Supplementary Information to Ontological Presentations
and Symbols/Diagrams (Xom3)

Background perspectives and further developments with comparative and explanatory text, special terms and designations, classifications, references to Martinus’ concepts and terminology, etc.

Developed by
New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS
Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science
Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Löth (Loeth)

This page is under development and will be expanded by degrees.

The X-Structure; the Nature of Life and Reality – the Living Being – Ontological Model 3 (Xom3)

We refer to the symbol/diagram (Xom3) as a “starting point” and illustrative support for the main content of this page.

The different sections of this page also constitute an important supplement to the Terminology of the Cosmic Worldview.

Some of the sections could be read separately, but we do recommend you read the introductory section no 1 before you go further with other sections.

In some sections terms by Martinus are marked (M), by Per Bruus-Jensen (PBJ), by Therner and Loeth (T&L).

 — Content – Sections —

  1.  Introduction – Modifications, Supplements and Developments by Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth (Löth)
  2.  The X-Structure – the Nature of Life and Reality
  3.  The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (X-RCT Process)
  4.  Martinus’ terms Super-consciousness (Upper Consciousness) and Sub-consciousness (Lower Consciousness)
  5.  The Eternal Body – Classification
  6.  X2/X3 – Complementary Classification 
  7.  The Switching Body – the Link between the Physical body and the Paraphysical organism (Eternal Body)
  8. X0 – the Initial Reality, the Causeless Cause, the Central Need (CN), the infinite Potential of Creative Possibilities, – the Primordial Urge (PU), – the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle, Triune Principle)
  9.  X1, X2, X3 – the Three Functional Aspects of the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle), – the Cosmic Transformation Process from X0 the Unmanifested to X3 the Manifested and Experienced (the X-RCT Process) ) – the Three Main Versions of Reality
  10.  Spiritual vs Paraphysical and the term Semiphysical
  11.  The Cosmic Basic Energies (Fundamental Energies) Classification 
  12.  The Cosmic Creative Principles (Morphogenetic Effect Constants) Classification 

1. Introduction – Modifications, Supplements and Developments by Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth (Löth)

In the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview, NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth together with Per Bruus-Jensen strive for and focus on clarifying, specifying and systematizing the X-Structure from an ontological perspective and to present descriptions including principles, functions and processes as well as “organic” and “anatomical” aspects.

In this context, we want to emphasize that Martinus stresses that the “Triune Principle”* (Triplementary Principle/ Triune Operating Principle) is an indivisible fundamental principle, with three functional aspects (X1, X2, X3) operating and functioning as an integrated whole. All forms of division should therefore be seen as “theoretical analysis-illustrations” aiming to facilitate the understanding of the Triplementary Principle and the X-Structure.

* the “Triune Principle” term by Martinus – the “Triplementary Principle” and the “Triune Operating Principle” terms by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner and Loeth.

It should also be added that for pedagogical purposes there are some simplifications in the work by Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen.

Martinus clearly points out that he does not present a “complete map” or a “concrete illustration” of life and reality. The X-Structure and the paraphysical reality are completely different in nature from the physical space and time related reality we know. Similarly, principles, structures, functions, etc. outside space and time cannot be described in the conventional sense via physical concepts and illustrations.
We are also reminded that the X-Structure and paraphysical reality cannot be described in the conventional sense via physical concepts and illustrations. In this context we would like to mention the Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who introduced a “picture ban” in light of the fact that quantum mechanics cannot be illustrated through physical images etc., but rather via formulas.
Thus, concepts, diagrams, texts, etc. are merely to be seen as educational aids to facilitate the understanding of the real nature of life and reality, on the way to an intuitive understanding …

The contents of this page also illuminate different translations of Martinus’ terms and designations.

The all-embracing ”COSMOS”; in the Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology, the term “Cosmos” refers to and encompasses everything that exists – all worlds and dimensions, i.e. our own universe and beyond, including all forms of life and reality. Read more …

We, Therner & Loeth, NCP X-AIONS want to emphasize that our presentations of The Cosmic Worldview and The X-Structure are, in general, of ontological character based on the work of Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen, without comparisons to other sources and research. The Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview comprises many completely novel concepts (and some already known concepts, such as “energy”, have new and extended definitions and meanings). An open mind will facilitate understanding and the reader is welcome to draw his/her own conclusions and to make comparisons to other sources and conceptions of life and reality.

The ontological model 3 (symbol/diagram and diagram text (Xom3)) has slightly different classifications of the X-Structure (the living being) compared with those of Martinus’ and Per Bruus-Jensen’s texts and symbols. Additional terms, supplements and definitions are also presented and briefly explained on this page. The modifications and supplements, made and compiled by Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth, are based on profound and long term consideration and were mainly presented in February 2016, in the ontological model 3 “The X-Structure; the Nature of Life and Reality – the Living Being” (Xom3).
The changes have been made for ontological reasons and include clarifications and systematizations, thereby also responding to the specific mission Martinus assigned to Per Bruus-Jensen, which was to systematize, specify, concretize and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed*. It should also be mentioned that Martinus’ teaching and his discussions with Per Bruus-Jensen dealt at times with topics and areas which Martinus has not himself put forward in his own literature, but which for the major part are to be found in Per Bruus-Jensen’s work.

*Per Bruus-Jensen was tutored by Martinus on a daily basis for more than a decade for this purpose and has since devoted his life to this mission which also includes accommodating natural science and contributing to the development of a new all-embracing  “Cosmic Science”. For more information about Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen: Archive & History, Presentation of New Cosmic Paradigm and In the Footsteps of Martinus & Per Bruus-Jensen – A Visit to the Martinus Institute and the Eremitagesletten)

The background to and aim of New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS is to continue implementing Per Bruus-Jensen’s work and presenting The Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview; the X-Research Project – a work and project in close cooperation with Per Bruus-Jensen, made possible by his extensive teaching that, for many years, he imparted to the founders of NCP X-AIONS.

We, Arnold Therner, Birgitta Therner and Steen Loeth, New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS express our gratitude to Per Bruus-Jensen for his trust and heartfelt friendship and for the very comprehensive material he has given to us to manage and convey, based on the unique and extensive teaching he received from Martinus for over a decade. (Certificate regarding documents etc.)

2. The X-Structure – the Nature of Life and Reality
The “X-Structure” is a designation by Therner & Loeth, NCP X-AIONS, expressing the basic nature and structure of life and reality.  The X-Structure comprises the X0-nature and the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle) with its three functional aspects; X1, X2, X3 (see sections 8 and 9). Briefly, the X-Structure corresponds to what Martinus terms “X” *. Martinus used the letter “X” as the origin and primordial form of life and reality is unknown to man. The X-Structure is in principle the same for all forms of life and operates via the Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (X-RCT Process) (T&L), see section 3.

