– Brief Overview –
The Split/ Division of the Mother Energy
The Combinations of the Basic Energies
The Six Planes of Existence
– Therner & Loeth –
Please note that the description below is a very brief overview, for more details please refer to:
THE ONTOLOGY OF THE COSMIC WORLDVIEW Part 2 – The X-Structure and The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral
The Split of the Mother Energy and the Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Six Basic/ Working Energies
The division and conversion of the mother energy and the law-governed structured flow of the six basic/ working energies into different specific combinations ‒ the so-called “split” of the mother energy ‒ occurs and is structured in the eternal body, (more on this subject below). This continuously ongoing process is an absolute and fundamental prerequisite for all forms of life, development and evolution. The six basic/ working energies are structured in six specific cosmochemical main combinations that follow a cyclical pattern, creating six different planes of existence with varying stages of development.
In other words, the six main combinations of the six basic/ working energies are a result of the continuously ongoing law-governed split/ division of the mother energy. This process follows a specific, predefined and consistent pattern that creates a cyclical flow for each of the six basic/ working energies. This flow has six main stages (see diagram below): a minimum stage, two growth stages, a maximum stage, two reduction stages, followed by a new minimum stage and so on. The pattern is cyclically repeated from minimum to maximum, to minimum, and so on … The flow of the six basic/ working energies is always structured in such a way that all six stages are invariably represented, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Detail of diagram “The Split of the Mother Energy” illustrating the structured flow of the Basic Energies © PBJ and NCP X-AIONS
Diagram text:
The diagram illustrates the cyclical flow of each basic energy, from left to right: instinct energy (red), expansion/ action energy (orange), contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), intelligence energy (green), intuition energy (blue), memory energy (light indigo) and the mother energy (violet, in the background) the source of them all.
1. The vertical perspective (from bottom up) illustrates the never-ending cyclical flow of each energy, from minimum to maximum, to a new minimum and so on …
2. The horizontal perspective illustrates that all six stages are invariably represented at all levels.
The Primary and Supreme Cosmic Creative Principle
The split of the mother energy – the eternal, continuously ongoing automatic division and conversion of the mother energy is to be seen as the primary and supreme cosmic creative principle*. It is one of the basic prerequisites for all forms of creation.
* Definition by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth
Cosmic Chemistry
The nature and the split of the mother energy imply that the six basic/ working energies never appear separately, rather they always operate together in different combinations. Martinus terms this topic “cosmic chemistry”. The split/ division of the mother energy is fundamental and underlying all forms of cosmic chemistry, i.e. for everything created ‒ everything created consists of different cosmochemical combinations of the basic energies.
The Split of the Mother Energy from an Organic Perspective
Before we go further, let’s look at the split/ division of the mother energy from an organic perspective with the symbol (below) “The X-structure – The Living Being and the Organism (Xom3)” as starting point.
Note the text below refers especially to areas c, d and e on the symbol (Xom3) above.
c: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – mother energy level
d: the eternal body – primary level, primary psychic force field – the element of fate
e: the eternal body – secondary level, secondary psychic force field – the soul structure
The symbol (Xom3) illustrates the Total Organism Complex. In the eternal body, (primary level) area c we find the mother energy (violet) and in area d, the eternal body, (primary level, the element of fate) we find six open coloured circles with downward pointing rays that symbolize the six spiral centers also termed basic talent cores (or kernels). The six spiral centers/ talent cores constitute the six basic/ working energy centers of force; the center of instinct energy (red), the center of expansion/ action energy (orange), the center of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), the center of intelligence energy (green), the center of intuition energy (blue), the center of memory energy (light indigo).
It is via the six spiral centres/ basic talent cores that the mother energy is split, divided and converted into the six basic/ working energies.
Below areas c and d on the symbol, we find area e, the eternal body, (secondary level, the soul structure) with six coloured areas symbolizing the six paraphysical basic energy bodies*, one for each basic/ working energy: the body of instinct energy (red), the body of expansion/ action energy (orange)**, the body of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), the body of intelligence energy (green), the body of intuition energy (blue), the body of memory energy (light indigo). The structured flow of the basic energies in the six spiral centers is distributed “down” into these six basic energy bodies; i.e., the energy content in each of the basic energy bodies is determined by the energy distribution and flow from the corresponding spiral center (from the instinct center to the instinct body, etc.) The six basic energy bodies (eternal body secondary level, area e) are thus subordinate to the mother energy and the primary level of the eternal body (area c-d).
