Brief Overview – Symbol/Diagram (Xom3)
The X-Structure; the Living Being and the Organism
Therner & Loeth
– The X-Structure – X0 and the Triune Operating Principle X1, X2, X3 – the Basic Nature of Life and Reality –
This elementary overview (symbol/diagram and text) presents only the different main levels of the X-Structure including some special terms given by Martinus and/or Per Bruus-Jensen. Please note that the symbol/diagram does not include details.
We also refer to “The X-Structure” (describes the X0-nature and the Triplementary Principle X1, X2, X3), Symbol/Diagram “The X-Structure (Xom3)” and “Supplementary Information to Ontological Presentations and Symbols/Diagrams (Xom3)”, (includes background perspectives and further developments with comparative and explanatory text, special terms, classifications, references to Martinus’ concepts and terminology, different translations of designations and terms, etc).
INTRODUCTION to the Symbol/Diagram Xom3
The Immortal, Organic and Holistic Structure
According to the X-Structure all living beings have, in addition to the temporary physical body, an immortal/eternal paraphysical body/structure, which the physical body is completely dependent on. Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen describe how this paraphysical structure is constructed and how it operates. E.g. the processes and paraphysical structures that, alongside the physical brain activity constitute the basis of our ability to experience, think, remember, feel etc. These paraphysical structures constitute an organic system that exists and operates totally independently of the physical body. The brain’s primary role is – in interaction with a semiphysical structure, connected to a paraphysical structure – to operate as a bridge/interface between the cosmic subject-principle/X1 and the physical material reality/X3 (obj.).
The X-Structure demonstrates that life and consciousness are independent of the physical body, and “to die” just means a transition from physical life to a paraphysical continuation of life. The X-Structure also describes the process of reincarnation and explains past-life memories, near-death experiences, after-death communication etc.
“Paraphysical” and “Semiphysical” including the “Switching Body” and the “Appearance Body”
Before we go further a short and simplified definition of Paraphysical and Semiphysical incl. the Switching Body and the Appearance Body:
- Paraphysical: Paraphysical: frequency levels ”beyond” what we term physical; comprising “finer”, more subtle forms of energy/matter with higher frequencies and thereby extremely rapid vibrations, based on and functioning according to different constants and laws of nature compared to the physical world we know. Paraphysical dimensions can simply be described as worlds comprising and characterized by conditions, prerequisites and states beyond our current knowledge of space, time and matter. Paraphysical reality exists, albeit unobservable to us, side by side with physical reality, although we cannot normally register it with our physical senses adapted to the “heavy” physical world. The paraphysical level cannot be explored by traditional science. (Martinus terms the paraphysical level “spiritual” and “overphysical” or “higher physical”).
- Semiphysical: (primarily paraphysical) comprises both physical and paraphysical energy/matter, functions as a transition and transformation zone and “link” between the physical level and the paraphysical level. The semiphysical level comprises the particular energy zone physicists try to define, explain and explore termed the zero-point field. However, the paraphysical world of energy is the source for the semiphysical force field and thereby also for the zero-point field. At this level a special utilization of three of the basic energies, (instinct, expansion/action and contraction/perception) creates a ”heavier” and more massive form of energy compared to the pure paraphysical form. The semiphysical field and the “switching body” (see below) with all its transformation activities are absolutely crucial for creation and experience at the physical level. According to Per Bruus-Jensen this semiphysical level and the switching body might be observed and “registered” in the future by traditional science.
- The Switching Body: The semiphysical so-called “switching body” (PBJ’s term) constitutes an “organic link” between the physical body and the paraphysical structure, and executes the transition and transformation functions between the temporary physical body and the immortal paraphysical body structure, the “eternal body”. The switching body is connected to the eternal body as well as to the physical brain structure, and functions as a paraphysical extension of the brain. The brain is primarily connected to the switching body when we are awake (Martinus’ term “day-consciousness”) but during sleep (Martinus’ term “night-consciousness”), the contact between the brain and the switching body is, temporarily, almost disconnected. (Night-consciousness is “located at” the semiphysical level and the paraphysical level.) After death, when contact with the physical body is lost, the semiphysical switching body still has an important function for a time, before it dissolves and life continues at “higher” paraphysical levels through the paraphysical body.
