The Cosmic Creative Principles
Morphogenetic Effect Constants
– Overview –
Therner & Loeth
Brief Introduction – Overview
The primary basic/ fundamental energy, the “mother energy” (see “The Cosmic Basic Energies”) holds and operates via a number of so-called “Cosmic Creative Principles” also termed “morphogenetic effect constants”; form-creating and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality. For instance, we can empirically observe the effects of the mother energy’s morphogenetic effect constants in what we term the constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision, etc. In other words, the appropriate functioning of the manifested multidimensional Cosmos is a result of these morphogenetic effect constants. The X2-function, with its creative principles/ effect constants, creates contrasts to the X0-nature of emptiness, stillness, wholeness, infinity, eternity, nonduality and nonlocality which is transformed and structured into energy/ matter, movement, life-units, space, time, states, distances, etc.
The X2-function with its Cosmic Creative Principles/ Morphogenetic Effect Constants operates and functions as “transformation processes”, creating contrasts to the X0-nature e.g.:
X0 X1 + X2 X3 ( X3 obj. and X3 subj.)
• Wholeness → Life-units, separation, quantification…
• Emptiness → Energy/ matter
• Stillness → Movement
• Infinity → Space, distance
• Eternity → Time
It should be emphasized that the creative principles interact (i.e. they do not function separately and independently from each other). All effects of the creative principles depend on interaction between several principles. Martinus named each creative principle after the specific effects that it generates in the physical world we know and experience, as well as the effects of its presence and activity in our bodies and in our consciousness. The summary below describes the main effects of the different creative principles. It should also be added that Life and Reality (“the Cosmic World Order”) rest on the activity of more numerous creative principles than presented here.
Additional information at Supplementary*, section 12: the Cosmic Creative Principles/ Morphogenetic Effect Constants – Classification.
(*Supplementary information to Ontological Principles)
The primary and supreme cosmic creative principle – The Split/ Division of the Mother energy; the eternal, continuously ongoing automatic division and conversion of the mother energy with the law-governed structured cyclical flow of the six basic/ working energies into six different specific combinations is to be seen as the primary and supreme cosmic creative principle*. The split/ division of the mother energy is one of the basic prerequisites for all forms of creation.
* Definition by Per Bruus-Jensen and Therner & Loeth
Pole principle (the principle for the formation of poles) – effect: all polar or dual conditions, such as plus/minus, North/South, male/female, sending/receiving of energy, i.e. gives the subject/I (X1) the opportunity to send energy and receive energy. This principle thus constitutes a prerequisite for 1. Creating, ie. sending of energy: outward activity, manifestation and for 2. Experiencing, ie. receiving energy: inward activity, perception.
The so-called masculine pole and feminine pole are also crucial for sexuality and gender as well as necessary for physical reproduction.
Contrast principle (the principle for the formation of contrast) – effect: all contrasts and antagonisms, such as day/night, light/dark, black/white, sour/sweet, good/evil, beautiful/ugly, joy/sorrow, etc. The Contrast principle simply means differences and variations in the frequencies and vibrational fields of the qualitative basic energies and their different combinations. This principle is an absolute prerequisite for us to be able to register and perceive anything at all – without contrast, there is no experience. The contrast principle basically means static contrast conditions that gradually become dynamic through interaction with the Changing and renewal principle, see below.
– Changing and Renewal principle/ Hunger and Satiation principle (the principle of hunger and satiation): specifies the primordial urge, intention, desire and goal orientation, renewal and variation of experience, development, dynamic contrast effects, changing and renewal effects both external (environmental) and internal (mental, psychological) and also in the individual organic structure, organism development. As suggested by its name, this principle could be illustrated more simply by “a hunger phase followed by a satiation phase followed by a new hunger, new satiation, new hunger…” ( see diagram-CR)
Perspective principle (the principle for the formation of perspective) – effect: all perspectival effects such as dimensions, proportions, grading, distinctions in importance, hierarchical systems, etc. This principle entails that we experience relationships in condition, size, distance, etc., and can be easily illustrated by relationships and phenomena in space and time, e.g. the experience (X3 subj.) of an object becoming smaller as the distance from the object increases, the experience (X3 subj.) of past, present, future, and the experience of a beginning and an end.
