The Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview
PART I and II:
I. The X-Structure and The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (the X-RCT Process)
II. The X-Structure – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral
– Therner & Loeth –
– Appendix link I:
X0 and The Triplementary Principle (PBJ)
– Appendix link 2:
The Cosmic Basic Energies and The Cosmic Creative Principles – Short summary (PBJ)
– Appendix link 3:
The Triune Operating Principle (Triplementary Principle) and the Structure of Entanglement – Very brief description based on Martinus’ symbols 8, 9, 10 and 11 (PBJ)
– Appendix link 4:
Retrospective – The X-Structure – Overview (PBJ)
– Appendix link 5:
Selected Cosmological and Ontological Terms and Concepts – Brief Introduction of States and Levels of Consciousness, The Pole-Structures, Transformation of the Poles, Reincarnation
The Three Functional Aspects X1, X2, X3 of The Triplementary Principle (Triune operating principle) – A Brief Description
X1 – “the Creator and Experiencer”, the creating and experiencing Something, the subject/I, (emptiness, stillness)
X1 is a consequence of the X0-nature in combination with the central need and the primordial urge, expressing the activation of one of the virtual creative possibilities in X0, namely, the dual function of “Creator and Experiencer”. The presence of the X0-nature in the X1-function is described in symbolic form by X1 being illustrated by a white area without details.
In other words: The “substance-related” identity relationship between X0 and X1 (emptiness, stillness) is symbolically expressed by an empty white circular area illustrating X1. Hereby also confirming the ancient Sanskrit concept “Sunya”, which means “an empty Something” and that in our number system occurs as the number 0 – Zero, the source and starting point for all positive and negative numbers … Zero represents emptiness, void, blank and impracticality, but at the same time, represents the possibility of producing all things. (“Emptiness is the Source of Everything.”)
Primarily, the primordial urge ensures, through its implicitly subjective nature, that the immaterial Something naturally steps into character as owner of the primordial urge. It makes itself applicable as subject with competence to play the part, not only as the principle experiencer (of, amongst other things, the primordial urge), but also as the principle creator, as experience requires something to experience, and thus the provision of an alternative to the non-detectable immaterial reality as such, i.e. the material illusion. The role of principle creator/experiencer (subject) thus serves as the first aspect of the Triplementary principle (Triune operating principle).
In order to operate as a creator/experiencer (X1), it is, of course, necessary that the subject possesses a relevant, creative ability and experiential ability. On one hand, the ability to practically produce the material illusion as such; and on the other hand, the ability to register the same illusion as so-called experience. The subject principle must, in other words, be able to muster a combined ability to create and experience, which represents the second aspect of the Triplementary principle:
X2 – “the Creative and Experiential Ability” (basic energy and morphogenetic effect constants/cosmic creative principles)
The activation of X2 is an expression of another of the virtual creative possibilities in X0, namely, the Creative and Experiential Ability in general. In practice, this ability is expressed by what we call “energy” (Greek: the ability to act/operate). Everything that is created consists of the seven so-called Basic energies/ Fundamental energies, one of which, the Mother energy, is the source of the six others. These seven energies are qualitative and each one holds specific properties. All the seven basic energies are subjectively registered (X3 subj.) by X1 as creative abilities, each with its own specific performance profile. Everything in life and reality consist of different combinations of these basic energies – from the most subtle, e.g. our thoughts, feelings, memories etc. to the very densest e.g. physical matter, black holes etc.
The primary fundamental energy, the mother energy, holds and operates via a number of so-called Cosmic Creative Principles, also termed Morphogenetic Effect Constants; form-creating and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality. We can empirically observe the effects of the mother energy´s morphogenetic effect constants for instance in what we term constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision etc.
The X2-function and its effect constants “divide” the all-embracing totality (X0) and create contrasts to its status of nonduality and nonlocality. The X0-nature of wholeness, stillness, emptiness, infinity and eternity is split up and separated into quanta, life-units, individuals, movement, matter, space, time, states, distances etc. The complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also “the Structure of Entanglement” are formed and expressed through the morphogenetic effect constants (X2).
