and we-awareness). The outward and unifying phase implies the culmination of “light” in the spiral cycles.
The outward and unifying developmental phase includes the paraphysical zone/planes of existence: the latter part of the real human kingdom, the wisdom kingdom, the divine kingdom and the first part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (3b, 4, 5, 6a).

The Primary Zone of Consciousness and the Secondary Zone of Consciousness
The white area between the circles symbolizes the primary zone of consciousness, and the black area between the circles in the animal kingdom (2) where individuals are cosmically unconscious, symbolizes the secondary zone of consciousness in a spiral cycle. From a holistic, infinite and eternal perspective, these two zones of all the spiral cycles together constitute the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos and the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos.

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Levels and Zones of Cosmic Consciousness
There are different levels of cosmic consciousness, and these are determined by the individual’s current basic energy combination which corresponds to the level of development of the individual’s six paraphysical basic energy bodies. This means that there are five* different main levels of cosmic consciousness corresponding to each of the five planes of existence where individuals are cosmically conscious.
* The five levels of cosmic consciousness: first level – real human kingdom (3); secondary level – wisdom kingdom (4); third level – divine kingdom (5); fourth level – bliss and mineral kingdom (6); fifth level – plant kingdom (1).
(Classification designation of cosmic consciousness in five levels by Therner & Loeth for systematization reasons.)

In the latter part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (6b) the “old” cosmic consciousness begins to decline. This zone represents the latter zone of the fourth level of cosmic consciousness. The diminishing process of the “old” cosmic consciousness continues in the plant kingdom (1) which represents the fifth level of cosmic consciousness.

The C between the plant kingdom (1) and the animal kingdom (2) marks the zone where individuals gradually lose their “old” cosmic consciousness and become cosmically unconscious; transitioning into the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos. The animal kingdom (2) represents the cosmic unconscious zone in a spiral cycle and the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos. At the end of the animal kingdom (2), individuals experience temporary so-called cosmic glimpses, which are preliminary stages preceding the Great Birth and permanent cosmic consciousness.

The D between the animal kingdom (2) and the first part of the real human kingdom (3a) marks the so-called Great Birth; establishment of “new” cosmic consciousness i.e. individuals have attained the first level of cosmic consciousness and are transitioning into the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos.
The individuals’ “new” cosmic consciousness develops further to the secondary level of cosmic consciousness in the wisdom kingdom (4) and on to the third and highest level of cosmic consciousness in the divine kingdom (5). The bliss and mineral kingdom represents the fourth level of cosmic consciousness.

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Day-Consciousness/ Primary Consciousness and Night-Consciousness/ Secondary Consciousness in the Spiral Cycle
Day-consciousness and night-consciousness occur in the zones of the spiral cycle where individuals have physical organisms (6b, 1, 2, 3a), i.e. from the most elementary physical structures/organisms in the mineral kingdom (6b)* to more complex physical organisms in the plant kingdom (1) to the most advanced physical organisms in the animal kingdom (2) and the most subtle physical organisms in the first part of the human kingdom (3a). These Individuals have a “double existence”: a primary state of life/being in which they are day-conscious (primary consciousness) and a secondary state of life/being in which they are night-conscious (secondary consciousness).
* As previously mentioned, A in the middle of the bliss and mineral kingdom (6) marks the zone of the beginning of physical establishment and materialization of the new organism principle.

In the mineral kingdom (latter part of the bliss and mineral kingdom 6b) and in the plant kingdom (1), individuals are cosmically conscious (fourth level and fifth level of cosmic consciousness). These individuals (areas 6b and 1) are day-conscious (primary state of life/being) at the paraphysical level and night-conscious (secondary state of life/being) at the physical level.
In the animal kingdom (2) individuals are cosmically unconscious, and in the first part of the real human kingdom (3a) individuals are cosmically conscious (first level of cosmic consciousness). These individuals (areas 2 and 3a) are day-conscious at the physical level and night-conscious at the paraphysical level.
In the paraphysical area between B and A (including 3b, 4, 5, 6a), individuals’ day-consciousness has transitioned into different levels of cosmic consciousness, and their night-consciousness has diminished to a latent level.

The Spiral Cycle III - © Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Pole Status: One-Poled State and Double-Poled State
The one-poled state (division into sex and gender) occurs on physical planes of existence, beginning in the plant kingdom (1) and culminating in the animal kingdom (2) where it subsequently decreases, and the development of a new double-poled state begins and continues in a maturation process, completed in the real human kingdom in the zone marked B where physical life and existence pass on to paraphysical life and existence (the one-poled state culminates in the animal kingdom (2) where individuals are cosmically unconscious). Individuals in the paraphysical zones are double-poled: the latter part of the real human kingdom (3b), the wisdom kingdom (4), the divine kingdom (5) and the first part of the bliss and mineral kingdom (6a) as well as in the physical mineral kingdom (6b) where individuals are day-conscious at the paraphysical level.

