Toward a Science of Consciousness – TSC 2012
The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, April 9 -14
After Death Communication – ADC 2012
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 12 -15
– Therner & Löth –
Delar av texten nedan är på engelska, då vi tyvärr – i vart fall i nuläget – inte har kapacitet att översätta allt material, det är så mycket(!) annat som har högre prioritet … Vi hoppas att Du har överseende med detta och att sidan ger Dig en givande läsning!

NCP X-AIONS deltog i båda konferenserna och medverkade bl.a. genom föreläsning samt poster på TSC. Vi kan inledningsvis säga att både TSC och ADC var mycket inspirerande och medförde också många intressanta möten med exempelvis Pim van Lommel, Larry Dossey, Karla Galdamez, Menas Kafatos, Deepak Chopra, Stuart Hameroff, Leonard Mlodinow, Julio Peres, Julie Beischel, Bill Guggenheim, John Holland, Eben Alexander, Rob Schwartz, Alexander Moreira-Almeida med flera …
Sammantaget ska betonas att TSC och ADC 2012 med stor tydlighet visar att vi redan är inne i ett paradigmskifte, där den materialistiska, mekanistiska världsbilden håller på att ersättas av en ny verklighetsförståelse. Kännetecknande var också en stor öppenhet och ödmjukhet inför detta. Som i många andra sammanhang framgick också att: ”the connection between Quantum Physics and Consciousness is becoming more and more central in Science, as is also the meeting between Science and Spirituality.”
Det förekom mycket kritik av den gamla materialistiska världsbilden, samtidigt som det presenterades en mängd teorier och forskningsresultat inom olika områden till stöd för det nya paradigmet. Man talade bl.a. om universum som oändligt och medvetet, att liv inte uppstått ur död materia och att evolutionen inte är slumpmässig. Det var stort fokus på ”after death” / ”after life”, ”non locality”, att medvetandet kan existera oberoende av den fysiska hjärnan och kroppen, att livet inte slutar vid det tillstånd vi benämner ”döden”.
Vi kunde återigen konstatera att man närmar sig den Kosmiska Världsbild som Martinus och Per Bruus-Jensen förmedlar och i detalj beskriver. Många av de frågeställningar, teorier och forskningsresultat som presenterades och diskuterades kan bekräftas, underbyggas och utvecklas genom den modell som framläggs i Martinus Kosmologi, vilken också har mycket ny kunskap att tillföra. Vi känner därför ett mycket stort behov av att både översätta och skriva nytt material på engelska med fokus på ontologin och kunskapsteorin i den Kosmiska Världsbilden.
Nedan följer lite kort information från respektive konferens.
Den årliga TSC konferensen, Arizona University (startade 1994) är mycket bred och omfattande, och har följande huvudindelning: Philosophy, Neuroscience, Cognitive Sciences and Psychology, Physical and Biological Sciences, Experiental Approaches, Culture and Humanities (med tonvikt på Medicin, Neurovetenskap, Fysik, Biologi och Filosofi). Årets konferens hade närmare 1000 deltagare (ett 60-tal nationer representerade) och var förlagd till det vackra Ventana Canyon i utkanten av Tucson. Konferensen öppnades med en debatt rubricerad War of the Worldviews (den gamla materialistiska världsbilden ställdes mot det nya paradigmet) och här utgjorde enligt vår mening, Deepak Chopras och Menas Kafatos lysande inlägg, en klass för sig.
Vi har på grund av det överväldigande utbudet, med stor svårighet, valt ut följande axplock från TSC:
Julie Beischel (Afterlife Reacherser, Parapshycology samt Pharmacology, Toxicology, Microbiology) och Mark Boccuzzi (Afterlife Reacherser, Parapshycology) från Windbridge Institutet ( hade en workshop rubricerad The Survival of Consciousness after Death Hypothesis: Implications and Applications, där de bl.a. presenterade imponerande forskningsresultat som påvisar att medvetandet överlever den fysiska döden. Man redovisade exempelvis mycket omfattande studier med mediala personer (med fokus på kommunikation med avlidna).