- The Appearance Body: In paraphysical planes of existence, the physical body and the switching body are replaced by the paraphysical so-called “appearance body” with which the individual is organically connected, identifies itself and appears to others in the paraphysical worlds. The individual can influence and change the appearance body indefinitely (hence the name appearance body meaning that one can appear in different ways).
The X-Structure – The Three “Organic” Levels: A. Physical, B. Semiphysical, C. Paraphysical
– and The Creation of Qualia/X3 Subj.; Perception X-RCT Process* supplement follows below the “Perception X-RCT Process diagram”.
The symbolic illustration of the X-Structure below by Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS also describes the three “organic” levels of the living being and the activity of perception – the creation of qualia.
A. Physical level: The Physical Organism – Temporary status
Incoming objective impulses (X3 obj.) entering via the physical organism with its sensory organs, nervous system and brain, processes and transformation at the physical level.
(Traditional science stops here.)
B. Semiphyscial level: The Switching Body – Temporary status
The switching body (transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary physical body and the immortal/eternal paraphysical body). The switching body structure is connected to the eternal body as well as to the physical brain structure, and functions as a paraphysical extension of the brain.
The results/products of the physical processes are moving on to the switching body, transformation processes continue here in preparation for the next level.
(According to Per Bruus-Jensen this semiphysical structure/switching body might be observed and “registered” in the future by traditional science.)
C. Paraphysical level: The Eternal Body – Eternal, autonomous status
Transformed objective impulses reach the eternal body and the primary transformation and perception processes take place in this immortal paraphysical structure and are independent of the physical organism. The paraphysical organism is very extensive, comprising an extremely complex organic system including e.g. the “talent cores”/ “ability-nucs” and the ”perception archive”. The information stored in the so-called memory-talent cores gives “resonance” to new incoming objective impulses and influences how we transform, interpret and act on stimuli, i.e. the transformation of objective reality into personal subjective reality, (the bidirectional “Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process”, X-RCT).
It should be emphasized that it is especially at this paraphysical level that objective reality (X3 Obj.) is transformed into qualia (X3 Subj.), i.e.: immaterial phenomena only existing for the subject/the “I” (X1).
(This level cannot be explored by traditional science, it can only be described by cosmic science primarily based on intuition.)
* Supplement – The X-RCT Process:
The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process – X-RCT Process; the bidirectional manifestation-perception process from unmanifested initial reality into manifested objective reality (manifestation) and the experience of it as qualia, subjective reality (perception) consciousness. – I.e. from emptiness and stillness (initial reality, X0) to movement and quanta (objective reality, X3 obj.) to qualia (subjective reality, X3 subj.).
Intro til symbolet og (a-i) på Dansk — Intro till symbolen och (a-i) på Svenska
Initial Reality – Initial level (a)
(a) X0 the Initial Reality with its Central Need/CN and Infinite Potential – the primordial domain of existence, the ”unmanifested”, (emptiness, stillness), (white).
The I – Subject level (b)
(b) X1 the Subject/ the “I” with its initiating and driving Primordial Urge/PU – the eternal (emptiness, stillness), (white).
The Eternal Body – Primary level, Primary Psychic Force Field (PP-force field) (c – d)
(c) X2 the Mother Energy (the Primary and Supreme Qualitative Basic Energy), (violet), with its intrinsic Basic/ Working Energies and Cosmic Creative Principles/ Morphogenetic Effect Constants. The eight small circles symbolize the main Cosmic Creative Principles. The Mother Energy constitutes the quintessence of the Subject’s (X1’s) Creative and Experiential Ability (X2).
(d) X2/X3 the Fate Element, the two circles with + and – symbolize the Poles for receiving and sending of energy, also termed the Feminine Pole and the Masculine Pole. The Feminine Pole +function: the receiving of energy, perception, and the Masculine Pole -function: the sending of energy, manifestation. These Poles are connected to the two Pole Organs in area e.
The six open and colored circles with downward pointing rays symbolize the six Spiral Centers/ Basic Talent Cores (or Kernels), constituting the six Basic/ Working Energy Centers of Force; the Center of Instinct Energy (red), the Center of Expansion/ Action Energy (orange), the Center of Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Energy (yellow), the Center of Intelligence Energy (green), the Center of Intuition Energy (blue), the Center of Memory Energy (light indigo).
