– Therner & Loeth –
1.1 On the threshold of the Cosmic Paradigm – towards a Greater Reality
• What do we actually know?
• The meeting between Science and Spirituality/ Spiritual Science
• Paradigm shift
1.2 A New Understanding of Reality – A Cosmic Paradigm Shift
Certain passages below have a link function and should also be possible to read independently, therefore there may be some repetition.
2.1 Martinus – Martinus Cosmology
• Intuition and Spiritual Science
• From movement within matter – to manifestations of life
• Cosmic Science
• Science and fundamental aspects of reality
2.2 Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen – The Cosmic Worldview
2.3 ”The Two Branches”
• The Cosmic Worldview – Natural Science – Religion
2.4 Man and Reality – Understanding reality as it is
• A new Era
• Universal knowledge through time – A new Cosmic World-Impulse
2.5 The Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology – Brief overview
3. LITERATURE and Further Reading
1.1 On the threshold the Cosmic Paradigm – towards a Greater Reality
• What do we actually know?
We live in a time of recurring crises and in a period of transition when, for increasing numbers of people, religion has played out its role as an explanation of existence and an answer to life’s greatest questions. And we also have to concede that the worldview which natural science presents is far from conclusive. For instance, traditional science is unable to explain what consciousness/ life-experience is, how and why we have subjective experience/ qualia (the hard problem of consciousness, the explanatory gap, the mystery of perception, etc.). Based on more recent research, the question also arises as to whether consciousness is in fact independent of the physical body. For example, the well-known cardiologist Pim van Lommel presents in his book Consciousness Beyond Life, interesting facts that clearly indicate this and that life does not end with the condition we call “death”.
Furthermore, within particle physics there stands a barrier to further knowledge in the sense that the intrinsic nature of energy and matter remains unknown. Similarly, the riddle of gravity still baffles, as does that of time – the passing of time, which we all measure, and which, to a great extent, rules our lives.
Time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once.
John A. Wheeler (physicist)
When we delve into matter – “down” into the microcosm – the world of subatomic particles, we find that the so-called particles comprise an extremely tiny and elusive part of matter, and are constantly being displaced by an ever-expanding void which constitutes as much as 99,999…9%. Physicists refer to this as the zero-point field/ quantum vacuum field, and posit that it is not empty but, on the contrary, contains inconceivable amounts of extremely subtle energy, so-called zero-point energy (vacuum energy). But this energy is also a mystery – we simply do not know what it is.
By means of the Large Hadron Collider, LHC CERN, we seek to resolve how matter is pieced together, and hope thereby to understand how physical reality is constructed. We hunt for solutions and this spurs the quest for a “Theory of Everything” – in simplified terms; a theory which is both all-inclusive and all-explanatory of everything physical in the universe.
Regardless of whether we look “down” into the microcosm or “up” into the macrocosm, we find that there is always something that is even smaller or even larger. There seems to be no beginning or end …
At this stage we can already confirm that the Cosmic Worldview gives logical answers to, and explanations for, all the above questions and statements, and much more besides …
• The meeting between Science and Spirituality/ Spiritual Science
Natural science has really given us a lot, but it and its current instruments and research facilities are not enough. Many scientists speak today of the “meeting between Science and Spirituality”, (spirituality: expanding consciousness and intuitive knowledge), based on the fact that the former reflects parts of the latter’s wisdom and knowledge. An increasing number of scientific breakthroughs and findings about the nature of reality and consciousness show striking parallels with the knowledge and insights of many so-called mystics*. This is illustrated and exemplified in, for instance, the Danish book Mystik og Videnskab by Alex Riel, which provides a multifaceted and comprehensive orientation on the topic, and also worth mentioning is Bevidsthedens Evolution and Noetisk Naturfilosofi by the same author.
The renowned systems theorist Ervin Laszlo (philosopher of science, integral theorist) is similarly a true “bridge builder” in this field, and particularly his view on the zero-point field, as well as his theory of a conscious universe, and that physical reality rests upon an underlying immaterial reality. The scientists Menas Kafatos (physicist) and Robert Nadeau (science historian), and several others, also describe a conscious universe. And within astrophysics we have, for example, the new Cyclic Universe theory – Endless Universe introduced by the well-known physicists Paul Steinhardt and Niel Turok. According to their theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning of time, but the bridge to a past filled with endlessly repeating cycles of evolution, each accompanied by the creation of new matter and the formation of new galaxies, stars, and planets.