* also termed the “living Something” and the “living Being”
We also refer to Terminology: The X-Structure and the X-RCT Process

3. The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (X-RCT Process)
The “Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process” (X-RCT Process) is a term by Therner & Loeth to illustrate the operating function of the X-Structure; the bidirectional manifestation-perception process from unmanifested initial reality/X0 into manifested objective reality/X3 obj. (manifestation) and the experience of it as qualia, subjective reality/X3 subj. (perception) consciousness. I.e. from emptiness and stillness (initial reality, X0) – to movement and quanta (objective reality, X3 obj.) – to qualia (subjective reality, X3 subj.). (For more information see sections 8 and 9!)

The knowledge and understanding of the X-Structure – the Nature of Life and Reality – and the Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process gives an insight into reality as it is (the nature of objective reality) and, not least, the experience of it as qualia (the perception process and the subjective reality/ consciousness). A profound solution to the “Hard Problem of Consciousness” (the mystery of experience, perception, and qualia) and the “Hard Problem of Reality” (the nature of objective reality). And even more importantly; it will profoundly and very positively affect how we live our lives and thus the future of all life on Earth.

We also refer to Terminology: The X-Structure and the X-RCT Process

4. Martinus’ terms Super-consciousness (Upper Consciousness) and Sub-consciousness (Lower Consciousness)
(Sections 4, 5 and 6 are joined together and should be read in the right order.)
Martinus’ terms  (“overbevidstheden” Danish) “super-consciousness”,  (which he also expresses as “X2”) and (“underbevidstheden” Danish) “sub-consciousness” (“X3”) — often termed by Per Bruus-Jensen the structure or zone of  “upper consciousness” and “lower consciousness” — are not used in the ontological model 3 (Xom3). The terms are excluded due to ontological reasons and perspectives, and also to avoid misunderstandings and confusion, with regard to both the traditional meaning and definition of consciousness (knowledge of something’s being, including its own sentience or awareness of internal or external existence, awareness of one’s own existence, etc.) as well as established terms like “lower consciousness”, “higher consciousness”, CG Jung’s term “collective unconscious”, etc.) This change by Therner & Loeth, NCP X-AIONS is supported and recommended by Per Bruus-Jensen. For more information see section 5 below.

5. The Eternal Body – Classification
(Sections 4, 5 and 6 are joined together and should be read in the right order.)
In the ontological model (Xom3) all structures with eternal status are included in (“evighedslegemet” Danish) the “eternal body”/ “body of eternity” (areas c, d, e in the symbol/diagram). This classification can, for the purpose of orientation, be compared to Martinus’ classification in the two main categories/ structures which he terms “super-consciousness” (the structure/zone of “upper consciousness”) and “sub-consciousness” (the structure/zone of “lower consciousness”). As already mentioned (section 4), the terms “super- or upper consciousness” and “sub- or lower consciousness” are not used in the ontological model (Xom3), but their “location and counterparts” in the ontological model (Xom3), are as follows:

1. Martinus’ term “super-consciousness” (the structure/zone of “upper consciousness”), corresponds to:
Areas c and d in the symbol/diagram: the eternal body, primary level, (area d corresponds to what Martinus terms the “fate-element” including e.g. the six spiral centers, different kinds of talent cores/ ability-nucs/ talent-kernels) – eternal and paraphysical status.

2. Martinus’ term “sub-consciousness” (the structure/zone of “lower consciousness”), corresponds to:
Area e: the eternal body, secondary level incl. the six basic energy bodies etc., (corresponding to what Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen term the “soul structure”) – eternal and paraphysical status.
Area f: the temporary semiphysical structure; the switching body (see section 7) – temporary and semiphysical status.
Area g: the temporary physical organism – temporary and physical status.

In summary, the difference above in the classification of the eternal body is that area e (incl. e.g. the six “basic energy bodies”) mainly due to its eternal status, in the ontological model (Xom3) is included in the eternal body.

In the ontological model (Xom3), the paraphysical eternal body thus also includes the six eternal paraphysical basic energy bodies,  as they constitute eternal dynamic organ systems in the eternal body, in basically the same way as the temporary physical organism consists of a complex of physical organs. Martinus explains that at the basic elementary particle level, the temporary physical organ systems correspond to the eternal paraphysical organ systems (the basic energy bodies), and these physical and paraphysical organ systems are linked together by the semiphysical switching body structure (temporary, integrated holistically during those periods when the living being has a physical body).

6. X2/X3 Complementary Classification (Xom3)
(We recommend reading sections 4 and 5 first.) 
Martinus expressed “super-consciousness” (the structure/ zone of “upper consciousness”) as “X2”, and “sub-consciousness” (the structure/ zone of  “lower consciousness”) as “X3” (see sections 4-5). In the ontological model (Xom3) areas d, e, f, g are expressed “X2/X3”. This complementary designation (X2/X3) by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth, illustrates different perspectives because both aspects; X2 the creative ability (energy) and X3 the created (energy conversion) are represented in the paraphysical eternal body (d, e) and in the temporary semiphysical and physical organ structures (f, g). The new classification where the double designation X2/X3 occurs expresses this with focus on the X2/X3 complementarity in these structures (areas d, e, f, g), as follows:

Area d:  X2/X3 the eternal body, primary level (the fate element) primary psychic force field* (PP-force field) incl. e.g. the poles (+ and -), the six spiral centers, ability-nucs/ talent cores, (memory-talent cores, manual activity-organ-talent cores and autonomous organ-talent cores) perception archive, paragenetic force field – eternal and paraphysical status.

Area e:  X2/X3 the eternal body, secondary level, (the soul structure) secondary psychic force-field** (SP-force field, soul level) incl. e.g. the six basic energy bodies, the pole organs – eternal and paraphysical status.

Area f:  X2/X3 the temporary semiphysical structure; the switching body – temporary and semiphysical status.

Area g:  X2/X3 the temporary physical organism – temporary and physical status.

Areas h and i are presented in the Xom3 symbol as X3; X3 obj. reality and X3 subj. reality, from the perspective of the “created” (X3 objective reality) and the “experienced” (X3 subjective reality) and it should be remembered that X3 obj. and X3 subj. consist of energy/ the basic energies and thereby also represent X2. The designation X3 could therefore logically be expressed complementarily as X3/X2 (or X2/X3). Therner & Loeth in consultation with Per Bruus-Jensen have, however, decided to use the designation X3 for these levels (h-i) focusing on the created and experienced X3. 
*, ** primary psychic force field (PP-force field) and secondary psychic force-field, designations by Per Bruus-Jensen.