X3 – “the Created and Experienced” (objective and subjective reality: movement, the material illusion and experience/ consciousness)
X3 is represented by the result of the interaction between the subject (X1) and its creative and experiential ability (X2), i.e. the created represented by the material illusion as objective reality on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality on the other. Or expressed as follows; the objective side of the created to which the entire spectrum of motions, matter, particles, organisms, planets, solar systems and galaxies, etc. belong and also the subjective side of all these, which we call life-experience and consciousness – the total Subjective Reality Complex.
Everything created (X3) emerges as an expression of life and implies movement. Creation involves conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement, namely the five universal classes of motion: 1. The “primordial motion” and the four so-called ”derived motions” in the physical world known as 2. Space, 3.Time, 4.Transformation, 5. Matter.
Martinus states: “The ultimate characteristic of life is movement – Movement is the manifestation of life” – and “all motions within the infinite Cosmos neutralize each other, confirming the underlying all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness”.
The X3-function includes, as mentioned, the experience of expressions of life (movements) and thus the generation of consciousness, (i.e. knowledge of something’s being, including its own, awareness of internal and external existence.). The phenomenon of experience/ consciousness concerns the way in which X2/energy and its objective functions (= energy conversion X3/objectively), exist for the Subject X1 (= all forms of experience X3/subjectively).
Additional retrospective on X0, the Central Need, the Primordial Urge and the Triplementary Principle (the triune operating principle/ the triune principle)
X0 is continuously permeated and influenced by a constant central need, i.e. a continuous need to perceive and experience itself. This is due to the fact that X0 in virtual form holds an infinite potential of creative possibilities which, transformed into manifested form results in a “Something” with the will and ability to experience itself. The result is an eternal and all-embracing mega-being that is aware of its own existence.
Note that the virtual creative possibilities constantly, autonomously and spontaneously promote their own conversion into manifested form, which thereby simultaneously points to the existence of the so-called central need.
The direct result of this conversion process is the Triplementary principle (triune operating principle), – motivated and driven by the central need and the primordial urge – which has as its main mission to effectively utilize the infinite creative possibilities available in the X0-sphere in virtual form. In other words, the main task of the triplementary principle is to continuously complete this Cosmic Transformation Process motivated and driven by the primordial urge, which is to be considered as the extended arm of the central need thus having its origin in X0; but in practice it is registered by X1 in its function/role as the principle Experiencer, thus constituting the driving force behind X1 in its function/role as the principle Creator. The primordial urge is thus associated with X1 and is a consequence of the central need, motivating and activating the triplementary principle as a whole. In summary:
The Central Need generates the Primordial Urge that motivates X1 (creator/experiencer)
to be active and to use X2 (creative/experiential ability; energy) for the transformation of X0 (emptiness, stillness) into X3, (X3 obj.: movement, matter – and X3 subj.: experience/ consciousness)
The principle X1 (creator/experiencer), is the aspect of the triplementary principle that, in terms of “substance”, is closest to the X0-reailty. In fact, it is identical with it, but with one important addition: The primary task of the X1-principle is to add to the X0-reality a way to work: namely as the cause of the phenomenon of creation on one hand, and as the ultimate witness/experiencer of that creation and all its results on the other – i.e. precisely as the functional principle X1 (creator/experiencer).
X3 is a “disguised” and converted, and thus an illusionistic version of X0, engendered by X1 assisted by X2 (the interaction between X1 and X2). And it is due to this “disguise” process/ transformation that the Cosmos has the status of a living mega-being: a Something with the will and ability to experience … This mega-being is often referred to as God, the Universe, the Cosmos, the All, the Infinite, the Divine, Allah etc., the Wholeness ‒ that we all are parts of … and we all have the same X-structure and the same desire for life-experience, to experience …
Finally, it should be emphasized that according to Martinus the X-structure, with its triune operating principle, constitutes the absolute and ultimate solution to the Mystery of Life. In relation to this, the research within physics and biology has so far “only” been engaged in the more elementary aspects of the phenomena of life and reality.
Additional Information X0 and X1 (by Therner & Loeth)
In Martinus’ (M) literature and in most of Per Bruus-Jensen’s (PBJ) literature there is a merging of X0* (initial reality) and X1 (the subject/I) which is also denoted X1 (i.e. this X1 refers to both X0 and X1).