Roger Penrose, mathematician, physicist and philosopher of science, (Nobel laureate in Physics 2020) also presents in Cycles of Time, material that suggests that our universe is neither the first nor the last, but is, on the contrary, an endless process with recurring “Big Bangs” where one universe replaces the other. – I.e. there is no beginning and there is no end …
There may have been many Big Bangs, one of which created our universe. The other bangs created other universes.
Brian Greene (physicist and mathematician)
An eternal, infinite and living multidimensional Cosmos is fundamental and central to the knowledge that many intuitives and mystics* have conveyed through the ages. Of course, it is a dizzying thought that “everything”, the whole of reality and existence – including life and consciousness – is eternal and infinite… and this, amongst many other things, requires a completely new approach and understanding of reality, a new paradigm; “New Cosmic Paradigm”.
In this context, we would like to refer to “Outlook” on Science of Consciousness and Reality” which also provides glimpses from the annual international interdisciplinary conference “The Science of Consciousness” TSC (CCS, the University of Arizona), which addresses issues and research regarding consciousness, existence, life, evolution and what we call reality. See also “Ontology I – The X-Structure”
• Paradigm shift
A true pioneer in this context is the Danish intuitive philosopher Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981, introduced below) who, based on his penetrating intuitive knowledge, insight and experience presented an altogether new worldview; the Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology which also provides logical and coherent answers to the overarching existential questions: Where do we come from? Where are we going? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life and existence?
We live in a most exciting, but also stressful, time of crises, when many events emphatically show that our current materialistic worldview is in the process of being replaced with a new insightful understanding of life and reality – A new Paradigm.
Paradigm shifts are both profound and all-inclusive and are often perceived as threatening. And there is, as in many other contexts, a natural resistance to the new and also a fear of change and everything that this must inevitably involve. Think, for example, of the former geocentric worldview, when it was even a criminal offence to claim that the Earth was not actually the center of the universe. And further, there was a time when the Earth was thought to be flat and people were terrified to go too far afield for fear of “falling over the edge”! Indeed, it can sometimes seem easier and safer to stay with the old and familiar …
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein (physicist, Nobel laureate in Physics)
All truths pass through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
1.2 A New Understanding of Reality – A Cosmic Paradigm Shift
A paradigm shift away from a materialistic worldview where chance and coincidence govern; towards an understanding of reality according to which the universe is infinite and alive and where life and evolution are controlled and governed by an all-embracing consciousness in harmony with eternal creative principles and precise laws of nature. The universe is presented as multidimensional, infinite and eternal and is essentially of immaterial aspect and status, completely in harmony with the knowledge that is now being approached in the natural sciences, not least via quantum physics, astrophysics, quantum biology, astrobiology, parapsychology and consciousness research. Life and consciousness are revealed as eternal realities. That which we call “death”, just means that life continues for a time in another dimension – a transition from life in the physical world to a continuation of life in a paraphysical* world/dimension. We are all immortal “life-units” of the infinite, multidimensional, living and all-embracing Cosmos.
Join us as we step over the threshold into the New Paradigm
and meet a Greater Reality …
The Danish intuitive philosopher and mystic Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981), usually known simply as Martinus, was born in Sindal, a small village in the countryside to the north of Jutland, and grew up in modest circumstances. His education at the regular elementary school only consisted of a few lessons per week. Later on, he went to work as a dairyman, and he described himself as “an altogether unread person”. Even at an early age, Martinus thought deeply about religious and existential issues.
In the spring of 1921, having read a book on the practice of meditation, he felt inspired to try it for himself. As a result of this practice, he had several unexpected intuitive experiences that also opened up a new area of perception for him (Martinus och det levande världsalltet – in Swedish). Martinus explained that he had reached an expanded state of consciousness which he termed “cosmic consciousness”, and this profoundly changed his life. From this new state of awareness, he could “see through” the physical world to an underlying paraphysical reality and through intuition penetrate the nature and structure of life and reality. Through his exceptional intuitive ability, he obtained access to, what he called an “ocean of wisdom”, (a vast cosmic “database” of information and knowledge).