CONCLUSION – “X2/X3” Complementary Classification
The substance of everything that exists ”below/after” X1 represents energy, which is the same as eternal creative ability and is thereby representing X2.
The form in which the energy occurs, is always temporary, and thus always represents X3.
The functions and processes of X2 (energy and its objective functions and processes) = energy conversion; X3 objectively, (and the experience of that = X3 subjectively).
Consequently, in these cases it is relevant and justified to use the combination X2/X3.

The Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle) is an indivisible fundamental principle, with three functional aspects (X1, X2, X3) operating and functioning as an integrated whole. All forms of division should therefore be seen as “theoretical analysis-illustrations” aiming to facilitate the understanding of the Triplementary Principle and the X-Structure.

The symbol illustrates a very brief overview of the X-structure, and includes an organic perspective; “anatomical” and “physiological” aspects e.g:

X2 from an anatomical perspective as organs and structures, ie: X2 Energy/ Creative and Experiential Ability represented by organs and structures as a prerequisite for the realization of functions and processes (X3).
X3 from a physiological perspective as functions and processes, ie: X3 Energy conversion/ the Created and Experienced represented by movement and functions/ processes.

To illustrate the indivisibility of the Triplementary Principle (the three integrated functional aspects), it should be added that organs and structures, considered as something created = X3. (Compare with the anatomical perspective above where organs and structures = X2.)

The Cosmic Transformation Process (X-RCT Process) “from X0 to X3”, i.e. the creation of Experience/ Consciousness, is the superior task of the Triune Operating Principle (Triplementary Principle) and thereby of Life itself. The phenomenon of Consciousness/ Experience concerns the way in which X2/energy and its objective functions (= energy conversion/ X3 objectively), exist for the Subject X1 (= experience, qualia/ X3 subjectively).
Per Bruus-Jensen 2015, Sept. 1

7. The Switching Body – the Link between the Physical body and the Paraphysical organism/ Eternal Body
The “switching body”, area f (Xom3), temporary status, semiphysical (primarily paraphysical), comprises both physical and paraphysical energy/matter, functions as a transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary physical body and the immortal paraphysical structure, the “eternal body”. The switching body structure is connected to the eternal body as well as to the physical brain structure, and functions as a paraphysical extension of the brain. The brain is primarily connected to the switching body when we are awake (“day-consciousness” Martinus’ term), but during sleep (“night-consciousness” Martinus’ term), the contact between the brain and the switching body is, temporarily, almost disconnected. (Night-consciousness is “located at” the semiphysical level and the paraphysical level.) After death, when contact with the physical body is lost, the semiphysical switching body still has an important function for a time, before it dissolves and life continues at “higher” paraphysical levels through the paraphysical body.

The term “switching body” does not occur in Martinus’ texts and symbols, but in some work and literature by Per Bruus-Jensen. When Martinus taught Per Bruus-Jensen about this very important organic structure which enables the interaction between the I/the subject (X1), the eternal body and the physical body, he did not have any specific term for it. Per Bruus-Jensen suggested, ”switching body” (”koblingslegemet” Danish), which Martinus found eminently suitable and illustrative.
Consequently, Martinus has not mentioned this level of detail (the switching body structure) in his own work. In this context it can also be mentioned that in his symbols, Martinus illustrates the physical body with the orange-colored  “basic energy body”; the “expansion/ action energy body”. (In some English translations termed the “body of gravity”, related to “gravity energy”, which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term, more information about the “basic energies” in section 11.)

8. X0 – the Initial Reality, the Causeless Cause, the Central Need (CN), the infinite Potential of Creative Possibilities, – the Primordial Urge (PU), – the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle)

(Sections 8 and 9 are joined together and should be read in the right order.)

Regarding 8:1, 8:2, 8:3:1, 8:3:2 and 8:3:3 we also refer to Per Bruus-Jensen: Hvorfor tale om en X0-faktor …?,  Hvorfor X0 i stedet for 0X …? and Hvorfor tale om et Centralbehov …?

8:1 – The Causeless Cause
In Martinus’ sketchbook from 1924, we can see some of Martinus’ first sketches which, in symbolic form, convey his intuitive knowledge. At this early stage, he already begins with Martinus 1924, ”The causeless Cause” - © Martinus Institutthe causeless cause or Something which constitutes the “root”, the initial origin of everything that exists. Martinus’ sketchbook includes 10 sketches/ symbols* and the first (No 1) is marked “valid” and includes the following essential text:
The “causeless Cause” or “first Cause”. The “Something” which exists behind everything existing and constitutes a Triune Principle: X1…, X2…, X3…

*Martinus’ earliest sketches/ symbols are published by Per Bruus-Jensen in his book “Sol & Måne” (“Sun & Moon”). Martinus gifted this sketchbook to Per Bruus-Jensen, who later handed it over to the Martinus Institute in Copenhagen.

8:2 – The Initial Reality X0 and Martinus’ term 0X
The causeless cause, the initial Something “behind” everything, is termed “X0” by Per Bruus-Jensen and expressed as the “initial reality”, the “primordial domain of existence”. Per Bruus-Jensen operates with the designation X0 in some of his later works and literature, and Martinus uses the designation “0X” in one of his books ”The Intellectualized Christianity” (posthumously published by Martinus Institute). In sections 134 and 135 of the aforementioned book, Martinus very briefly describes 0X as the “immaterial Something” which can only be expressed as immaterial, and which is impossible for us to perceive. Martinus also summarily explains that all levels/ dimensions, physical as well as “spiritual” (see section 10) in the infinite Cosmos are permeated by this “immaterial Something, 0X”, which also creates the foundation and source of the I (X1) in every living being, all of which are parts of the I/subject (X1) of the ultimate living being. This all-embracing being is termed the “divine Something” by Martinus and often referred to as God, the Divine, Wholeness, etc.

Per Bruus-Jensen clarifies: According to Martinus, the Cosmos is at the initial level totally immaterial and has status as the “causeless cause” of everything that exists, has existed and will exist, i.e. the triplementary principle (triune operating principle) with its three integrated functional aspects X1, X2, X3. To paraphrase; the initial reality “X0”, the primordial domain of existence constitutes the immaterial foundation and origin of everything; the ultimate, eternal and infinite basis and causeless cause of the triplementary principle (triune operating principle) with its three integrated functional aspects X1, X2, X3.

Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth have chosen to use the designation X0 (instead of 0X) for ontological reasons including the fact that Martinus expresses and defines “X” as “a nameless Something that is”. In Martinus’ designations X1, X2, X3 the three functional aspects of the triplementary principle (triune operating principle) are expressed by different numbers (X1, X2, X3) which point back to the initial primordial “X” (X0) which is the source of and prerequisite for the three functional aspects.

