NCP X-AIONS in Brief

New Cosmic Paradigm

Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science
– Therner & Loeth –

NCP X-AIONS is a nonprofit organization with no religious or political ties and is completely autonomous and independent.

The purpose of the organization is to inform about The Cosmic Worldview based on Martinus Cosmology
and to research its Ontology and present New Science
A New Understanding of Life and Reality – A New Paradigm

New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS

The Cosmic Worldview – Martinus Cosmology – New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS

The Cosmic Worldview is based on the unique and ground-breaking knowledge conveyed by the Danish intuitive philosopher Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) – Martinus Cosmology, systematized and further developed by his student and collaborator Per Bruus-Jensen.
New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS is representing the Cosmic Worldview and the branch* of Martinus Cosmology that presents Ontological Principles and New Science, focusing on the great issues of Life, Consciousness and Reality, meeting the need for a new worldview and a more profound understanding of life and reality. Accommodating natural science and contributing to the development of a new all-embracing “Cosmic Science”. This branch is especially represented by the comprehensive work and literature of Per Bruus-Jensen and the X-Research Project by NCP X-AIONS focusing and working on the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview.
* more information “The Two Branches”.

The specific mission Martinus assigned to Per Bruus-Jensen was to systematize, specify and concretize and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed. The background to and aim of NCP X-AIONS is to continue implementing Per Bruus-Jensen’s work, and presenting the Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview; a work and project in close cooperation with Per Bruus-Jensen, made possible by his extensive teaching that, for many years, he imparted to the founders of NCP X-AIONS.

NCP X-AIONS – The X-Research Project presents

The Cosmic Worldview – Ontology of Life, Consciousness and Reality
The X-Structure and The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process (X-RCT)
The Nature of Life and Reality – Existence and Immortality – Evolution

A New Paradigm

Despite all crises, catastrophes, and conflicts on different levels, humanity finds itself in an expansive and very positive phase of development, we are facing a paradigm shift – an emerging New Paradigm, which replaces the old materialistic worldview where chance and coincidence govern, with a new, comprehensive world-picture illustrating a living and infinite multiverse; the all-embracing Cosmos, where life is controlled and governed by an omnipresent consciousness in harmony with eternal creative principles and precise laws of nature. All living entities are immortal “life-units”, linked together and parts of this conscious, multidimensional and all-embracing Cosmos.

The Cosmic Worldview provides logically consistent explanations of how Life and Reality are structured and function. In understanding this, humanity will develop and act with an ever-deeper sense of responsibility, empathy, and care for all life – fellow humans, animals, nature, the whole planet. … For the people of the future, this will be the only possible way to live meaningfully. The project has already begun and each one of us can consciously choose to be a part of it. The Cosmic Worldview presents a New Paradigm and, not least, Hope for the Future…

We Welcome new Supporters and Collaborators

We collaborate internationally with mainstream and “newstream” scientists, and we Invite and Welcome new collaborators!

Support our Mission – Donate

The project and running costs are dependent on voluntary contributions such as financial support and different types of work. If you wish to contribute in any way (e.g. translation, text editing, proofreading, layout, web design, etc), you are Welcome to Contact NCP X-AIONS. Support and Donations are Gratefully received, please see Support – Donate.

New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS – The X-Research Project 

Arnold Therner NCP X-AIONS

Arnold Therner
Founder (1947-2018)

Birgitta Therner NCP X-AIONS

Birgitta Therner
Founder, In Project leading

Steen Loeth NCP X-AIONS

Steen Loeth
Founder, In Project leading

Nike Therner NCP X-AIONS

Nike Therner
In Project leading

– Warm Thanks to collaborators, contacts and others –

Sigbritt Therner

Sigbritt Therner

Alex Riel

Alex Riel

Pim van Lommel

Pim van Lommel

Peter Fenwick

Peter Fenwick

Leif Pettersson

Leif Pettersson

Andrea Möllenkvist

Andrea Möllenkvist

Lucie Minne

Lucie Minne

Lars Palerius

Lars Palerius

Eskild Kjær-Madsen

Eskild Kjær-Madsen

Merete Bruus-Jensen

Merete Bruus-Jensen

Lars-Olof Hammarberg

Lars-Olof Hammarberg

James Travell

James Travell

Pernilla Rosell

Pernilla Rosell

Lothar Schafer

Lothar Schafer

Gustaf Ullman

Gustaf Ullman

Abi Behar Montefiore

Abi Behar Montefiore

Dean Radin

Dean Radin

A K Mukhopadhyay

A.K. Mukhopadhyay

Stephen Brock Schafer

Stephen Brock Schafer

Solveig Tovoté 

Valery Vengerov

Viljo Mentu

Viljo Mentu