Truly, Martinus was gifted with a definite and unique intuitive ability. During his lifetime, he presented, through texts and symbols, a completely new world-picture: Martinus Cosmology (see below), describing a living, eternal and infinite Cosmos. His work includes extensive and profound analyses and explanations of life, evolution and reality – the fundamental principles and nature of all existence.
Martinus’ main work is represented by The Book of Life, (Livets Bog) vol. I-VII and The Eternal World-Picture, vol. I-VI, followed by a long line of complementary books, articles and other writings.
It should be emphasized that Martinus strongly encourages and urges us to make our own explorations of life and nature to verify his teachings, and not blindly to believe everything he has conveyed.
Martinus first referred to his intuitive knowledge as “spiritual science”, but realized that the name could seem strange, provocative and frightening to many. Then, in 1959, his student and later collaborator, Per Bruus-Jensen (see below), suggested the name “Martinus Cosmology” based on “Cosmology”, meaning the knowledge and science of the ordered Cosmos*. Martinus immediately agreed and implemented the name change, also changing the name of his institute on Mariendalsvej in Copenhagen from “Martinus Åndsvidenskabelige (Spiritual Science) Institut” to “Martinus Institut”, (and the institute’s information magazine was named “Cosmos”). See Archive and History.
Martinus was a very warm, generous and sincere person, empathetic, considerate, cheerful and with a delightful sense of humor.
Welcome to Martinus “Photo Gallery”. We also recommend the following videos which are easy and illustrative introductions to Martinus Cosmology (the material contains some simplifications): “The Life-Changing Cosmology”, by Gunnar Fernlund (Soulfoods Publishing) and “Martinus – the Man and his Cosmology” (biography and introduction) by JK Videoproduktion:
Examples of Martinus’ symbols – one hundred symbols with associated symbol explanations are published in the books “The Eternal World Picture” vol. 1-6; they constitute an important supplement to his main work, “The Book of Life”, (Livets Bog) vol. 1-7.
• Intuition and Spiritual Science
As mentioned above, Martinus used the term “spiritual science”, which is to be understood here as “intuition-based science”. Since the word “spiritual” has, to many people, religious or even “flaky” connotations and the word “intuition” can have several meanings, often being confused with instinct and intelligence, we would briefly like to clarify these concepts based on Martinus’ and Per Bruus-Jensen’s definitions. Martinus explains that instinct, intelligence and intuition are qualitative so-called “basic energies” (which he describes in detail) and belong to our consciousness-creating energies and can be briefly described as follows:
Intelligence: analysis, logic, rationality, expediency, efficiency, recognition/ identification, reflection, calculation, foresight, imagination.
Intuition: synthesis, quintessence, instant understanding and knowing (independent of any previous studies and our ordinary perception and sensory organs), penetrating, immediate insight, design and generation of ingenious ideas and perfected constructive creativity.
According to Martinus, humanity is at an evolutionary phase of development where our intuition is at a minimum level but will gain strength as part of the ongoing evolutionary process; a phase during which our instinct is diminishing, while both intelligence and, particularly, intuition are increasing. This progressive energy change and development in our psyche and mentality also entails that egoism will gradually be replaced by altruism. Taken as a whole, this characterizes the new emerging paradigm with its increasing awareness of life and reality.
• From movement within matter – To manifestations of life
Today’s science is in principle obliged to observe and intelligently analyze “movement within matter”. Martinus stresses that with growing intuition, future researchers will be able to see and understand that movement within matter is actually an expression of life. It will be realized that everything in the universe, indeed in the infinite multidimensional Cosmos, is an expression of life, and that all types of movement are manifestations of living beings; their incessant desire to create and to experience the diversity and endless variations of life. “Movement is the ultimate expression of life – Movement is the manifestation of life”, Martinus.
The ultimate characteristics of life are movement and experience.
Eternity* is the stillness from which all movement can be ascertained.
Consciousness is the experience of that movement.
To deny that there is ‘Something’ which experiences is impossible
without simultaneously denying one’s own existence …
Martinus (informally quoted)
• Cosmic Science
Martinus also talked about the “meeting between Science and Spirituality”, and emphasized that traditional science and spiritual science (including the intuitive knowledge he conveyed) would sooner or later unite and become one science; an all-encompassing new Cosmic Science. Martinus stresses the value of natural science and emphasizes “how wonderful and indispensable”* this science is for our development, and the growing ability to reach a higher form of consciousness. “It is precisely through material science that mankind has been led forward into the zone of love and through that same science has developed the faculty of meeting a higher form of consciousness”**.