The six paraphysical basic energy bodies constitute interacting organ systems that are integrated into each other and form a complex homogeneous paraphysical organ system (often expressed as the soul structure by Per Bruus-Jensen).
The specific combination of basic/ working energies within the six energy bodies, in each individual life-unit, determines the current location of that individual’s life-unit in its ongoing eternal evolutionary process; its place in the cosmic evolutionary spiral. This means that the specific cosmochemical combination of the basic/ working energies within an individual’s life-unit governs its level of consciousness and organism structure.
We will now return to the split of the mother energy and the six main combinations of the basic/ working energies.
The Combinations of the Basic Energies and the Six Planes of Existence ‒ overview
The diagram below illustrates the law-governed cyclical flow of the mother energy and the different combinations of the basic/ working energies. These six combinations generate six different physical and paraphysical planes of existence (also called natural kingdoms or realms) and each of them consists of different life forms with their corresponding energy combinations, (i.e. life-units with the dominance of instinct energy belong to the plane of existence in which the instinct energy dominates).
Diagram text:
Note: The mother energy, the primary and supreme basic energy, is often expressed with the number 7 from the perspective that it holds the other six basic/ working energies, which are numbered from 1-6, according to the diagram above.
The six vertical cone-shaped figures symbolize the six paraphysical basic energy bodies and their energy cycles. Reading the diagram from left to right:
1. The body of instinct energy (red), 2. the body of expansion/ action energy (orange), 3. the body of contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (yellow), 4. the body of intelligence energy (green), 5. the body of intuition energy (blue), 6. the body of memory energy (light indigo) and the next coloured column shows the signature colour of the energy that is predominant at each level, followed by the name of the dominant energy and the name of the plane of existence each specific basic energy combination creates. The number (20, 40, etc.) in each energy body indicates the impact factor and penetrative power of each basic energy. Of note, is that the impact factor and penetrative power of the mother energy is 420 which is the sum of the six basic energies.
The upward facing arrow on the left side illustrates the passage of time. When the diagram is read vertically, from the bottom up, it is seen that each of the basic energy bodies goes through a growth and reduction process, that (as previously mentioned) spans six stages: a minimum/ latent stage, two growth stages, a maximum/ culmination stage, two reduction stages (followed by a new minimum stage, and so on continuously, in an eternal cyclical process).
Reading horizontally, the diagram shows the six basic energy bodies and their different combinations in the six different planes of existence, I-VI.
The area between the two bold black horizontal lines comprises all six planes of existence and is termed a spiral cycle (or spiral turn). Every new spiral cycle leads to completely new planes of existence with new dimensions, life forms, organisms and experiences.
The six planes of existence are named after their dominating basic energy; the instinct plane, the expansion/ action plane, the contraction/ perception/ feeling plane, the intelligence plane, the intuition plane and the memory plane. Martinus has also named the physical planes of existence based on how we, as humans, perceive them and the paraphysical planes according to the description of their state and characteristics.
I. The first basic energy combination on the left, the instinct energy is at the maximum stage. Life-units with this energy combination represent what we know as plants, and create the plant kingdom ‒ instinct plane – physical status.
II. Second combination: expansion/ action energy at maximum stage = animal kingdom. Humans at the current level belong to this realm ‒ expansion/ action plane – physical status.
III. Third combination: contraction/ perception/ feeling energy at maximum stage = real human kingdom ‒ contraction/ perception/ feeling plane – transition zone/ plane; initially physical status then turns into paraphysical status.
IV. Fourth combination: intelligence energy at maximum stage = wisdom kingdom ‒ intelligence plane – paraphysical status.
V. Fifth combination: intuition energy at maximum stage = divine kingdom ‒ intuition plane – paraphysical status.
VI. Sixth combination: memory energy at maximum stage = bliss and mineral kingdom ‒ memory plane – transition zone/ plane; initially paraphysical status then turns into physical status.
As stated above, there are two physical planes of existence (I and II), two paraphysical planes (IV and V) and two planes that constitute transition zones/ planes between physical and paraphysical existence (III) and between paraphysical and physical existence (VI).
For more details, refer to THE ONTOLOGY OF THE COSMIC WORLDVIEW Part 2 – The X-Structure and The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral.
We also refer to Martinus’ symbol number 12, “The Combinations of the Basic Energies”*, which is the basis of Per Bruus-Jensen’s diagram above. *The Eternal Worldpicture Volume I