– Therner & Loeth –
This page will be expanded successively and is i.a. intended as a supplement to the introductory page Presentation of New Cosmic Paradigm, section 2.2 Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen – The Cosmic Worldview, and mainly focuses on Martinus’ student and collaborator Per Bruus-Jensen’s role and work*.
• Introduction
We, Therner & Loeth, New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS express our gratitude to Per Bruus-Jensen for his trust and heartfelt friendship and for the very comprehensive material he has given to us to manage and convey, based on the unique and extensive teaching he received from Martinus for over a decade. (Certificate regarding documents etc.)
Certain passages below on this page have a link function and should also be possible to read independently, therefore there may be some repetition.
Below are some examples of material reflecting Martinus’ statements regarding Per Bruus-Jensen and his work etc., as well as a short history which, among other things, explain:
– Sigbritt Therner, founder of the first Martinus Center in Sweden, Kosmos Kursgård in Varnhem and Arnold Therner, co-founder of New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS.
– The background to the concept “Martinus Cosmology”, etc.
• Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen’s Correspondence Course and the “X-work” (X-verket).
At the Royal Library in Copenhagen* there is a hardcover special edition (in two volumes) of the correspondence course that Per Bruus-Jensen created as assigned directly by Martinus. As an expression of his full approval, Martinus personally signed the material and wrote an introduction (see Martinus’ text below). The correspondence course was developed and updated later and compiled in book form »X« – A complete introduction to Martinus Cosmology, “X-værket” in four volumes of about 450 pages each, which together contain a comprehensive and systematized presentation of Martinus Cosmology / the Cosmic Worldview. See Shop & Book Presentations.
Below is one of Martinus’ introductory texts (May 1, 1962) to Per Bruus-Jensen’s correspondence course.
(Summary in English follows below the original text.)

Summary in English:
Dear readers!
Per Bruus-Jensen’s correspondence course represents a comprehensive and systematic presentation of my main work “Livets Bog”/ “The Book of Life” and clarifies some of the most basic and at the same time most complex areas of the cosmology. In view of the degree of difficulty and scope of the material, I would like to clarify that the said course in all details and in its entirety has been prepared in collaboration with me personally. During our collaboration, new subject areas sometimes emerge that I have not written about in “Livets Bog” (“The Book of Life”) and which may therefore seem foreign to those who have read my books. The fact that these new subject areas are included in Per Bruus-Jensen’s course is of course due to the fact that I find that the material constitutes valuable additions to my analyses. The content of Per Bruus-Jensen’s course has thus in all respects been checked by me personally and is therefore published as my personal responsibility.
The introduction to the “X-work” volume 1, pages 16-17, also includes the introduction that Martinus wrote for the above-mentioned correspondence course on its original publication in 1960 – Link to Martinus text.
• Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen’s assignments
Below is an excerpt from NCP X-AIONS’ page Presentation of New Cosmic Paradigm, section 2.2 Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen – The Cosmic Worldview, here followed by clarifications (*, **) of the said excerpt:
In the summer of 1957, the then 25-year old Per Bruus-Jensen/ Per B-J (1932-) came into contact with Martinus, and this was the beginning of a very close alliance and joint collaboration that lasted more than twenty years. Martinus soon realized Per B-J’s unique talent and capacity and in 1958 gave him the specific mission to systematize, clarify, concretize and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed. For more than a decade Per B-J was tutored by Martinus on a daily basis for this purpose. The teaching was very extensive and intensive usually taking the form of questions and answers between student and master. These discussions were often strenuous for both parties: For Martinus, with access to his intuitive, and for him self-evident, knowledge, it was sometimes difficult to accept that something remained unclear. For especially this reason, though, it could be equally difficult for Per B-J, with his insistence on systematization and “technical” precision, to account for where obscurity lay in such a way that Martinus understood the problem. However, the moment this succeeded, the answer and solution were nearly always immediately forthcoming. It should also be mentioned that Martinus’ teaching and his discussions with Per B-J sometimes dealt with topics and areas which Martinus himself had not put forward in his own literature, but which for the major part are to be found in Per B-J’s work.
This is one example of what Martinus expressed regarding Per Bruus-Jensen and his work:
He plays a most significant role in my mission and the seminal future of our shared cause. He is absolutely the one who stands tallest when it comes to understanding my cosmic analyses. In all the analyses I have created to date he has been able to follow me, and he has also himself begun to have intuitive experiences.*
It has become Per’s task to systematize the material, because it’s not something I’m good at!” **
Excerpt from Martinus’ letter to Sigbritt Therner (Tuesday 25th of August 1964)
(English translation below the letter)

Excerpt from Martinus’ letter to Sigbritt Therner, in English:
Dear Sigbritt!