Not. Additional Information X0 and X1
In Martinus’ (M) literature and in most of Per Bruus-Jensen’s (PBJ) literature there is a merging of X0 (initial reality) and X1 (the subject/I) which is also denoted X1 (i.e. this X1 refers to both X0 and X1).
New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loth (T&L), with strong support from PBJ, have not used the aforementioned merging of X0 and X1 but instead, the in-depth classification and definition of X0 (initial reality/causeless Something) and the Triplementary principle where X1 (the subject/I) constitutes one of the three functional aspects (X1,X2 and X3).
The X-Structure in its entirety consists of X0, X1, X2 and X3, and constitutes an integrated, indivisible whole.

8:3 – Overview of X0; the primordial domain of existence and the fundamental level of the X-structure, constituting the ultimate source of everything  and the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle, Triune Principle) 

8:3:1 The X0-Nature 
X0 – the Initial Reality (area a, Xom3) the primordial domain of existence is an all-embracing, immaterial, unmanifested world of emptiness and stillness; a world which, in “virtual” form, contains infinite creative possibilities (creative potentials) thereby constituting the initial reality; the absolute and comprehensive foundation and origin of everything. Here prevails emptiness, stillness, wholeness, eternity and infinity; a state of total nonduality and nonlocality.

8:3:2 The Central Need and the Infinite Potential of Creative Possibilities
X0 is permeated and influenced by a spontaneous and continuous need for self-knowledge (to perceive and experience itself, to manifest itself), termed the “central need” (CN). Central need is a designation created by Per Bruus-Jensen to illustrate this permeating and inherent quality of the X0-nature. (CN doesn’t occur in Martinus’ literature).
The central need constitutes a need for contrast to the unmanifested X0-nature; a need to convert and transform itself into manifested form by using the infinite potential of creative possibilities (creative potentials). In other words; the conversion of the ”virtual” creative possibilities in X0 into manifested form results in a “Something” that is capable of self-experience and self-affirmation – a “Something” with the ability and will to perceive and experience itself. The central need is “supported” by the creative possibilities (creative potentials), which, by their nature, continuously and spontaneously appeal to their own conversion into manifested form, Figure 1.

8:3:3 The Primordial Urge and the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle)
The “first”, and continuous effect of the central need is the generating of a motivating and determining will, termed the “primordial urge” (PU), (Martinus’ term “ur-begæret”, in some English translations “primordial desire”), taking advantage of the potential creative possibilities (creative potentials) in order to create a contrast to the X0-nature of emptiness and stillness, Figure 2.
The direct and constant result of this conversion process via the central need and the primordial urge, is the continuous initiation and activation of an indivisible, fundamental principle termed the Triplementary Principle X* with three integrated functional aspects X1, X2, X3 that characterize all of life, Figure 3. (The three functional aspects of the Triplementary Principle are presented in section 9.)

* by Martinus termed the “Triune Principle” – by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth termed the “Triplementary Principle” / “Triune Operating Principle”. 
The X-Structure; X0 Initial Reality (Xom3-c1) NCP X-AIONS
Figure 1 
The X-Structure; X0 and The Primordial Urge (Xom3-c2) NCP X-AIONS
Figure 2 
The X-Structure; X0 and The Triune Operating Principle X1, X2, X3 (Xom3-c3) NCP X-AIONS
Figure 3

9. X1, X2, X3 – the Three Functional Aspects of the Triplementary Principle (Triune Operating Principle), – the Cosmic Transformation Process from X0 the Unmanifested to X3 the Manifested and Experienced (the X-RCT Process)

(We recommend that you read section 8 before section 9)

9:1 The Three Functional Aspects of the Triplementary Principle

X1 the Creator and Experiencer, X2 the Creative and Experiential Ability, X3 the Created and Experienced:

The X- Structure (Xom3-c4c) NCP X-AIONS

Figure 4  The X-Structure (Xom3-c4c) New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS

X1 – the Creating and Experiencing Something (the Creator and Experiencer) – the Subject/ the “I”, (the “bearer of consciousness”, the timeless ”central point” we term and refer to as ”I”).
Emptiness, Stillness

X2 – this Something’s Creative and Experiential Ability (the Creative and Experiential Ability) – seven qualitative “basic energies” incl. form-creating and structuring principles.
Energy  (qualitative cosmic basic energies incl. creative principles/ morphogenetic effect constants, see sections 11 and 12)

X3 – this Something’s Created and Experienced Reality (the Created and Experienced) – X3 is the result of the interaction between the Subject/ the “I” (X1) and its Creative and Experiential Ability (X2), represented by movement including the “material illusion” as objective reality (X3 obj.) on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality (X3 subj.) on the other.
I.e. objective and subjective effects: movement, the “material illusion”, the manifested Cosmos (obj. reality) – and – the experience of it as qualia (subj. reality); the ”subjective reality complex”.
Energy Conversion, Movement  (X3 = energy conversion: X3 obj. = movement, X3 subj.= experience of movement; qualia.*)

See section 3, The X-RCT Process: from Emptiness and Stillness (Initial Reality, X0) – to Movement and Quanta (Objective Reality, X3 obj.) – to Qualia (Subjective Reality, X3 subj.*).

* X3 subj: subjective reality = experience of objective reality; all forms of experience, consciousness, awareness, qualia (often expressed as “life-experience” by Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen), knowledge of something’s being including its own, awareness of internal and external existence.

9:2 The Cosmic Transformation Process from X0 the Unmanifested to X3 the Manifested and Experienced (the X-RCT Process)

The central need (CN) in the X0-nature (initial reality) supported by the potential creative possibilities continuously generates the primordial urge (PU). The primordial urge has a driving force that perpetually initiates and activates the fundamental, indivisible the triplementary principle X (triune operating principle) with three integrated functional aspects:

X1 the subject, the creator and experiencer – the creating and experiencing Something
X2 the creative and experiential ability
X3 the created and experienced, objective and subjective reality

The primordial urge functions as an “extension” of the central need, and is spontaneously linked to X1 and implies subjective status, i.e. X1 is the subject; the creator and experiencer (the timeless ”central point” we term and refer to as ”I”). X1, like the X0-nature, is characterized by emptiness and stillness (X0 and X1 are both symbolized by white). However, X1 has subjective status and its function is to provide the X0-nature (the initial “Something”) with a way of operating, that implies a double function: partly as creator (manifestation function) and partly as experiencer of the created (perception function) and thus, the X0-nature’s central need to experience and perceive itself, to manifest itself, is fulfilled.
To paraphrase: Using the potential creative possibilities in X0 via the central need and the primordial urge results in a conversion of the initial unmanifested “Something” into a manifested creative and experiential “Something”, which happens constantly and spontaneously via the triplementary principle X (driven by the central need and the primordial urge) as follows:

X1 (the creator and experiencer, the subject, the “I”) perpetually uses its X2 (creative and experiential ability) to transform the X0-nature (initial reality, unmanifested, immaterial, emptiness, stillness) into X3 the created and the experienced, represented by: objective reality/ X3 obj.; movement and quanta (the manifested Cosmos) – and the experience of it as qualia; subjective reality/ X3 subj. (Overview below)

The function and effect of the X-Structure and its Triplementary Principle are summarized in the Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process – the X-RCT Process, (see section 3).