It is impossible to experience the unlimited initial reality (the X0-nature) as it is, ie. infinity, eternity, emptiness, stillness, wholeness. The principle of perspective implies that the subject/I (X1) experiences reality in the form of limitations, which is one of the prerequisites for perception and experience (X3 subj.). All experiences are transformed and limited versions of the unlimited X0-nature.
Motion principle (the principle for the formation of motion) – effect: all forms of movement. Everything created (X3) emerges as an expression of life and entails movement. Creation involves the conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement, namely the five universal classes of motion: “Primordial motion” (1) and the four so-called “derived motions” known in the physical world as Space (2), Time (3), Transformation (4), Matter (5). The effects of the motion principle take on different expressions in the paraphysical dimensions/ worlds which imply that the classes of motion appear in different ways and function according to different laws of nature compared to the physical world.
The primordial motion has both objective and subjective status, whereas the four derived motions are subjective versions (X3 subj.) and thus alternative representations of the objective primordial motion (X3 obj.), transformed by X1 in interaction with X2.
Martinus states: “The ultimate characteristic of life is movement – Movement is the manifestation of life” – and “all motions within the infinite Cosmos neutralize each other, confirming the underlying all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness.
Cycle principle (the principle for the formation of cycles) – effect: structures movement into cycles, all kinds of cycles. All movement occurs in cycles. In the absolute sense, the straight line does not exist, since it is always a part of a cycle, every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path – the Law of Movement, (Martinus’ Symbol no 15). If the energies were not bound in cycles, there would be no life.
– Reincarnation principle (the principle for the formation of reincarnation): during periods of our eternal evolutionary process, we are living alternately in a physical world and in a paraphysical world, during which periods reincarnation is a necessity. The reincarnation principle functions as a “life renewer” (exchange and renewal of physical bodies) in the physical world, and is important to us in our development towards higher life forms.
– Karma or Destiny principle (the principle for the formation of karma): everything, both positive and negative, that we “send out” (every action, thought, feeling etc.) returns to us sooner or later. The energy always returns to its source in one form or another – the Law of Cause and Effect/ Law of Karma/ (Law of Destiny).
Life-Unit principle/ Matter-and-Life-Unit principle (the principle for the formation of life-units) – effect: the division of wholeness and the organizing and structuring of energy into units, life-units (energy-units) such as particles, cells, organs, organisms, planets, suns, galaxies. Life organizes itself as “life within life”, thereby existing in common interaction and mutual dependence. All living beings are immortal life-units linked together and parts of the infinite, living wholeness; the all-embracing, multidimensional Cosmos.
Introductory summary Martinus’ symbol no 7 – The Life-Unit Principle: “The Cosmos is an infinite unit, an all-embracing being and consists of all existing living beings. These are organized as Life within Life. This means that every being is both a macro-being, providing living space for micro-beings, and also a micro-being, which gets its living space from a larger macro-being. In this way, all living beings are vital to one another.” – An organic and holistic structure.
The life-unit principle is responsible for manifested reality’s fractalized nature, its division into units of any form, including organisms for living beings. In other words, this creative principle means that the living Cosmos, on the manifested level, has divided and structured itself into life-units/ living beings – “triune life-units”. The complementarity of wholeness/ oneness and duality/ separation, as well as the “Structure of Entanglement” are formed and explained mainly by the life-unit principle.
– Organism principle: includes seven different main principles for organisms. These seven main principles are repeated endlessly in constantly renewed and varying versions, both “upwards” in the infinite macrocosm and “downwards” in the infinite microcosm. The seven main organism principles are known to us as the following “units”: 1. elementary particles, 2. cells, 3. organs, 4. organisms, 5. planets, 6. solar systems, 7. galaxies. There are several intermediate principles and variants of those principles in addition to the aforementioned seven main principles.
Talent Core (or Talent-kernel) principle/ Ability-Nuc principle (the principle for the formation of ”talent cores”/ “ability-nucs”, in some English translations “talent-kernels”) * – effect: all forms of accumulation of experiences, abilities, skills, qualities, characteristics, etc. into stable storage units termed talent cores/ ability-nuc.