Saulo de Freitas Araujo (Psychology, Philosophy), Stuart Hameroff (Anesthesiology, Psychology, Consciousness, director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona), Julio Peres (Psychology, Neuroscience), Alexander Moreira-Almeida (Parapsycology, Psychiatry) hade workshop med föreläsningar utifrån den nya boken Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Brain Relationship (Alexander Moreria-Almeida och Franklin Santos, Springer, 2012). Man inledde bl.a. med historik och kritik av materialismen, en slående argumentation utifrån ”materialism is not itself scientific”. Sammantaget illustrerar bokpresentationen nedan, mycket av workshopens innehåll:
”Traditionally, the conscious mind defines human existence. Many consider the brain as a computer, and they attempt to explain consciousness as emerging at a critical, but unspecified, threshold level of complex computation among neurons. The brain-as-computer model, however, fails to account for phenomenal experience and portrays consciousness as an impotent, after-the-fact epiphenomenon lacking causal power. And the brain-as-computer concept precludes even the remotest possibility of spirituality. As described throughout the history of humankind, seemingly spiritual mental phenomena, including transcendent states, near-death and out-of-body experiences, and past-life memories have recently been well documented and treated scientifically. In addition, the brain-as-computer approach has been challenged by advocates of quantum brain biology, who are possibly able to explain, scientifically, nonlocal, seemingly spiritual mental states.
Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship argues against the purely physical analysis of consciousness and for a balanced psychobiological approach. This thought-provoking volume bridges philosophy of mind with science of mind to empirically examine transcendent phenomena, such as mystic states, near-death experiences and past-life memories, that have confounded scientists for decades. Representing disciplines ranging from philosophy and history to neuroimaging and physics, and boasting a panel of expert scientists and physicians, including Andrew Newberg, Peter Fenwick, Stuart Hameroff, Mario Beauregard, Deepak Chopra, and Chris Clarke the book rigorously follows several lines of inquiry into mind-brain controversies, challenging readers to form their own conclusions – or reconsider previous ones. It is essential reading for researchers and clinicians across many disciplines, including cognitive psychology, personality and social psychology, the neurosciences, neuropsychiatry, palliative care, philosophy, and quantum physics.”
Stuart Hameroff: Stuart Hameroff bidrog också här med en verkligt intressant föreläsning, följande beskrivning hämtad från programmet:
”The concept of consciousness existing outside the body (e.g. near-death and out-of body experiences, NDE/OBEs, or after death, indicative of a ’soul’) is a staple of religious traditions, but shunned by conventional science because of an apparent lack of rational explanation. However conventional science based entirely on classical physics cannot account for normal in-the-brain consciousness. The Penrose-Hameroff ’Orch OR’ model is a quantum approach to consciousness, connecting brain processes (microtubule quantum computations inside neurons) to fluctuations in fundamental spacetime geometry, the fine scale structure of the universe. Recent evidence for significant quantum coherence in warm biological systems, scale-free dynamics and end-of-life brain activity* support the notion of a quantum basis for consciousness which could conceivably exist independent of biology in various scalar planes in spacetime geometry.”
* ex.vis kopplade Hameroff här till Lakhmir Chawlas forskning – Chawla presenterade delar av denna på the TSC Conference in Stockholm 2011.
Hameroff kom även in på ”Reincarnations of Universes”, att vårt nuvarande universum varken är det första eller det sista, Spacetime Geometry där man till skillnad från materialismen, inte ser slumpen som styrande, utan bakomliggande och influerande ”Cosmic Wisdom” – (jämför den Kosmiska Världsbilden NCP framlägger!). Se gärna: An Exploration of Quantum Consciousness – Finding Spirit in the Fabric of Space and Time.
Julio Peres fokuserad på The Neurobiological Correlates of Meditation and Mindfulness och Alexander Moreira-Almeida belyste mycket intressanta fall och forskningsresultat avseende medialitet (mediumship) Research on Mediumship and the Mind-Brain Relationship, texten nedan hämtad ur programmet:
”Mediumship, an experience widespread throughout human history, can be defined as an experience in which an individual (the so-called medium) purports to be in communication with, or under the control of, the personality of a deceased. Since the 19th Century there is a substantial, but neglected tradition of scientific research about mediumship and its implications for the nature of mind. This chapter will review studies investigating the origins, the sources of mediumistic communications. Since one crucial aspect of mediumistic experience is the claim for the persistence of mind activity and the communication of personalities after bodily death, I discuss what would be evidence for personal identity and its persistence beyond the brain. After that, empirical evidence provided by studies on mediumship is presented and analyzed, including a brief biography of two very productive mediums: Mrs. Leonora Piper and Chico Xavier. Finally, I discuss the implications of these data for our understanding of mind and its relationship with the body.”
NCP X-AIONS deltog med föreläsning och poster Steen Löth (ENT Physician, Cosmic Worldview, Ontology of Martinus Cosmology, Noetic) och Arnold Therner (Cosmic Worldview, Ontology of Martinus Cosmology, Noetic), båda presentationerna klassificerade under Fysik som Quantum Theory respektive Integrative Models.