New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS, Therner & Loth (T&L), with strong support from PBJ, have not used the aforementioned merging of X0 and X1 but instead, the in-depth classification and definition of X0 (initial reality/causeless Something) and the Triplementary principle where X1 (the subject/I) constitutes one of the three functional aspects (X1, X2 and X3).
The X-Structure in its entirety consists of X0, X1, X2 and X3, and constitutes an integrated, indivisible whole, see X-Structure.
According to Martinus, all creation in the manifested Cosmos rests on the qualitative basic/ fundamental energies. This means that the manifested Cosmos is simply basic energies ‒ it consists of these. It should also be noted that the first three working energies (instinct energy, expansion/action energy and contraction/perception energy) are primarily matter-creative and thus primarily responsible for the appearance of the manifested Cosmos as an objective ocean of matter and movement, while the three other working energies (intelligence energy, intuition energy and memory energy) are primarily conscious-creative and therefore primarily responsible for the subjective appearance of the same Cosmos, i.e. as life-experience and consciousness for the subject/X1.
However, as the six working energies all, in a controlled and specific manner, arise out of the mother energy ( in fact represent specific forms of the mother energy) they all constitute and impact the manifested Cosmos. This happens through the cosmic creative principles/ morphogenetic effect constants, which completely autonomously ensure the presence of a cosmic world order in the manifested Cosmos ‒ both on the objective and subjective levels. A world order which specifically expresses the fulfillment of special fundamental conditions, being a prerequisite for the creation and existence of the manifest alternative to the intangible primordial nature of emptiness and stillness. I.e. a world order that ensures transformation and conversion of the unmanifested immaterial level X0 to the manifested material Cosmos X3 obj. and the experience of it X3 subj.
In other words, the mother energy (X2) constitutes, through the six working energies, “the substance/building material” for everything that exists, and its inherent creative principles/ morphogenetic effect constants are the “tools” that structure and organize the “building material” into X3/the created, represented by the material illusion as objective reality on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality on the other. Or expressed as follows: the objective side of the created to which the entire spectrum of movements, matter, particles, organisms, planets, solar systems and galaxies etc. belong – and also the subjective side of all these, which we call life-experience and consciousness.
X1 Symbol 8: The white disc symbolizes the eternal “I” of the Cosmos – X1, and it is also the “I”/X1 in every living being.
X2 Symbol 9: The violet disc with the large “hole” in the center and the many small “holes” at the edge symbolizes X2 (the creative and experiential ability) and an expression of the Life-Unit principle that allows the all-embracing Something, X1, to appear as the “One” (the total and infinite) being, and at the same time as the “many” individual beings/ life-units existing within the all-embracing being, whose experience is promoted by the individual beings/ life-units.
Imagine that we place this violet disc (X2) over the white disc (X1/the I) and the same white (X1/the I) will appear through all the holes (which also can be seen in symbol 11) and here we find the complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and the Structure of Entanglement formed and explained mainly by the effect of the Mother energy (X2) and its “Life-Unit principle” (one of the Cosmic Creative Principles/ Effect Constants).
X3 Symbol 10: The colored areas are the result of the interaction between the subject/I (X1) and its creative/experiential ability (X2), represented by the material illusion as objective reality (X3 obj.) on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality (X3 subj.) on the other. It is also an illustration of the Cosmos’ six main fields of consciousness; the six different worlds/ planes of existence each dominated by one of the six basic energies.
X1, X2, X3 Symbol 11: The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being – The result of the three functional aspects X1, X2, X3; the infinite, eternal and all-embracing Living Cosmos. The symbol is very extensive, we can for instance see the evolution of consciousness, the six main planes of existence and the evolutionary position of Earth, which involves a difficult, demanding and transformative process; a progressive shift in which humanity evolves from selfishness and egoism to humanism and altruism.
X0: “The Unmanifested”, the Initial Reality; the Primordial, Immaterial Domain of Existence:
Wholeness, nonduality, nonlocality, emptiness, stillness, eternity, infinity
Comprising infinite potential of creative possibilities
“Something that is”
X0 is permeated and influenced by the Central Need, that (supported by the potential creative possibilities) generates the Primordial Urge* that initiates and activates the indivisible, integrated Triplementary principle (Triune Operating Principle) with its three functional aspects: X1-X2-X3.
