NCP X-AIONS presentation TSC 2014
The Science of Consciousness Conference – The University of Arizona

The X-Structure; the Basic Nature of Life and Existence
– Ontology of Consciousness and Reality


THE SCIENCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2014, Tucson, Arizona (April 21-26, 2014)

TSC Conference Abstract Updates Confirmation

TSC Account No: TSC20082366
Conference Reg ID: CC5-AC3443

Abstract Title: The X-Structure; the Basic Nature of Life and Existence – Ontology of Consciousness and Reality

Primary Topic Area: [01.02]……..Ontology of consciousness
Secondary Topic Area: [01.01]……..The concept of consciousness

Abstract: According to the X-structure reality fundamentally – both objective and subjective – is immaterial emptiness and stillness. The X-structure constitutes the very basic nature of Reality, Life and Consciousness. This fundamental X-structure is in principle the same for everything including the infinite Universe, and activates and transforms the emptiness and stillness into energy, force, movement, matter and life-experience/consciousness. The primordial domain of existence “X0” is an all-embracing unmanifested, virtual world of emptiness and stillness, containing infinite potential of creative possibilities and continuously activating an indivisible, integrated, triune operating principle with three functional aspects: X1 creator and experiencer (the subject/I, emptiness, stillness); X2 creative and experiential ability (energy); X3 the created and experienced (movement, the material illusion, the manifested universe, life-experience/consciousness). X2 is expressed by seven extremely subtle qualitative “fundamental/basic energies” with specific characteristics. These basic energies build up everything from the most subtle (consciousness, thoughts, feelings, memories etc.) to the very densest (physical matter, black holes etc.). The primary fundamental energy (“the mother energy”) holds and operates via a number of so-called creative principles, termed morphogenetic effect constants; formative and structuring forces which sustain and organize life and reality. We can empirically observe the effects of these morphogenetic effect constants e.g. in the constants of nature, laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision. The X2-function and its effect constants “split up” the all-embracing totality (X0), i.e. the status of nonduality and nonlocality, the nature of infinity and eternity is divided and separated into life-units, individuals, as well as states and distances, comprising space and time, etc. The complementarity of wholeness/oneness – duality/separation, and also “the structure of entanglement” are formed and expressed through the morphogenetic effect constants (X2). The result of the interaction between the subject (X1) and its creative/experiential ability (X2) is represented by the created (X3), namely the material illusion as objective reality on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality on the other, “the subjective reality complex”. Everything created (X3) emerges as expressions of life (movements) and thus constitutes a contrast to the X0-nature of emptiness and stillness. Creation involves conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement – the five universal classes of motion: primordial motion (“from A to B”), space, time, transformation, matter. Motion is the most distinctive feature of life – movement is life in demonstration. Note that all motions of the Universe neutralize each other, confirming the all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness. X3 includes as mentioned the experience of expressions of life (movements) and thus the generation of consciousness, i.e. knowledge of something’s being, including itself. The phenomenon of consciousness/life-experience concerns the way in which X2/energy and its objective functions (= energy conversion X3/objectively), exist for X1 (= life-experience X3/subjectively). The X-structure is based on the intuitive knowledge illustrating the Cosmic Worldview conveyed by the Danish intuitive philosopher Martinus Thomsen – presented by Per Bruus-Jensen and “the X-Project” by NCP X-AIONS, Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science, researching the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview and presenting New Science,

Author: Steen Loeth
Other Authors: Arnold Therner; N-B Therner; Per Bruus-Jensen
Key words: X-structure; Initial reality; Nonduality; Nonlocality; Triune operating principle; Qualitative basic energies; Morphogenetic effect constants; Entanglement; Consciousness; Material illusion; Martinus
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Publishing Organization: NCP X-AIONS New Cosmic Paradigm – Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science.