*The Book of Life, (Livets Bog) vol. 1, pce. 136; ** The Book of Life, (Livets Bog) vol. 1, pce. 230.
The following quotations from Martinus’ main works, The Book of Life, and The Eternal World-Picture express this clearly:
Since science represents the initial incipient understanding of the cosmos and existence, it constitutes the periphery of the cosmic- or psycho-spiritual world. It is the early emergence of cosmic consciousness. It is the fresh tangy marine air in the proximity of the ocean. Modern science will become incontestable evidence for the fact that terrestrial humankind is being highly intellectualized. Remove science from Man’s consciousness and the remainder in it is merely a primitive animal consciousness which could respond to only crude stimuli. (The Book of Life, vol. 1, pce. 180)
The purely materialistic world-picture can therefore only put forward a picture of an ocean of highly heterogeneous types of movements, without the same science realizing that they are the expressions of the life or consciousness which exist behind them. Yet this science is nonetheless absolutely essential for mankind, and will gradually become clarified and conjoin with the cosmic science of spirit. Thus these two sciences will progressively become the one science that will be the absolute truth and, as such, constitute conclusive solution to the mystery of life; inasmuch as materialistic science should naturally be seen as the introduction to this solution or revelation at the level of materiality or in the area of the purely physical. (The Eternal World-Picture, vol. 1, page 84)
• Science and fundamental aspects of reality
We can simply illustrate the prevailing situation within natural science by referring to a book: One is familiar with its physical nature; one has heaps of physical data such as measurements, mass, paper quality, the number of pages, the different fonts of the letters, their sizes, colours, the format etc. In other words, one has amassed a great deal of detailed and valuable information and knowledge about the material aspect of the book, and the research of this aspect has by now reached the stage where one is beginning to suspect that all the characters in the book may actually have significance, content and meaning. If this is indeed so, one is logically beginning to conclude that a sentient and creative consciousness could exist behind it all.
With the purely physical/ material as point of departure one thus approaches the underlying paraphysical/ immaterial aspect, i.e. the content. And this immaterial aspect cannot be seen physically or researched and explored using the equipment and facilities currently available to natural science but, according to Martinus, this is possible via intuition and Cosmic Science. These will help us to fully understand both the physical, material aspect/ nature of the book and the content and meaning of the text, i.e. its immaterial aspect/ nature.
2.2 Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen – The Cosmic Worldview
In the summer of 1957, the then 25-year old Per Bruus-Jensen/Per B-J (1932-2022) came into contact with Martinus, and this was the beginning of a very close alliance and collaboration that lasted for more than twenty years. Martinus soon realized Per B-J’s unique talent and capacity and in 1958 gave him the specific mission to systematize, clarify, concretize and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed. For more than a decade Per B-J was tutored by Martinus on a daily basis for this purpose. The teaching was very extensive and intensive usually taking the form of questions and answers between student and master. These discussions were often strenuous for both parties: For Martinus, with access to his intuitive, and for him self-evident, knowledge, it was sometimes difficult to accept that something remained unclear. For especially this reason, though, it could be equally difficult for Per B-J, with his insistence on systematization and “technical” precision, to account for where obscurity lay in such a way that Martinus understood the problem. However, the moment this succeeded, the answer and solution were nearly always immediately forthcoming.
It should also be mentioned that Martinus’ teaching and his discussions with Per B-J sometimes dealt with topics and areas which Martinus himself had not put forward in his own literature, but which for the major part are to be found in Per B-J’s work.
This is one example of what Martinus expressed regarding Per Bruus-Jensen and his work:
He plays a most significant role in my mission and the seminal future of our shared cause. He is absolutely the one who stands tallest when it comes to understanding my cosmic analyses. In all the analyses I have created to date he has been able to follow me, and he has also himself begun to have intuitive experiences.
It has become Per’s task to systematize the material, because it’s not something I’m good at!”
We also recommend Archive and History and In the Footsteps of Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen and the book Sol & Måne (Sun and Moon) where Per Bruus-Jensen writes about his years of training with Martinus etc.