Overview – Summary
The Cosmic Transformation Process from X0 the Unmanifested to X3 the Manifested and Experienced (the X-RCT Process):

The X- Structure (Xom3-c4c) New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS

The X-Structure (Xom3-c4c) New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS

  • X0, the unmanifested, (immaterial, emptiness, stillness, infinite Potential Creative Possibilities) is permeated and influenced by the Central Need.
  •  The Central Need (supported by the Potential Creative Possibilities) generates the Primordial Urge.
  • The Primordial Urge initiates and activates the Triplementary Principle as a whole – i.e. all three aspects are simultaneously active.
  • X1 (the Creator and Experiencer, the subject, the “I”) perpetually uses its X2 (Creative and Experiential ability) to transform the X0-nature, the unmanifested (initial reality, immaterial, emptiness, stillness) into X3 the Created and the Experienced, represented by:
    objective reality X3 obj.; movement and quanta, the “material illusion”*, the manifested Cosmos – and the experience of it as qualia; subjective reality X3 subj., the experienced.

* Per Bruus-Jensen: X3 is a converted and manifested ”illusionistic” version of the unmanifested X0-reality.

The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (X-RCT Process); from Emptiness and Stillness (Initial Reality, X0) to Movement and Quanta (Objective Reality, X3 obj.) to Qualia (Subjective Reality, X3 subj.), see section 3.

9:3 In Summary: The Three Main Versions of Reality and The X-RCT Process

The Three Main Versions of Reality:
Initial Reality characterized by Emptiness and Stillness.
Objective Reality physical and paraphysical, represented by Movement.
Subjective Reality represented by Experience of Movement, Qualia.

The Transformation of Reality – The X-RCT Process:
X0 Initial Reality through the interaction between the X1-function and X2-function of the Triplementary Principle, unmanifested Initial Reality is transformed into manifested form:
X3 Objective Reality: a converted manifested form of unmanifested Initial Reality, which involves a manifestation process governed and transformed by the interaction between X1 and X2.
X3 Subjective Reality: a converted subjective form of Objective Reality which implies a perception process governed and transformed by the interaction between X1 and X2.

10. Spiritual vs Paraphysical – and the term Semiphysical
Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen often use the word “spiritual” with different meanings, including to describe matter and dimensions “beyond” what we term physical, i.e. “finer”/ more subtle forms of energy/ matter compared to physical energy/ matter. In this connection Per Bruus-Jensen also frequently uses the term “paraphysical” (which doesn’t occur in Martinus’ texts). NCP X-AIONS, Therner and Loeth have, for ontological reasons and with strong support from Per Bruus-Jensen, consequently decided to use the term “paraphysical” to express this form of reality, brief description below.

Paraphysical: “finer”, more subtle forms of energy and matter, with extremely high frequencies, based on and functioning according to different constants and laws of nature, compared to the physical world we know. Paraphysical dimensions can simply be described as worlds comprising and characterized by conditions, prerequisites and states beyond our current knowledge of space, time and matter. See also the motion principle and the five classes of motion.
Paraphysical reality exists, albeit unobservable to us, side by side with physical reality, although we cannot normally register it with our physical senses adapted to the “heavy” physical world. (Martinus terms the paraphysical level “spiritual” and “overphysical” or “higher physical”). This level cannot be explored by traditional science.

Semiphysical: (primarily paraphysical) comprises both physical and paraphysical energy/ matter, functions as a transition and transformation zone and “link” between the physical level and the paraphysical level. The semiphysical level comprises the particular energy zone physicists try to define, explain and explore termed the zero-point field. However, the paraphysical world of energy is the source for the semiphysical force field and thereby also for the zero-point field. At this level, a special utilization of three of the basic/ fundamental energies, (instinct, expansion/ action and contraction/ perception) creates a ”heavier” and more massive form of energy compared to the pure paraphysical form. According to Per Bruus-Jensen this semiphysical level (including the “switching body”) might be observed and “registered” in the future by traditional science.

Examples of Martinus’ and/or Per Bruus-Jensen’s use of the term Spiritual:

1. Spiritual in the sense of subjective reality, X3 subj., (subjective, immaterial status) i.e. our experience, the “subjective reality complex”, all forms of qualia generally.
2. Spiritual in the sense of intuitive knowledge and also experiences of “paranormal” character. For example, Martinus expresses his intuitive knowledge as “spiritual knowledge” and his work as ”spiritual science”, and also explains that this will meet traditional knowledge/ science and thus lead to the development of a new overarching “Cosmic Science”. Also, compare this to the well-known expression the “meeting between Science and Spirituality”.
3. Spiritual in its traditional religious meaning.
4. Spiritual in the sense of something opposite to and/or beyond what we term physical and material.
5. Spiritual in the sense of paraphysical, i.e. “finer”/ more subtle forms of energy/ matter compared to physical energy/ matter. In this connection Per Bruus-Jensen also frequently uses the term paraphysical.
Examples of this are Martinus’ (and Per Bruus-Jensen’s) expressions ”spiritual body” and “spiritual world or planes of existence” which mean and refer to the “paraphysical body/ organism” and the “paraphysical dimensions and domain of existence”.

11. The Cosmic Basic Energies/ Fundamental Energies – Classification

Martinus presents a completely new concept of energy;  the “Cosmic Basic Energies”, consisting of seven* extremely subtle, qualitative basic energies (also termed fundamental energies), each of which holds specific properties. Everything created in life and reality consists of these qualitative “Basic Energies”; from the very densest physical matter to the most subtle that exists including our thoughts, feelings, memories, etc. In fact, the infinite manifested Cosmos, consists of different combinations of these qualitative basic energies. In order to illustrate the specific qualities, impacts and strengths of the basic energies, Martinus gave them different signature colors and numbers that he consistently used in his symbols. (Martinus created a special symbol-book “The Eternal World Picture” in 6 volumes to illustrate the Cosmic Worldview.) Martinus named the different basic energies according to how their respective characteristics and qualities appear in the physical world we know and experience, as well as their presence and activity in our bodies and in our consciousness. It should be emphasized that the basic/ fundamental energies never appear separate but always operate together in different combinations, Martinus terms this topic “Cosmic Chemistry”.