X1: “The Transformer”, the Subject/ the I, the Creator and Experiencer:
Emptiness and stillness
X1 (motivated and driven by the primordial urge) perpetually uses its X2 (Creative and Experiential Ability) to transform the X0-nature.
X2: “The Transformation Link”, the Creative and Experiential Ability:
Energy (qualitative cosmic basic energies), transformation principles/ cosmic creative principles or morphogenetic effect constants creating contrasts to the X0-nature:
Wholeness – into Life-units, separation, quantification…
Emptiness → Energy/ matter
Stillness → Movement
Infinity → Space, distance
Eternity → Time
X3: “The Manifested”, the Created and Experienced, the World of Forms and Experiences:
Energy conversion, temporary objective and subjective effects represented by movement, the material illusion as objective reality and the experience of it as subjective reality; experience/ consciousness.
X3 = the result of the interaction between X1 and X2.
Please, note: The Triplementary Principle constitutes and functions as an indivisible whole – i.e. all three aspects are simultaneously active.
The text above is a theoretical distinction for clarification purposes, but in fact it is all about an eternal “roleplaying”/an operation principle of integrated nature, which is not possible to divide and delimit. Due to the eternal nature of the X-structure, it is impossible to distinguish first from last (as in the classical philosophical causality dilemma: “what came first, the chicken or the egg?”). The infinite and eternal nature, (“circularity”) of the X-structure means that we should focus primarily on its intrinsic logic and integrated functions.
- States and Levels of Consciousness: Day-consciousness and Night-consciousness, Primary consciousness and Secondary consciousness, Day-conscious (primary state of life/being) and Night-conscious (secondary state of life/being), Cosmic consciousness, Cosmically conscious and Cosmically unconscious, Primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos and Secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, Primary day-conscious zone of the Cosmos
- The Pole-Structures the Transformation of the Poles, One-poled state and Double-poled state
- Reincarnation, the Reincarnation principle
1. Day-consciousness and Night-consciousness, Primary consciousness and Secondary consciousness, Day-conscious (primary state of life/being) and Night-conscious (secondary state of life/being), Cosmic consciousness, Cosmically conscious and Cosmically unconscious, Primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos and Secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, Primary day-conscious zone of the Cosmos
As described earlier, the infinite all-encompassing Cosmos fragments into life-units/ individuals according to the life-unit principle, and appears as an infinite variety of individuals/ life-units representing different planes of existence in the cosmic evolutionary spiral. We will briefly look at different concepts and levels of consciousness from both of the following perspectives: life-unit/ individual level and wholeness level/ the all-encompassing Cosmos.
Martinus refers to day-consciousness and night-consciousness as two different states of consciousness. Day-consciousness implies a state where the life-unit/ living being experiences existence in an awake and conscious way and enables conscious, will-controlled thoughts, reflections, activities and manifestations. Day-consciousness is also termed primary consciousness and refers to the life-unit’s/ individual’s primary state of life. Night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) is also an “awake/aware state” but at the individual´s secondary state of life/being.
Day-consciousness (primary consciousness) and night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) occur in individuals/ life-units that have physical organisms*. These are individuals belonging to the mineral kingdom (latter part of the bliss and mineral kingdom/ memory plane), plant kingdom (instinct plane), animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) and the first part of the real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane). Individuals in these areas and planes of existence have a “double existence”; a primary state of life/being and a secondary state of life/being.
* In the mineral kingdom, physical organisms are very elementary and the paraphysical individuals are unaware of their physical structures and organisms. These elementary physical organisms represent the first physical establishment of the new organism principle, which will develop further in the new spiral cycle that begins in the plant kingdom. The plant kingdom entails an awakening process into the physical world, and the individuals’ physical organisms develop gradually. Individuals become increasingly prepared for a day-conscious and active physical life in the animal kingdom, where the physical organisms are most complex and advanced. In the latter part of the animal kingdom and the first part of the real human kingdom, physical organisms are gradually refined and later cease in the second and paraphysical part of the real human kingdom.
Mineral beings and plant beings are day-conscious (primary state) at the paraphysical level and night-conscious (secondary state) at the physical level. Animal beings (including humans at our current level of development) and beings in the first part of the real human kingdom are day-conscious (primary state) at the physical level and night-conscious (secondary state) at the paraphysical level.