After his years with Martinus, Per Bruus-Jensen has mainly devoted his life to working with the assignment Martinus gave him, which has resulted in an extensive output of books, articles, etc. which systematize and clarifies Martinus’ intuitive knowledge and also builds bridges to traditional science and not least, contributes to the development of a new cosmic science. The comprehensive work and literature of Per B-J are of great ontological importance. Based on Martinus’ world-picture, Per B-J presents in his writing a description of reality leading to a paradigm shift; from a materialistic worldview according to which coincidence and chance govern, – to a worldview, according to which the Cosmos is conscious, multidimensional, infinite and eternal*, and where life and evolution are governed by an all-embracing consciousness.
All together, Per Bruus-Jensen gives a systematic presentation of the Cosmic Worldview with focus on reality, life, consciousness, existence, immortality and evolution. The comprehensive literature and work of Per Bruus-Jensen are of great ontological importance.
Per Bruus-Jensen “Photo Gallery”.
The Cosmic Worldview offers hope for the future. We are all immortal “life-units”; parts of the living, infinite and all-embracing Cosmos – which many mystics through the ages have claimed, and which more and more people are beginning to glimpse through their own so-called experiences of oneness or wholeness and suchlike. We also emphasize that much of the knowledge which we are now approaching through natural science (especially within physics), as well as the more insightful understanding of reality which flows from it, in many instances give rise to existential conclusions which are entirely in line with the cosmic paradigm. This has been expressed in different ways by several of the greatest scientists and theorists of our time such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, John Wheeler, David Bohm and others.
As a man who has devoted his entire life to the ’hardest’ of sciences, namely the exploration of matter, I can upon the basis of a study of the atom declare that matter as such does not exist! All matter is created by a force that makes the atomic particles vibrate and cluster in these miniature solar systems … And behind this force, we must assume the existence of consciousness and intelligent design. And it is this design which is all matter’s true origin.
Max Planck (physicist, Nobel laureate)
In order to more fully understand this reality, we must take into account other dimensions of a broader reality.
John A. Wheeler (physicist)
Martinus Cosmology comprises two main “branches” or directions that complement each other, responding to people’s diverse needs and preferences.
– The first, represented by Martinus’ original texts and symbols, including what he termed Spiritual Science, explains and describes Life and Reality beyond physical energy and matter, as well as the meaning of life. It also includes an intellectualizing of the content of religions, focusing primarily on Christianity.
Martinus Cosmology and The Third Testament: In his later years, Martinus gathered his entire works: The Book of Life, vols. I-VII; The Eternal World-Picture, vols. I-VI; a long line of complementary books, articles and other writings, and grouped them under the collective name, The Third Testament, which presents a new world picture. At first glance, this collection looks as if it is primarily aimed at people searching for logical explanations of the content within religions, and Martinus also clarifies evident misunderstandings and misinterpretations. In other words, this branch of Martinus Cosmology is instrumental in bringing about an intellectualization of the content of religions, using Christianity as its point of departure. It was natural for Martinus to relate his intuitive cosmic knowledge mainly to Christianity, since this cultural tradition played the decisive role as the all-dominating element in his background as a child during the 1890s and early 1900s. Martinus’ texts and terminology reflect this zeitgeist with its religious influence, while his language is beautiful and colorful. This branch is represented by the Martinus Institute in Copenhagen, which ensures, manages and provides Martinus’ extensive production. Martinus himself lived and worked at the Institute, and his private flat is now a museum.
– The other branch has an Ontological and Scientific character, denoted by its profound analyses and definitions of the fundamental principles and structures of The Cosmic Worldview. Martinus laid the foundation for it in his own work and further by teaching his student Per Bruus-Jensen and assigning to him the specific mission to systematize, specify and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus himself conveyed. It should be mentioned that Martinus’ teaching and his discussions with Per Bruus-Jensen also dealt with topics and areas that Martinus had not put forward in his own literature but which, for the major part, are to be found in Per Bruus-Jensen’s output.