* In total there are seven basic/ fundamental energies: the primary basic energy the “mother energy” and the six “working energies**”. The basic energies are often expressed as the six basic energies, which refer to the six working energies, excluding the primary mother energy. (**designation by Per Bruus-Jensen)

Below follows a short presentation and classification of the seven basic energies by Per Bruus-Jensen, Therner & Loeth,  including name/s of energy, signature color and number illustrating relative strength of impact, very brief description summarizing the characteristics of the energy along with some of the instances in which the described energy dominates, (see also table “The Basic Energies – Overview”).

Mother energy (violet, impact factor 420):
The primary and supreme energy, main functions: 1. Generates, regulates and co-ordinates the six other basic energies (also termed the six “working energies”). 2. Holds and operates via a number of so-called “cosmic creative principles”, also termed “morphogenetic effect constants”; formative and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality, (more information in section 12). Read more about the Mother energy

Instinct energy (red, impact factor 20):
Automation, autonomy, automatic functions, tropisms, habitual patterns, routines, virtuosity, traditionalism, rituals, ability to believe even fanaticism, dogmatism.

Expansion/ Action energy (orange, impact factor 40) “expansion/ action” energy is a designation by Per Bruus-Jensen, Therner & Loeth describing the qualities of the basic energy Martinus terms “tyngdeenergien” – (in some English translations also known as “gravity energy”, which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term*):
Expansion, action, dynamism, manifestation, acting outwards, explosion, acceleration, heat, the main component of physical matter, “mass-function”; responsible for what we term mass and the Higgs field*.
In consciousness, this energy is emotionally expressed as aggressiveness, ruthlessness, egoism, destructive actions, cruelty, even to harm and kill living beings.

The opposite qualities of the Expansion/ Action energy are found in:

Contraction/ Perception energy in many texts referred to as Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling energy: (yellow, impact factor 60) “contraction/perception” energy is a designation by Per Bruus-Jensen, Therner & Loeth describing the qualities of the basic energy Martinus terms “følelsesenergien” – in English “feeling energy”:
Contraction, perception, registering, reception, regulation of dynamics, acting inwards, receiving activities, implosion, retardation, coldness, condensing effect, “gravity-function”*.
In consciousness, this energy is emotionally expressed as sensitivity, empathy, sympathy, altruism – life-giving and loving actions.

*Additional information about the Expansion/ Action energy “EAE” and the Contraction/ Perception energy “CPE”: The interaction and tension between these two opposing “antagonistic” energies constitute the very basis of what physicists term force, particles and matter. In brief: The dynamic EAE (under the influence of CPE) is the main component of physical matter and thus responsible for what we call mass and the Higgs field. Physical matter is generated as a result of the tension between EAE and CPE. Physical matter consists of EAE (“mass-function”) condensed by CPE (“gravity-function”). In this context, we refer to Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything – The Fundamental Energy Theory – FET, by Leif Pettersson (New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS).

Intelligence energy (green, impact factor 80):
Analysis, logic, rationality, expediency, efficiency, recognition/ identification, reflection, calculation, foresight, imagination.

Intuition energy (blue, impact factor 120):
Synthesis, quintessence, instant understanding and knowing (independent of previous studies and our ordinary perception and sensory organs), penetrating, immediate insight, design and generation of ingenious ideas and perfected constructive creativity.

Memory energy (light indigo, impact factor 100), (also termed “Memory- and Bliss energy”):
Accumulation, preservation and archiving, retrospection, remembrance. This energy is dominating in experiences of bliss and intense pleasure based on what Martinus terms “gold-copies”; cosmic chemically processed and refined sections of accumulated experiences, memories, (see Talent Core principle; memory-talent cores).

In this context, we shall very briefly mention a few examples of our physical bodily structures, systems and senses from the perspective of the most associative and/or dominant basic energy in these:

  • Skin and muscles – instinct energy.
  • Digestive system / Stomach and intestinal system – expansion/ action energy (characterized by degradation and “killing” qualities and effects): The digestive organs, which are adapted to dense and animal-based foods, will diminish as expansion/ action energy decreases. At the same time, our physical bodies will be gradually refined as our nutritional requirements become more and more subtle. This process signifies development according to the principle of “least possible killing,” which means minimizing and finally stopping the killing of other living beings (especially those that are day-conscious on the physical plane) for food and other purposes.
  • Respiratory system/ Blood system and lungs – contraction/ perception/ feeling energy (characterized by “life-giving” qualities and effects): The diminishing of the digestive system alongside the simultaneous increase of the respiratory system is a characteristic of the development from the animal stage (dominated by expansion/ action energy) to the real human stage (dominated by contraction/ perception/ feeling energy).
  • Brain structure and nervous system – intelligence energy.
  • Hair, nails, bones, teeth* – memory energy (mineral plane).
    * In the parts of these in which we have no sensation e.g. hair (excluding root).
  • Senses: Taste – instinct energy, Smell – expansion/ action energy, Touch – contraction/ perception/ feeling energy, Sound – intelligence energy, Sight – intuition energy.

12. The Cosmic Creative Principles/ Morphogenetic Effect Constants – Classification
The primary basic/ fundamental energy, the “mother energy” (section 11) holds and operates via a number of so-called “cosmic creative principles” (Martinus’ term) or “morphogenetic effect constants” (Per Bruus-Jensen’s term); form-creating and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality. For instance, we can empirically observe the effects of the mother energy’s morphogenetic effect constants in what we term the constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision, etc. In other words, the appropriate functioning of the manifested multidimensional Cosmos is a result of these morphogenetic effect constants. The X2-function, with its creative principles/ effect constants, creates contrasts to the X0-nature of emptiness, stillness, wholeness, infinity, eternity, nonduality and nonlocality which is transformed and structured into energy/matter, movement, life-units, space, time, states, distances, etc.

The X2-function with its Cosmic Creative Principles/ Morphogenetic Effect Constants operates and functions as “transformation processes”, creating contrasts to the X0-nature e.g.:

 X0          X1 + X2        X3 ( X3 obj. and X3 subj.)

•  Wholeness      →         Life-units, separation, quantification…
•  Emptiness       →         Energy/ matter
•  Stillness           →         Movement
•  Infinity                      Space, distance
•  Eternity            →         Time

The creative principles interact (i.e. they do not function separately and independently from each other). All effects of the creative principles depend on interaction between several principles. Martinus named each creative principle after the specific effects that it generates in the physical world we know and experience, as well as the effects of its presence and activity in our bodies and in our consciousness. The summary below describes the main effects of different creative principles. It should also be added that Life and Reality (“the Cosmic World Order”) rest on the activity of more numerous creative principles than presented here.

Below follows a short presentation and classification of some of the main Cosmic Creative Principles by Per Bruus-Jensen, Therner & Loeth, NCP X-AIONS.