It is via the six Spiral Centres/ Basic Talent Cores that the Mother Energy is split, divided and converted into the six Basic/ Working Energies, (i.e. the so-called “Split of the Mother Energy”; the law-governed structured flow of the six Basic Energies into different specific combinations).
All the individual’s Talent Cores/Kernels (Ability-Nucs) are situated in the Fate Element: The Memory-Talent Cores constitute the Perception Archive and are integrated primarily with the Spiral Center/ Basic Talent Core of Memory Energy (the Center of Memory Energy). The Manual Activity-Organ-Talent Cores and the Autonomous Organ-Talent Cores are integrated with different Spiral Centers/ Basic Talent Cores depending on their respective functions.
The talent cores form and continuously develop a unique individual Paragenetic Force Field which is of great importance for each reincarnation process the individual undergoes.
Note: Areas c and d are in principle the same for all life-units/ forms of life with the exception of the following which are individual: 1. the memory-talent cores, 2. the manual activity-organ-talent cores, 3. the autonomous organ-talent cores, 4. the perception archive and 5. the paragenetic force field. These (1-5) in interaction with the cosmic creative principles are crucial for individuality in areas e-i; the soul structure, the semiphysical switching body, the physical body, the created, the experienced and consciousness.
The Eternal Body – Secondary level, Secondary Psychic Force Field (SP-force field) (Soul level) (e)
(e) X2/X3 the Soul Structure, the six colored areas symbolize the six Basic Energy Bodies* one for each Basic/ Working Energy: the Body of Instinct Energy (red), the Body of Expansion/ Action Energy (orange)**, the Body of Contraction/ Perception/ Feeling Energy (yellow), the Body of Intelligence Energy (green), the Body of Intuition Energy (blue), the Body of Memory Energy (light indigo). These six Basic Energy Bodies constitute organ systems that are integrated into each other and form a complex homogeneous paraphysical organ system. In this area (e) we also find the Pole Organs; the Emotional Pole Organ and the Intellectual Pole Organ (which are connected to the Poles in area d).
** Martinus often expresses the paraphysical basic energy body of expansion/ action energy as the physical body, which is a simplified description based on the culmination of the expansion/ action energy in the physical expansion/ action plane of existence also termed the animal kingdom to which we humans belong. Martinus, however, in explaining his teachings to Per Bruus-Jensen strongly emphasized that the temporary physical body constitutes a separate unit that is linked to the paraphysical body via a semiphysical structure. With Martinus’ consent, PBJ named this semiphysical structure the “switching body” (area f).
The Semiphysical Structure – Semiphysical Force Field (f)
(f) X2/X3 the temporary Switching Body (grey) functions as a transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary Physical Body and the paraphysical Eternal Body.
The Physical Structure – Physical Force Field (g)
(g) X2/X3 the temporary Physical Body, symbolized by the most dominant Basic Energies in physical organisms (orange and yellow), – and in the Physical Planes of Existence, we know as the Mineral Kingdom (indigo), the Plant Kingdom (red), the Animal Kingdom which includes humans at the current stage of development (orange) and also the very early stage of the Human Kingdom (fully developed human beings, “real humans” – yellow).
The Appearance Body
In Paraphysical Planes of Existence, f and g are replaced by the paraphysical so-called Appearance Body with which the individual is organically connected, identifies itself and appears to others in the paraphysical worlds. The individual can influence and change the Appearance Body indefinitely (hence the name Appearance Body meaning that one can appear in different ways).
The Created and Experienced – Objective and Subjective Reality (h-i)
(h) X3 Objectively: Energy Conversion, Movement – the Created, the “manifested”, Objective Reality, (material effect).
I.e.: X3 obj./the Created = conversion of energy/X2 into movement/X3 obj. (including material effect), objective reality.
(i) X3 Subjectively: Energy Conversion, Qualia – the Experienced, Consciousness, Subjective Reality, (immaterial effect).
I.e.: X3 subj./the Experienced = the experience of movement/X3 obj.: qualia, experience, consciousness/X3 subj., subjective reality.
Briefly: X3 obj./the created) transformed via X2/the creative and experiential ability, into X3 subj. only existing for X1/ the subject/I, (immaterial effect).
The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 illustrate experience/X3 subj. of movement/X3 obj., namely, the five universal classes of motion: 1. the Primordial Motion and the four so-called derived motions in the physical world known as 2. Space, 3. Time, 4. Transformation, 5. Matter.