Fundamental Energy Theory (FET): Six specific Qualitative Vacuum Energies that Constitute our Physical World and Everything that Exists – A New Paradigm
Although natural science has created the foundation of our modern technological society, it cannot explain what the physical world essentially consists of and what it really is. (Physics assumes that the total energy of the universe is composed of 70% dark energy, 25% dark matter and only 5% ordinary matter – in fact 95% of the universe consists of something unknown.) The same is true for consciousness, in fact both our inner and outer worlds are a mystery. ’The Cosmic Worldview’ including ’The Fundamental Energy Theory’ – FET involves a completely new description of reality that provides logical and consistent answers to these puzzles.
FET takes us into the vacuum/zero-point field and describes the vacuum energies or ’fundamental energies’ operating there. According to the theory there are six of these subtle energies, each possessing a specific quality – which is an original and novel concept. These qualitative energies also have different impacts and strengths and they build up everything from the very densest physical matter to the most subtle that exists including our own consciousness and mental life comprising thoughts, feelings, memories, etc.
One part of FET is primarily focusing on two of the fundamental energies, the expansion and contraction energies and how they are underlying and constituting the entire physical world, (the other four fundamental energies are also involved in these processes but to a much lesser degree). The expansion and contraction energies have totally opposite characteristics, according to their names the expansion energy expands and the contraction energy contracts, i.e. there is a tension between them. FET states that the interaction and tension between these two energies constitute the very basis of what physicists call force, particles and matter. The theory describes the creation of particles from the zero-point field that in turn elucidates the phenomena of mass (Higgs field), curved space, the mechanisms of gravity and much more. Actually FET also meets all the criteria for what physicists term ’the Theory of Everything’.
The completely novel concept presented in FET is that the vacuum/zero-point field contains six specific qualitative energies constituting everything and that two of them have qualitatively opposing features that give rise to the entire physical world.
Taken together, in fact this is a New Paradigm. FET is based on the intuitive knowledge contained in Martinus Cosmology – and is made available by the independent organization New Cosmic Paradigm NCP, working with the branch of this intuitive knowledge that is building bridges to science. This area is especially represented by Per Bruus-Jensen, former trainee and collaborator with Martinus. An important addition to this field is ’The Fundamental Energy Theory/FET’ presented in the book: Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything (2012) by Leif Pettersson, published by New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS.
Throughout the principles FET describes, it becomes obvious that science has reached the limits of measurement in a ’universe of distances’ and has begun to move into a ’non-local universe of conditions/modalities’. This actually describes a transition from a physical ’universe of distances’ to a paraphysical ’universe of conditions/modalities’. The quantum vacuum is the first encounter with this transition and represents a doorway into this world of states/dimensions beyond our present knowledge of time and space. At this point we get closer to the understanding of both the physical and the paraphyscial worlds and how they are interconnected. These two are not only interconnected, but constantly developing in an eternal evolutionary, ascending spiral – it is all about an evolution of consciousness.
– A new understanding of a reality according to which the universe is infinite and alive and where life is controlled and governed by an all-embracing consciousness in harmony with eternal creative principles and precise laws of nature that are associated with it.
More detailed information:
Presentations of FET by NCP X-AIONS at The International TSC Conference 2012 – THE SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS – UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA:
* The Fundamental Energy Theory (FET): Six Specific Qualitative Vacuum Energies That Constitute Our Physical World And Everything That Exists – A New Paradigm (No 1)
* The Fundamental Energy Theory – FET (Specific Qualitative Vacuum Energies) And The Theory Of Everything – A New Understanding Of Reality (No 2)
Abstract (No 1) — Abstract (No 2) — Images & Text (No 1 & 2)
Efter föreläsningen vid postern träffade vi Karla Galdamez (Physics, Quantum Physics, Consiousness) som hade postern bredvid oss, med titeln Conscious Observation and The Double Slit Experiment: Subtle Effects in Reconstructed Dynamics, det blev ett givande möte med spännande gemensamma beröringspunkter.
Alla sanningar går igenom tre stadier
Först blir de förlöjligade
Sedan blir de våldsamt motarbetade
Slutligen blir de accepterade som alldeles självklara.
Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
After Death Communication – ADC Conference
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 12 -15, 2012
De forskningsresultat avseende medialitet som presenterades vid TSC, fick något av en outstanding uppföljning på ADC genom John Holland (Psychic Medium) som demonstrerade sin extra ordinära förmåga i både workshop och föreläsning, A Journey into the World of a Medium – Presentation and Demonstration. Det var mycket fint och intressant att uppleva Johns varma personlighet och innerliga humor i kombination med hans eminenta skicklighet som medium. Man kan verkligen önska att de som utan både kunskap och erfarenheter inom området ensidigt och kategoriskt avfärdar medialitet, kommunikation med ”döda”, att livet fortsätter efter döden, etc., skulle ha varit med …
(Se även: Carol Bowman Past Life Regression Therapy, Reincarnation Research, Children’s Past Life Memories och Jim B. Tucker Reincarnation and Past Life Research)
Larry Dossey (Internal Medicine, After life and Nonlocal Consciousness) höll en mycket intressant föreläsning, The One Mind: Intimations of Immortality, som presenterades enl följande i programmet:
”The great wisdom traditions affirm that there is a universal mind, of which all individual minds are a part. This image of consciousness has been affirmed by recent scientific evidence suggesting that conscious is nonlocal – that it is infinite in space and time, therefore immortal, united, and one. Dr. Dossey will examine the implications of these findings for after-death communication, which is fully permitted in the new view. He will show that we are arriving at a view of consciousness that transcends death and annihilation, and that portends a majestic, new view of what it means to be human.”
Dossey fokuserade mycket på Nonlocality and the mechanism of entanglement – Nonlocality connections are: 1. Unmediated – no connecting signal, 2. Unmitigated – do not fade with distance, 3. Immediate – instantaneous.
Dossey refererade också till sin nya bok The One Mind – How our individual mind is part of a greater mind and why it matters. Vi konstaterade att här är det, liksom i så många andra sammanhang, intressant att jämföra med Martinus och den Kosmiska Världsbilden. Vi tänker exempelvis på Livsenhetsprincipen och hur vi alla är odödliga livsenheter i en alltomfattande enhet, en livshelhet; ett evigt, oändligt universum, ett levande och medvetet Kosmos … (Vi är ”alla en” och många människor har ”spontana kosmiska glimtar” med s.k. enhetsupplevelser.)
I slutet av konferensen visade Dossey också ett bildspel med slående citat av många kända personer inte minst vetenskapsmän (Einstein, Schrödinger, Bohm m.fl.) till stöd för det nya paradigmet. Han inledde dock med att prata lite om fördömande skepticism, de som avfärdar det nya på förhand. Bland annat berättade han om en känd forskare vid ett av Kaliforniens universitet som fick ett mycket gediget material som han ombads att uttala sig om. Det handlade om Nonlocal Expressions of Consciousness, men han avfärdade det hela direkt p.g.a. ämnet, han ville överhuvudtaget inte se på det, inte ta i det – utan returnerade det till avsändaren med en liten gul notis lapp med texten: ”This is the sort of things I would not believe even if they were true.”
Pim van Lommel (Cardiology och research on mind-brain relationship, research into the near-death experience/NDE of survivors of cardiac arrest) stod för en annan verklig höjdpunkt: Nonlocal Consciousness – An explanatory model for NDE and ADC, illustrerad av följande text ur programmet:
”Listen to remarkable experiences of heart attack victims who were clinically dead and then resuscitated with strikingly similar results and conclusions. Near death experiences (NDE) and the afterlife can no longer be scientifically ignored. These are authentic experiences that cannot be reduced to imagination, fear of death, hallucination, psychosis, the use of drugs, or oxygen deficiency. These remarkable people appear to be permanently transformed during cardiac arrest, even if only for a short duration. There are good reasons to assume that your consciousness does not always coincide with the functioning of your brain. You will learn new insights into the likelihood that your consciousness endures after physical death. Dr. van Lommel’s experience and research validate that it is possible to have contact with the ’non-local’ consciousness of deceased loved ones.”
Föreläsningen utgick till stor del ifrån Lommels egen mycket uppmärksammade bok Consciousness Beyond Life – The Science of Near-Death Experience, och innefattade omfattande och mycket intressanta fallbeskrivningar och forskningsresultat.
Vi kommer inte att beskriva och förklara ”Nära Döden-uppleveler” /NDU här, just några introducerande ord: Innehållet i NDU och dess effekter och påverkan på människor som haft dessa upplevelser förefaller vara mycket likartade i alla kulturer världen över. Människor känner sig djupt förändrade på ett mycket positivt sätt och de har en helt ny syn på livet, döden, livets mening, deras värderingar förändras, de blir mer känsliga, lugnare, lyckligare, mer empatiska, förstående, ödmjuka, intuitiva etc. (Olyckligtvis kan dessa människor också känna sig deprimerade, i de fall de inte kan dela med sig av sina mycket betydelsefulla upplevelser och erfarenheter, utan i stället blir ignorerade, missförstådda och möter negativ respons, förutfattade meningar etc. från familj och närstående.)