The primary and supreme cosmic creative principle – The Split/ Division of the Mother energy; the eternal, continuously ongoing automatic division and conversion of the mother energy with the law-governed structured cyclical flow of the six basic/ working energies into six different specific combinations is to be seen as the primary and supreme cosmic creative principle*. The split/ division of the mother energy is one of the basic prerequisites for all forms of creation.
* Definition by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth

Pole principle (the principle for the formation of poles) – effect: all polar or dual conditions, such as plus/minus, North/South, male/female, sending/receiving of energy, i.e. gives the subject/I (X1) the opportunity to send energy and receive energy. This principle thus constitutes a prerequisite for 1. Creating, ie. sending of energy: outward activity, manifestation and for 2. Experiencing, ie. receiving energy: inward activity, perception.
The so-called masculine pole and feminine pole are also crucial for sexuality and gender as well as necessary for physical reproduction.

Contrast principle (the principle for the formation of contrast) – effect: all contrasts and antagonisms, such as day/night, light/dark, black/white, sour/sweet, good/evil, beautiful/ugly, joy/sorrow, etc. The Contrast principle simply means differences and variations in the frequencies and vibrational fields of the qualitative basic energies and their different combinations. This principle is an absolute prerequisite for us to be able to register and perceive anything at all – without contrast, there is no experience. The contrast principle basically means static contrast conditions that gradually become dynamic through interaction with the Changing and renewal principle, see below.

– Changing and Renewal principle*/ Hunger and Satiation principle**(the principle of hunger and satiation): specifies the primordial urge, intention, desire and goal orientation, renewal and variation of experience, development, dynamic contrast effects, changing and renewal effects both external (environmental) and internal (mental, psychological) and also in the individual organic structure, organism development. As suggested by its name, this principle could be illustrated more simply by “a hunger phase followed by a satiation phase followed by a new hunger, new satiation, new hunger…” (see diagram)
* term by Therner & Loeth, ** term by Martinus

Perspective principle (the principle for the formation of perspective) – effect: all perspectival effects such as dimensions, proportions, grading, distinctions in importance, hierarchical systems, etc. This principle entails that we experience relationships in condition, size, distance, etc., and can be easily illustrated by relationships and phenomena in space and time, e.g. the experience (X3 subj.) of an object becoming smaller as the distance from the object increases, the experience (X3 subj.) of past, present, future, and the experience of a beginning and an end.
It is impossible to experience the unlimited initial reality (the X0-nature) as it is, ie. infinity, eternity, emptiness, stillness, wholeness. The principle of perspective implies that the subject/I (X1) experiences reality in the form of limitations, which is one of the prerequisites for perception and experience (X3 subj.). All experiences are transformed and limited versions of the unlimited X0-nature.

Motion principle (the principle for the formation of motion) – effect:all forms of movement. Everything created (X3) emerges as an expression of life and entails movement. Creation involves the conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement, namely the Five Universal Classes of Motion*: “Primordial motion*” (1) and the four so-called “derived motions*” known in the physical world as Space (2), Time (3), Transformation (4), Matter (5). The effects of the motion principle take on different expressions in the paraphysical dimensions/ worlds which imply that the classes of motion appear in different ways and function according to different laws of nature compared to the physical world.
The primordial motion has both objective and subjective status, whereas the four derived motions are subjective versions (X3 subj.) and thus alternative representations of the objective primordial motion (X3 obj.), transformed by X1 in interaction with X2.
Martinus states: “The ultimate characteristic of life is movement – Movement is the manifestation of life” – and “all motions within the infinite Cosmos neutralize each other, confirming the underlying all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness.
* designations by Per Bruus-Jensen

Cycle principle (the principle for the formation of cycles) – effect: structures movement into cycles, all kinds of cycles. All movement occurs in cycles. In the absolute sense, the straight line does not exist, since it is always a part of a cycle, every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path – the Law of Movement. If the energies were not bound in cycles, there would be no life.

The Law of Movement, Martinus' symbol no 15 - © Martinus Institut
The Law of Movement,
Martinus’ symbol no 15 (The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1), summary explanation:

Every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path, which means that “straight lines” do not exist. On the symbol the uppermost white line shows a so-called straight line, but this line constitutes a part of a circle that is 40 meters in diameter.
– Reincarnation principle (the principle for the formation of reincarnation): during periods of our eternal evolutionary process, we are living alternately in a physical world and in a paraphysical world, during which periods reincarnation is a necessity. The reincarnation principle functions as a “life renewer” (exchange and renewal of physical bodies) in the physical world, and is important to us in our development towards higher life forms.
– Karma or Destiny principle (the principle for the formation of karma): everything, both positive and negative, that we “send out” (every action, thought, feeling etc.) returns to us sooner or later. The energy always returns to its source in one form or another – the Law of Cause and Effect/ Law of Karma.

Life-Unit principle*/ Matter-and-Life-Unit principle** (the principle for the formation of life-units) – effect: the division of wholeness and the organizing and structuring of energy into units, life-units (energy-units) such as particles, cells, organs, organisms, planets, suns, galaxies. Life organizes itself as “life within life”, thereby existing in common interaction and mutual dependence. All living beings are immortal life-units linked together and parts of the infinite, living wholeness; the all-embracing, multidimensional Cosmos.
Introductory summary Martinus’ symbol no 7 (below) – The Life-Unit Principle: “The Cosmos is an infinite unit, an all-embracing being and consists of all existing living beings. These are organized as Life within Life. This means that every being is both a macro-being, providing living space for micro-beings, and also a micro-being, which gets its living space from a larger macro-being. In this way, all living beings are vital to one another.” – An organic and holistic structure.
The life-unit principle is responsible for manifested reality’s fractalized nature, its division into units of any form, including organisms for living beings. In other words, this creative principle means that the living Cosmos, on the manifested level, has divided and structured itself into life-units/ living beings – “triune life-units”. The complementarity of wholeness/ oneness and duality/ separation, as well as the “Structure of Entanglement” are formed and explained mainly by the life-unit principle.
* term by Martinus, ** term by Per Bruus-Jensen, Therner & Loeth

Life-unit principle Martinus' Symbol no 7 © Martinus Institut DKThe Life-Unit principle – Martinus´ symbol no 7 (The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1), summary explanation:
“The Cosmos is an infinite unit, an all-embracing being and consists of all existing living beings. These are organized as Life within Life. This means that every being is both:
1. a macro-being, which provides living space for micro-beings – and also 2. a micro-being, which gets its living space from a larger macro-being. In this way all living beings are vital to one another.”
The triangle and the white section in the middle and the area around it symbolize a Living Being/Life-Unit (X1, X2, X3). The repetition of smaller and smaller versions of the symbol shows that the living beings organisms are situated within living beings organisms.
– Organism principle: includes seven different main principles for organisms. These seven main principles are repeated endlessly in constantly renewed and varying versions, both “upwards” in the infinite macrocosm and “dowwards” in the infinite microcosm. The seven main organism principles are known to us as the following “units”: 1. elementary particles, 2. cells, 3. organs, 4. organisms, 5. planets, 6. solar systems, 7. galaxies. There are several intermediate principles and variants of those principles in addition to the aforementioned seven main principles.