Individuals in the real human kingdom, wisdom kingdom, divine kingdom, bliss and mineral kingdom and plant kingdom are cosmically conscious, and individuals in the animal kingdom are cosmically unconscious. The cosmically conscious individuals have undergone an evolutionary process involving their day-consciousness (primary consciousness) and night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) merging into a higher form of consciousness, which means an expanded form of day-consciousness (primary consciousness) called cosmic consciousness. Cosmic consciousness at its maximum and highest level* entails almost a cessation of night-consciousness (secondary consciousness), which takes on an utterly latent nature.
* There are different levels of cosmic consciousness, and these are determined by the individual’s current basic energy combination which corresponds to the level of development of the individual’s six paraphysical basic energy bodies (see Xom3 area e). The highest level of cosmic consciousness occurs when intuition energy culminates in the intuition plane/ divine kingdom.
The two main zones of consciousness of the all-embracing Cosmos:
According to Martinus, the Cosmos (the infinite and eternal wholeness) is divided into two main areas or zones of consciousness: 1. the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos (also termed the primary day-conscious zone of the Cosmos), 2. the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos. Simplified summary below:
1. The primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, which represents approximately 5/6 of the Cosmos, includes the planes of existence where individuals/ life-units have cosmic consciousness (cosmically conscious individuals).
2. The secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos, approximately 1/6, is represented by the expansion/ action plane (animal kingdom), where individuals/ life-units do not have cosmic consciousness (cosmically unconscious individuals) and are day-conscious (primary state) at the physical level.
The diagram illustrates the six planes of existence (areas 1-6). The black figures in area 2 animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) represent the secondary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos (approx. 1/6), and all the white figures represent the primary zone of consciousness of the Cosmos (approx. 5/6). The transitions between the different zones are gradual.
From cosmic consciousness/ primary zone into cosmic unconsciousness/ secondary zone, i.e. from area 1 plant kingdom (instinct plane) into area 2 animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane). And then from cosmic unconsciousness/ secondary zone into cosmic consciousness/ primary zone, i.e. from area 2 animal kingdom (expansion/ action plane) into area 3 real human kingdom (contraction/ perception/ feeling plane).
Perspectives of consciousness from our current level of development:
At our current stage of development we belong to the animal kingdom. When we are awake, we are active and day-conscious in the physical world. Day-consciousness (primary consciousness) is our primary state of life/being. During sleep we are night-conscious in the paraphysical world, which entails a paraphysical state of life. Night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) is our secondary state of life/being.

Detail of the X-Structure (Xom3), The Total Organism Complex; physical, semiphysical and paraphysical © PBJ and NCP X-AIONS
The temporary semiphysical switching body functions as a transition and transformation zone and organic link between the temporary physical body and the immortal paraphysical body structure; the eternal body. The switching body is connected to the eternal body as well as to the physical brain structure, and functions as a paraphysical extension of the brain. The brain is primarily connected to the switching body when we are awake (day-consciousness/ primary consciousness), but during sleep (night-consciousness/ secondary consciousness) the contact between the brain and the switching body is temporarily almost disconnected.
Night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) is “located” at the semiphysical level and the paraphysical level. Already, during the first stage, as we are asleep the connection between the brain and the switching body is nearly broken, which means that day-consciousness (primary consciousness) is more or less replaced by a corresponding degree of night-consciousness (secondary consciousness). At our current stage of development there appears to be a “closed door” between our day-consciousness (primary consciousness) and night-consciousness (secondary consciousness). Our night-conscious experiences are also real, but often appear to be less so, or even unreal and dreamlike; we can usually only remember glimpses of them when we are day-conscious.
After death, when contact with the physical body is lost, the switching body maintains an important function for some time, before life and consciousness continue at “higher” paraphysical levels through the paraphysical body. When we sleep, our day-consciousness (primary consciousness) temporarily transitions into night-consciousness (secondary consciousness) and as we move to the paraphysical world, we rest from experiencing the physical world and our physical body rests and regenerates.
The main function of sleep is to relieve the physical organism and give it the opportunity to rest and regenerate. Sleep also strengthens and maintains the semiphysical switching body at such a level that it should be able to take over in a maximal capacity if the individual were to suffer a sudden death (which often happens in the animal kingdom).