Martinus Cosmology and The Cosmic Worldview: This ontological and scientific branch is primarily presented under the collective name The Cosmic Worldview. Its purpose is to present ontological principles and new science related to the great issues of Life, Consciousness, and Reality, to provide natural science with new perspectives and concepts, and thereby contribute to the development of what Martinus termed an all-encompassing Cosmic Science. This branch is represented by the comprehensive work and literature of Per Bruus-Jensen and the X-Research Project by NCP X-AIONS. In 2010 the foundation of New Cosmic Paradigm Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science – NCP X-AIONS was made possible by Per Bruus Jensen’s long-standing teaching and support of the founders Arnold Therner, Birgitta Therner, Steen Loeth. (See NCP X-AIONS in Brief.)
It should be added that many people are inspired by both branches. They complement each other and help us to a more profound understanding of life and reality, thereby developing and acting with an ever deeper sense of responsibility, empathy and care for all life, creating a better future together.
In 1972 Martinus planted a commemorative oak at his childhood home in Sindal, and it stands as a beautiful and striking illustration of the two branches. At an early stage the oak’s trunk bifurcates, which can be viewed as symbolic confirmation that Martinus Cosmology finds expression in two main directions in order to accommodate people’s different needs and preferences. But it is to be stressed that the branches emanate from the same trunk, and receive nourishment from the same roots until finally, they grow together into a great crown, forming a unity. In other words, the division of the cosmic world picture into “two branches” is only temporary, and symbolizes two paths, which inevitably lead to the same wholeness and oneness: The same profound understanding of Life and awareness of a Greater Reality …
• The Cosmic Worldview – Natural Science – Religion
The Cosmic Paradigm will naturally and intellectually bring about in humanity a profound and previously unseen sense of responsibility towards our planet. It will become clear to us that our selfish, short-term “business as usual” attitude has set our world on an extremely dangerous course.
The Cosmic Worldview will liberate natural science from the narrow materialism and atheism that has largely characterized and shaped it so far. Conversely, a Cosmic Worldview oriented (i.e. influenced by the Cosmic Worldview) natural science, with its increasingly high-tech instruments and equipment combined with an increased understanding of life and reality, will contribute to humanity developing a positive and constructive attitude which is also a prerequisite for the continuation of life on this planet.
The Cosmic Worldview will also develop our interpretation of religions; from the world of faith and dogma (instinct-based), to real understanding and insight regarding the content of religions (intelligence and intuition-based) and thus be a liberation from religious bigotry, misinterpretations, etc. Different belief systems will turn into something that can be described as “knowledge-based religiosity” and will gradually be replaced with “universal or cosmic spirituality”, which means that one truly realizes and experiences the “divine” in all life. Furthermore, it will be seen that everything has purpose and meaning, our immortality, the fundamental principles and natural laws prevailing in existence, how everything is connected, and not least that love is the strongest force. People who have had NDEs (near-death experiences) often report similar experiences and insights.
2.4 Man and Reality – Understanding reality as it is
Much points to the fact that humanity’s main problem is principally of an ontological nature based on an immature and therefore flawed grasp of reality. This includes, not least, the fundamental natural law which points to the fact that we are all actors who personally determine and shape our future and our destiny down to the smallest detail. It is upon the basis of this coherence, between the individual’s insight – or lack of it – into reality and his or her creation of destiny, that Martinus emphasizes that: “where ignorance has been removed, so-called “evil” ceases to exist“. It should be added that the “ignorance” to which Martinus refers includes both intellectual, emotional and moral aspects. Quite simply, our flawed grasp of reality leads us to act in many areas in near total blindness. We do not realize the interactions and connections between cause and effect, actions and consequences. It is in this ignorance we find the causes of war, conflict, cruelty, disease, environmental degradation, the exploitation of human beings, animals and nature and numerous other negative and destructive effects that are occurring at different levels as a consequence of our actions. The Cosmic Worldview gradually helps us to a more profound understanding of reality and, in line with an increased insight into the true nature of life and reality, we will naturally behave in a different way.
We are architects of our own destiny.
Albert Einstein (physicist, Nobel laureate in Physics)
The paradigm shift – from a materialistic conception of reality where chance rules, to a new cosmic understanding of reality where the Cosmos is living and conscious – leads to radical and transformative positive changes with concrete significance for all of us: individuals, society, the environment and every aspect of our world (nature, health , economy, sexual and racial equality, education, research, the legal system etc.). And we have already begun to take the first tentative steps: for example through the United Nations, humanitarian organizations, fair trade labeling, the pursuit of equality and justice and increased environmental awareness. Furthermore our increasing eco-conscientiousness and concern for animals and nature have led to more and more people adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet and lifestyle.