• Epilogue – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral and The Six Planes of Existence

Texts and Knowledge from the Past

Adam and Eve 1The Myth of Adam and Eve
Martinus also conveys an intellectualization of many religious texts, parables, myths and metaphors (with a primary focus on Christianity), something that Per Bruus-Jensen also addresses in parts of his work. An example of this is the ancient myth of Adam and Eve, which they explain represents an archetypal symbol of a cosmic evolutionary process – the beginning of the inward and separating developmental phase. We shall touch on this subject very briefly in connection with the overview of the cosmic evolutionary spiral and six planes of existence.

According to Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen, the myth of Adam and Eve describes the transition from the paraphysical to the physical planes of existence, i.e., from the bliss plane to the mineral plane (in the memory realm) to the plant kingdom (instinct plane) and on to the animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane).

Adam and Eve 2The myth illustrates the cosmically unconscious double-poled individuals leaving the paraphysical planes of existence and the altruistic, highly intellectual, and intuition-based paradisical and divine state that culminates there. In the bliss and mineral kingdom (memory plane), individuals become passive on the external plane, and this also implies the beginning of a transition phase from one state of being to another (symbolized in the myth by a deep sleep). The memory beings live in their inner world, reliving the physical planes of existence through their gold-copies, which represent the contrast they need to the “paradise” they are living in. This results in an intensive longing for physical existence (illustrated in the myth by the serpent tempting them). Their longing is an effect of the primordial urge in interaction with the contrast principle and the changing and renewal principle (the cycles of “hunger and satiation”). During this period in the memory plane, individuals automatically begin to build up new physical organisms for their upcoming physical existence. The process entails that individuals will lose their cosmic consciousness and once again become one-poled and thereby divided by gender and thus “born and die” – i.e. reincarnation replaces materialization. (According to the myth: you must give birth to your children in pain). The physical world also involves hard work to obtain food, which consists of physical organisms of other beings. (According to the myth: by the sweat of your brow shall you eat your food.)

Adam and Eve 3In time, the paradisical existence in constant light and infinite love must be replaced by a contrasting existence to maintain continued life and experience. This is ensured by individuals leaving the paraphysical planes of existence and continuing their developmental journey in physical dimensions in a new spiral cycle, where they experience darkness and ignorance. (In the myth, this is symbolized by eating from the Tree of Knowledge to gain knowledge of good and evil.)

To leave the divine paraphysical state and planes of existence and return to the physical world, is illustrated in the myth by the Fall, with the meaning “to sin”. One of the original meanings of “sin” is “turning away from God,” which, according to the Cosmic Worldview, refers to leaving the paraphysical planes of existence, the “divine level” (which represents the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos) and returning to the physical world (which represents the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos).

Per Bruus-Jensen illuminates and explains many details of the myth of Adam and Eve, mainly in his books “Project LIFE” and “Existence and Immortality,” part II.

Mevlâna Jalaluddin Rumi, (Jalal ad-Din al-Rumi) Rumi GatheringRumi and The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral 
In this context, we should also like to mention a special poem written by the Persian Sufi poet and mystic Mevlâna Jalaluddin Rumi, also known as Jalal ad-Din al-Rumi (1207-1273). Rumi was an evolutionary thinker, and had a philosophical outlook which is clearly reflected in his poetic works. Below is an excerpt from one of his poems, which outlines parts of the Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral in a few sentences. The text represents a beautiful example of how predecessors and teachers have conveyed an expanded and higher knowledge through time.

We should add that there are several different translations of the following poem by Rumi.

I died as a stone and became a plant,
I died as plant and rose to animal,
I died as animal and I was human,
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?
As a human, I will die once more,
Reborn, I will with the angels soar.
And when I let my angel body go,
I shall be more than mortal mind can know.

Seen from the perspective of the Cosmic Worldview, the text describes the development from the mineral kingdom, to the plant kingdom, to the animal kingdom, to the real human kingdom, and further on to a paraphysical state (illustrated with “angels” and in some translations expressed as “beings of light”).

The last part of the poem is reproduced in only a few translations and illustrates how evolutionary development continues in the next spiral cycle and transitions into a new organismic principle:
“But onward goes my way. I become what no mind has ever conceived. I become a shining star ….”

The above-mentioned texts are examples of “universal knowledge” that, through time, has been conveyed by “guiding precursors”, mystics and sages in different fields all over the world. These teachings and messages imply guidance via so-called cosmic world-impulses generated from higher planes of existence successively adapted to our current level of development, (development, protection and parent principle).

Love is the religion and the universe is the book.

Behind every atom of this world, hides an infinite universe.

Mevlâna Jalaluddin Rumi

And finally, a few words about Reincarnation
The Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 553
The idea of reincarnation has followed man throughout the ages. Various concepts and ideas of reincarnation occur in most cultures and religions including Christianity, but in fact, it was voted out of Christian doctrine at the Second Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 553 for political and power structural reasons – and Biblical texts about reincarnation were edited and deleted …