Link to Martinus’ text “Through the Gates of Death – Sleep and Death”.
As we evolve towards the next plane of existence, the real human realm, we gradually develop the ability to experience the paraphysical world in a clearly day-conscious way. We reach the first level of cosmic consciousness when we enter the real human realm. Later in this realm, we transition into a paraphysical state and become day-conscious (primary state) at the paraphysical level and night-conscious (secondary state) at the physical level.
A cosmically conscious being belonging to the instinct or plant kingdom, on the other hand, is at a stage where it is day-conscious (primary state) in the paraphysical world and night-conscious (secondary state) in the physical world. As the plant (instinct being) slowly develops its physical body, it senses more and more of the physical world and later reaches a stage where it becomes day-conscious (primary state) on the physical plane and is then referred to as an animal. The plant kingdom (instinct plane) implies a transition of day-consciousness (primary consciousness) from the paraphysical world to the physical world, an “awakening process” to the physical plane of existence. This transition entails a loss of cosmic consciousness; individuals in the animal kingdom are cosmically unconscious.
An overview of different levels and states of consciousness in the spiral cycles follows after the section “Life on the Six Planes of Existence”, and in the after that following section “Overview II – The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral – Important Levels, Zones and Phases in the Spiral Cycles”.
2. The Pole-Structures, the Transformation of the Poles, One-poled state and Double-poled state
According to Martinus and the Cosmic Worldview, all living beings have two “pole-structures”; one “masculine pole” and one “feminine pole”. In males the masculine pole is dominant and in females the feminine pole is dominant. Our current development phase entails moving towards a balance between our respective masculine and feminine poles.
This means that humanity is at the beginning of a profound transformation process of its sexuality and mentality, which at the same time implies a transition from egoism and selfishness to altruism. The evolutionary process from animal to the level Martinus terms “real human”, describes the current stage of human development, which can be illustrated by the Sphinx; the animal body (symbolizing the animal stage) with the human head (symbolizing the real human stage to come). This process is termed the ”transformation of the poles” and signifies an organic development from a so-called ”one-poled” state (distinctly male/ masculine or female/ feminine) to a ”double-poled” state which can be roughly described as androgynous (a combination of and balance between male/ masculinity and female/ femininity) which means that a new kind of human being is about to develop. The “one-poled” state, i.e. sex and gender division, occurs in physical planes of existence, beginning in the plant kingdom and culminating in the animal kingdom, where it subsequently decreases and the development of a new ”double-poled” state begins and continues in a maturation process. The double-poled state is completed in the real human kingdom (which is a transition zone where physical life and existence pass on to paraphysical life and existence).
The underlying structures and principles of this development process; the complex transformation process from animal and egoism to real human and altruism, are thoroughly described by Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen.
The terrestrial human being is not an animal in the purest sense, but he/she is not a finished human being either. He/she is a wounded refugee between two kingdoms.
“Sexuality” also takes on a whole new and far wider meaning, helping us to understand more deeply who we are and the developmental phase we are going through. We get new logical perspectives on the transitional period we are living in, characterized in several different aspects by a “sexualized” society. At the same time, a significant increase in gender awareness and the pursuit of equality are noticeably emerging. The development phase to double-poled state means pervasive changes biologically, mentally and psychologically with subsequent problems and crises regarding sex, gender, identity, etc. All these are characteristic of the sometimes difficult and confusing evolutionary process that we are undergoing on the way to a double-poled state and an altruistic society.
3. Reincarnation, the Reincarnation principle, a short introduction
During periods of our eternal evolutionary process, we live alternately in a physical world and in a paraphysical world which presupposes and implies reincarnation. Physical bodies have a limited function and lifespan (limited cell division and cell renewal), and are vulnerable to diseases, accidents, external influences etc., resulting in damage and death.
The reincarnation principle functions as a “life renewer” that provides exchange and renewal of physical bodies in the physical world, primarily in the plant and animal kingdoms well as in the beginning of the real human kingdom (i.e. during periods of one-poled state). The reincarnation principle functions in close cooperation with the talent core (or talent-kernel) principle and ensures each life-unit’s individual exchange and renewal of physical bodies.
We will return to the reincarnation process (and the six cosmic evolutionary factors) after an overview of the six planes of existence.