• A New Era
In summary, we are entering a new age – a new era. An increased understanding and insight into life and reality will reveal, for example:
- that we are all immortal “life units” – parts of an infinite wholeness,
- that we ourselves determine and shape our future and destiny, and the consequences of the law of cause and effect,
- that death is an “illusion” and that life is eternal,
- that everything has purpose and meaning and that evolution leads to ever higher forms of life,
- that love is the strongest force.
It will then follow that our views and behaviour also change. We are looking toward a gradual rise in consciousness that will be characterized by an upsurge in altruism, and our increasing intelligence will imbue everything we do in the service of love. This means that together we will be able to create a better and more loving world for all life.
• Universal knowledge through time – A New Cosmic World-impulse
It should be added that Martinus Cosmology the Cosmic Worldview, is an evolved and detailed in-depth continuation and “update” of the universal knowledge that through time has been conveyed by “guiding precursors”, mystics and sages in both East and West; the Indian wisdom tradition, Sufi masters, Rama, Krishna, Jesus and Buddha amongst others. This knowledge and these messages have been related in a simplified and often metaphorical way through myths and parables, adapted so that people would be able to grasp the knowledge through the frame of reference and general level of development of their time.
Evolution is now accelerating incredibly quickly and is astounding. Think, for instance, of the progress within science and technology during the past 100 years … The Cosmic Worldview represents what Martinus calls a new “cosmic world-impulse” (evolutionary impulse) and is adapted to our time and level of development. In this, Martinus is a unique forerunner and teacher.
Through Martinus’ and Per Bruus-Jensen’s extensive and detailed material, the old wisdom and knowledge traditions have been presented in a new, logical, extensive and detailed way that addresses modern man’s need for a new worldview and a deeper understanding of life and reality.
It has become my task to show the world that life is not a mystery.
The abilities that I have are merely what human beings before me have had and all others after me will have, absolutely all without exception. There is therefore in the literature and symbols itself nothing to either worship or thank me for. It has been a wonderful, divine experience to bring the eternal light into a world in which human beings are still to a large extent suffering in the dark.
2.5 Brief Overview – Some of the Fundamentals and Principles of
The Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology – Read more …
- Life and Consciousness Beyond Death – Existence and Immortality – How we Survive Death, read more …
- Consciousness – The Perception Process and Qualia – Physical and Paraphysical Structures, read more …
- A New Psychology – Free Will – Future and Destiny, read more …
- The Cosmic Evolutionary Spiral – A New Era in Biology – Physical and Paraphysical Dimensions, read more …
- The Sexual Evolution – The Transformation of the Poles – From Egoism to Altruism, read more …
- The All-Embracing Cosmos – Life-Units and Life within Life – The Structure of Entanglement, read more …
- The X-Structure; the Nature of Life, Consciousness and Reality – The X-RCT Process, read more …
- The Five Universal Classes of Motion, read more …
- The Qualitative Cosmic Basic (Fundamental) Energies and the Cosmic Creative Principles, read more …
- The Nature of Energy and Matter – A New Physics, read more …
- The Theory of Everything and The Fundamental Energy Theory – FET, read more …
- Spiritual Science and Intellectualizing of the Content of Religions, read more …
— 3. LITERATURE and Further Reading —
Martinus’ extensive literature including The Book of Life volumes 1 – 7, The Eternal Word Picture, volumes 1 – 6, etc. is partly available in English and published by the Martinus Institute and can be purchased from the Institute’s internet bookshop
Per Bruus-Jensen’s extensive literary production is available in Danish and partly in Swedish, an English translation is in progress, Book Presentations & Shop.
NCP X-AIONS is in the process of writing new material in English illustrating the Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview.
Leif Pettersson
Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything – The Fundamental Energy Theory – FET (NCP X-AIONS 2012)
Further readings that illustrate the New Paradigm in various ways:
(The following list shows just a selection from a wide range which, due to the rapidly increasing number of works, has not been actively and regularly updated after 2014).
Alexander, Eben, Proof of Heaven – A Neurosurgeon’s Near Death Experience and Journey into the Afterlife,Simon & Schuster (oct. 2012)
Bohm, David, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge (2002)
Davidson, J., The Secret of the Creative Vacuum, Daniel (1994)
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