Pim von Lommel klargjorde också följande::
About 4% of the population have had an NDE (= in the USA about 9 million people and in Europe more than 20 million people), but for most physicians the NDE is an incomprehensible and unknown phenomenon … Most people are afraid to talk about their NDE, afraid of negative responses. You have to be open to hear about an NDE, people must feel that you trust them, that you can listen without any comments and prejudices. They are reluctant to share their experiences with others because of the negative responses they get.
Once a conference was held about NDE at the University Hospital where a bit more than 300 persons attended. At the end of the conference, after several lectures about NDE, a man stood up and said: I am a cardiologist for more than 25 years and I have never heard such absurd stories, this is total nonsense, I don´t believe one word of it. Then another man got up in the audience and said: I am one of your patients, I have had an NDE during cardiac arrest and you would be the last one I would ever tell. They feel and know exactly who to tell, who can listen …
Se också NCP X-AIONS: Pim van Lommel och Peter & Elizabeth Fenwick – Medvetandet och Nära-Döden forskning – Om Döden och Upplevelser i Dödens Närhet (NDU/NDE, ELE etc.), (Feb. 2013), samt boken ”Att Möta Döden med Tillit och Hopp” av Peter & Elizabeth Fenwick, samt Martinus Artiklar: Genom Dödens Port, Sömnen och Döden – och – Reinkarnationsprincipen.
Eben Alexander (neurosurgent), byggde sin föreläsning Humanity at the Threshold of Transcendence till största delen på egna upplevelser (texten nedan från programmet):
Eben Alexander ADC 2012 Pheonix Arizona, ”Eben Alexander III has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25 years, including 15 years on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. In 2008 he was overcome by a rare bacterial meningitis and lapsed into coma within hours. After 6 days on triple antibiotics, showing no response, with little neurological function remaining, his physicians had few words of encouragement for his family. On day seven, to the surprise of all, he opened his eyes! While deep in coma he had an extraordinary experience that could not have occurred in his brain, given our current understanding of neuroscience. He has been blessed with a complete recovery, and is now completing a book about his powerful, life-changing experience. He has spent the last three years reconciling his spiritual odyssey while in coma with current concepts in the neuroscience, philosophy, quantum mechanics, the nature of reality and the basis of our spiritual being.”
Se gärna Eben Alexanders nya bok Proof of Heaven – A Neurosurgeon’s Near Death Experience and Journey into the Afterlife, (Simon & Schuster, 2012) – Svensk utgåva: Till himlen och tillbaka – En neurokirurgs nära döden-upplevelse, (Forum, 2014) – samt:, (
Intervjun nedan från programmet:
”Excerpt from California (PRUnderground) November 28th, 2011 – Interview” – Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander’s Near-Death Experience Defies Medical, Model of Consciousness.
During the interview Dr. Alexander discusses letting go of our simplistic view of consciousness:
Alex Tsakiris: Can we really then hope to get out of the consciousness loop that we’re in now? Or is there something fundamental to the way that we’re constructed that’s going to keep us limited in how much we can really?
Eben Alexander: What I think is going to happen is that science and spirituality, which will be mainly be an acknowledgement of the profound nature of our consciousness, will grow closer and closer together.
One thing that we will have to let go of is this kind of addiction to simplistic, primitive reductive materialism because there’s really no way that I can see a reductive materialist model coming remotely in the right ballpark to explain what we really know about consciousness now.
Coming from a neurosurgeon who, before my coma, thought I was quite certain how the brain and the mind interacted and it was clear to me that there were many things I could do or see done on my patients and it would eliminate consciousness. It was very clear in that realm that the brain gives you consciousness and everything else and when the brain dies there goes consciousness, soul, mind – it’s all gone. And it was clear.
Now, having been through my coma, I can tell you that’s exactly wrong and that in fact the mind and consciousness are independent of the brain. It’s very hard to explain that, certainly if you’re limiting yourself to that reductive materialist view.
The Skeptiko interview with Dr. Eben Alexander (audio and transcript)”
Utbudet på ADC var förnämligt och det är därför svårt att göra ett urval, förutom ovanstående kan bl.a. följande också omnämnas: Robert Schwartz: Your Soul´s Plan: The Spiritual Meaning of Life and Death, Bill Guggenheim: Hello from Heaven! and How do you think you are?, Jane Katra: Experiencing Afterlife Evidence in Real Life and Research Lab.
Avslutningsvis Ett Stort Tack till Anne & Herb Puryear och deras medarbetare som möjliggjort konferensen!