Sincere and heartfelt thanks for your loving letter of the 22nd of August. I was very happy when I read it. It was fantastic for me to read about how the Martinus Center (Kosmos Varnhem*) benefits from the great interest and love shown by such a group of people.
I am also glad that they were so happy with Per’s visit. But that was also what I knew in advance. His loving nature and great skill open human hearts to him everywhere. He plays a most significant role in my mission and the seminal future of our shared cause. He is absolutely the one who stands tallest when it comes to understanding my cosmic analyses. In all the analyses I have created to date he has been able to follow me, and he himself has also begun to have his own intuitive experiences. And it means an incredible amount to him in creating his courses and talks. It is due to the power of his skill that he so easily understands my analyses and has become my closest and most prominent and excellent disciple in the cosmic area.
And with that I send greetings of love and once again thank you, dear Sigbritt.
• Martinus, Per Bruus-Jensen, Sigbritt Therner and Martinus Center “Cosmos” (Kosmos)
– Arnold Therner and New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS
As shown by this website, Sigbritt Therner (1915-2009) was one of the very first to introduce Martinus Cosmology in Sweden, and she was a true pioneer in many different ways. Furthermore, in 1951 she founded the first Martinus Center in Sweden; Cosmos Center or Kosmos Feriehem in Varnhem which was later inaugurated by Martinus on June 19, 1965 (photos below).
During these early days Sigbritt Therner also developed a close relationship with Per Bruus-Jensen, Martinus’ student and collaborator. Over the years she showed great commitment to Per Bruus-Jensen and his extensive work based on the specific mission Martinus assigned to him; to systematize, specify and concretize and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed. The mission also includes accommodating natural science and contributing to the development of a new Cosmic Science.
This was also an early and great inspiration to Arnold Therner (1947-2018) nephew to Sigbritt Therner and one of the founders and project leaders of NCP X-AIONS – New Cosmic Paradigm with Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science. The background to and aim of NCP X-AIONS is to continue implementing Per Bruus-Jensen’s work, and presenting the Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview; a work and project in close cooperation with Per Bruus-Jensen, made possible by his extensive teaching that, for many years, he imparted to the founders of NCP X-AIONS, for more information see (NCP X-AIONS in Brief).
In this context, it should be emphasized that New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS is completely autonomous and independent, and has a different focus from that of the Foundation Kosmos Varnhem founded by Sigbritt Therner. Kosmos Varnhem continues today but with a somewhat different orientation from the one that she initiated.
Kosmos Varnhem, 1965 – the first Martinus Center in Sweden
• Trust and Collaboration …
We would also like to share the following which Per Bruus-Jensen told us he has carried with him in his heart throughout the years, namely Martinus’ words to him after his (Martinus’) private birthday party in the lecture hall at the Martinus Institute, Copenhagen 1975. Martinus, who was very weak after an operation, took Per aside and, clearly moved, said:
Per, I want you to know, that no matter what you do in the future for my project* it has my blessing in advance.
* (my work and the Cosmology)
• Martinus Cosmology (Martinus Kosmologi) and Cosmos (Kosmos)
Per Bruus-Jensen recounts the background to the term “Martinus Cosmology”.
Martinus first referred to his intuitive knowledge as “spiritual science”, but realized that the name could seem strange, provocative and frightening to many. Per Bruus-Jensen explains that he therefore, in 1959, suggested the name Martinus Cosmology, based on “Cosmology”, meaning the knowledge and science of the ordered Cosmos*. Martinus immediately agreed and implemented the name change, also changing the name of his institute on Mariendalsvej in Copenhagen from “Martinus Åndsvidenskabelige (Spiritual Science) Institut” to “Martinus Institut”, (and the institute’s information magazine was named “Cosmos”).
• We also refer to:
- Per Bruus-Jensen’s book “SOL & MÅNE” (in Danish and Swedish) which amongst other things throws light on the education he received from Martinus for more than a decade. This book also conveys many interesting details of historic value and includes unique photos.
- “Lidt om elevtiden 1958-1968 – og tiden derefter…”, (PBJ in Danish).
- “In the Footsteps of Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen” A Visit to the Martinus Institute and the Eremitagesletten in Copenhagen.
- MartinusForumDK: Website with information about Martinus Cosmology including e.g. digitized original lectures with Per Bruus-Jensen.