Talent Core (or Talent-kernel) principle/ Ability-Nuc principle (the principle for the formation of ”talent cores”/ “ability-nucs”, in some English translations “talent-kernels”) * – effect: all forms of accumulation of experiences, abilities, skills, qualities, characteristics, etc. into stable storage units termed talent cores/ ability-nuc.
* In the text below we use the term “talent core”.
Talent Cores are unique, organic accumulation and storage units with specific processing and management functions. The talent cores accumulate and store all our individual experiences, knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities, etc. in order to make it possible for us to reuse and develop them and to take them with us from life to life. The talent cores and their functions are prerequisites for the development of all forms of life and evolutionary processes.
Very briefly and generally speaking, talent cores are paraphysical, organic centers of power containing experiences, abilities, qualities, skills, etc. the living being has developed and acquired in certain areas during its eternal life. These experiences, abilities and qualities, etc. are transformed into codified patterns of vibrations containing the “data and program”, which the current talent core “operates and administers”.
There are three main groups of talent cores: 1. memory-talent cores, 2. manual activity organ-talent cores, 3. autonomous organ-talent cores, (briefly described below) all of which are found in the so-called fate element the eternal body (area d (Xom3)). The fate element with its associated talent cores can be likened to an organic hard drive with holographic structure and infinite capacity where processing, accumulation and storage take place.

Note. In this context, it must be mentioned that the six spiral centers are also called basic talent cores, but these are of a different kind. It is through these basic talent cores/ spiral centers that the mother energy is divided and converted into the six basic energies/ working energies, i.e. the so-called “split” of the mother energy. The above-mentioned talent cores (memory-talent cores, manual activity-organ-talent cores and autonomous organ-talent cores) are integrated with the six basic talent cores/ spiral centers in the eternal body (in the fate element (area d (Xom3)).

– Memory-talent cores (M-TC) store experiences and memories from the individual’s ongoing life experience. The M-TC are of great importance for the perception process and the creation of qualia and subjective experiences. Together the M-TC constitute a unique individual perception archive where all our previous experiences are stored. The information stored in these M-TC gives “resonance” to new incoming objective impulses and influences how we transform, interpret and act on stimuli, i.e. the transformation of objective reality into subjective reality, (the bidirectional “Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process”, X-RCT).
The memory-talent cores (M-TC) are constantly processed and influenced by the mother energy and over time undergo a cosmic chemical process that results in special “refined” M-TC termed gold-copies. Gold-copies give rise to a state of bliss and intense pleasure which dominates in the bliss and mineral realm.

– Manual activity organ-talent cores (MAO-TC) store learned and practiced activity programs, ie. abilities that the individual has built up and developed through application and training (e.g. cycling, reading, playing instruments, certain body functions, etc.)
The construction and development of manual activity organ-talent cores include three main stages, very briefly described here:
A-stage, interest stage; the individual has an interest/desire – a day-conscious will and desire to attain a certain function or skill.
B-stage, training/ exercise stage; the individual engages, trains – day-conscious active training, striving and practice, which stimulate the talent core building.
C-stage, automatic function stage; the individual has acquired a skill – “genius stage”, the function/ skill has become automatic, i.e. works automatically, and does not require day-conscious concentration for its implementation.

– Autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-TC) contain information for the creation and development of paraphysical and physical organs and organisms, and are crucial to how things take their form, grow and evolve in a particular way (dismissing the traditional theory that all this complex form-shaping and development is merely genetically programmed). The primary form-shaping and evolving processes with all the underlying information are accumulated in the talent cores and activated at the paraphysical level. The talent cores form and continuously develop a unique individual paragenetic force field which is of great importance for each reincarnation process the individual undergoes.
The autonomous organ-talent cores are created at the paraphysical planes of existence (intuition plane and intelligence plane) before the coming transition into a new organism principle. These new AO-TC are developed and specialized for the new organism structure and its basic and essential functions, features and future development. The new AO-TC contain complete programs that are later activated and function completely automatically in the realization of the new organismic principle in physical matter, which happens completely without the individual’s day-conscious volition and participation.
An example of this is the reincarnation process at our current level of development. The beginning of a new incarnation implies activation of the individual’s autonomous organ-talent cores at the paraphysical level, which initiate and govern complex automatic processes at the physical level via the transforming semiphysical switching body. We can follow these automatic and intense evolving processes and activities at the physical level from conception at the zygote stage onward. It should also be added that all our automatic functions and behaviors are governed by the information stored in the individual talent cores. For instance, only a small proportion (2-4 percent) of our bodily functions are volitional.

Supplement: The Talent Core/ Ability-nuc principle is also highly relevant in the field of epigenetics as it exerts influence on the genes of the DNA-spiral via the generated talent cores/ ability-nucs. Namely, in the “top-down” way in which the talent cores define and enforce the appearance of new genes in the DNA-spiral, which in this context can be seen as a neutral “keyboard” that talent cores can “play”, and thereby contribute to determining the “music”; i.e. the actual evolutionary process. The talent core principle also helps to explain the so-called evolutionary “leaps”, represented by the quite sudden appearance of new species, as well as regeneration of extinct species given the ability to evolve into new species through the use of the great and abundant accumulation of talent cores/ ability-nucs brought from their previous existence (this subject area is described by Per Bruus-Jensen in Project LIFE – The Cosmic Evolution ).

Development, Protection and Parent principle (the principle for the formation of development, protection and teaching) – effect: all forms of development (e.g. physical, biological, psychological, emotional, intellectual), protection, parenting, caring, health and social care, leadership, guidance, teaching, education, school and education systems, etc. The principle also entails comprehensive protection and responsibility for all forms of development in a greater perspective including evolution. In this context, what Martinus terms the religious principle should be mentioned. This implies guidance via so-called world-impulses from higher planes of existence (also conveyed on Earth by “teachers/ precursors” in different fields) successively adapted to our current level of development. This stimulates the development of consciousness from a stage of belief in a deity, further on to materialism and atheism, and from there to cosmic consciousness. From belief to knowing ….
(Martinus terms this principle the “world redemption principle” (the principle of world redemption) and also the “parent principle”, NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth use the term “development, protection and parent principle”.)