* In the text below we use the term “talent core”.
Talent Cores are unique, organic accumulation and storage units with specific processing and management functions. The talent cores accumulate and store all our individual experiences, knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities, etc. in order to make it possible for us to reuse and develop them and to take them with us from life to life. The talent cores and their functions are prerequisites for the development of all forms of life and evolutionary processes.
Very briefly and generally speaking, talent cores are paraphysical, organic centers of power containing experiences, abilities, qualities, skills, etc. the living being has developed and acquired in certain areas during its eternal life. These experiences, abilities and qualities, etc. are transformed into codified patterns of vibrations containing the “data and program”, which the current talent core “operates and administers”.
There are three main groups of talent cores: 1. memory-talent cores, 2. manual activity organ-talent cores, 3. autonomous organ-talent cores, (briefly described below) all of which are found in the so-called fate element in the eternal body (area d (Xom3)). The fate element with its associated talent cores can be likened to an organic hard drive with holographic structure and infinite capacity where processing, accumulation and storage take place.
– Memory-talent cores (M-TC) store experiences and memories from the individual’s ongoing life experience. The M-TC are of great importance for the perception process and the creation of qualia and subjective experiences. Together the M-TC constitute a unique individual perception archive where all our previous experiences are stored. The information stored in these M-TC gives “resonance” to new incoming objective impulses and influences how we transform, interpret and act on stimuli, i.e. the transformation of objective reality into subjective reality, (the bidirectional “Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process”, X-RCT).
The memory-talent cores (M-TC) are constantly processed and influenced by the mother energy and over time undergo a cosmic chemical process that results in special “refined” M-TC termed gold-copies. Gold-copies give rise to a state of bliss and intense pleasure which dominates in the bliss and mineral realm.
– Manual activity organ-talent cores (MAO-TC) store learned and practiced activity programs, ie. abilities that the individual has built up and developed through application and training (e.g. cycling, reading, playing instruments, certain body functions, etc.)
The construction and development of manual activity organ-talent cores include three main stages, very briefly described here:
A-stage, interest stage; the individual has an interest/desire – a day-conscious will and desire to attain a certain function or skill.
B-stage, training/ exercise stage; the individual engages, trains – day-conscious active training, striving and practice, which stimulate the talent core building.
C-stage, automatic function stage; the individual has acquired a skill – “genius stage”, the function/ skill has become automatic, i.e. works automatically, and does not require day-conscious concentration for its implementation.
– Autonomous organ-talent cores (AO-TC) contain information for the creation and development of paraphysical and physical organs and organisms, and are crucial to how things take their form, grow and evolve in a particular way (dismissing the traditional theory that all this complex form-shaping and development is merely genetically programmed). The primary form-shaping and evolving processes with all the underlying information are accumulated in the talent cores and activated at the paraphysical level. The talent cores form and continuously develop a unique individual paragenetic force field which is of great importance for each reincarnation process the individual undergoes.
The autonomous organ-talent cores are created at the paraphysical planes of existence (intuition plane and intelligence plane) before the coming transition into a new organism principle. These new AO-TC are developed and specialized for the new organism structure and its basic and essential functions, features and future development. The new AO-TC contain complete programs that are later activated and function completely automatically in the realization of the new organismic principle in physical matter, which happens completely without the individual’s day-conscious volition and participation, read more.
Development, Protection and Parent principle (the principle for the formation of development, protection and teaching) – effect: all forms of development (e.g. physical, biological, psychological, emotional, intellectual), protection, parenting, caring, health and social care, leadership, guidance, teaching, education, school and education systems, etc. The principle also entails comprehensive protection and responsibility for all forms of development in a greater perspective including evolution. In this context, what Martinus terms the religious principle should be mentioned. This implies guidance via so-called world-impulses from higher planes of existence (also conveyed on Earth by “teachers/ precursors” in different fields) successively adapted to our current level of development. This stimulates the development of consciousness from a stage of belief in a deity, further on to materialism and atheism, and from there to cosmic consciousness. From belief to knowing ….
(Martinus terms this principle the “world redemption principle” (the principle of world redemption) and also the “parent principle”, NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loeth use the term “development, protection and parent principle”.)