NCP X-AIONS in Brief
– Therner & Loeth –
Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science
NCP X-AIONS is a nonprofit organization with no religious or political ties, and is completely autonomous and independent. The purpose of the organization is to convey The Cosmic Worldview based on Martinus Cosmology, research its Ontology, and present New Science, providing A New Understanding of Life and Reality – A New Paradigm.
NCP X-AIONS stands as the Ontological and Scientific arm of The Cosmic Worldview, focusing on Ontological Principles and New Science related to the great issues of Life, Consciousness and Reality. The overall aim of NCP X-AIONS is to convey knowledge that contributes to the emergence of the New Cosmic Paradigm, instilling hope and faith in the future with respect for all life, and care for the planet Earth.
NCP X-AIONS was founded in Sweden in 2010 by Arnold Therner, Birgitta Therner and Steen Loeth.
The Cosmic Worldview, Martinus Cosmology and NCP X-AIONS
– Overview and Background –
The Cosmic Worldview implies a paradigm shift from the materialistic worldview, where coincidence and chance govern, to a new era characterized by growing insight into a living, multidimensional Cosmos ruled by fundamental laws of nature and eternal principles. The Cosmic Worldview is an organic and holistic world picture, focusing on the so-called X-Structure – the Basic Nature of Life and Reality. This fundamental X-Structure demonstrates new and ground-breaking perspectives on Life, Evolution and Reality. It is an optimistic worldview that provides insights into how we can positively influence our lives and the future.
The Cosmic Worldview is based on the unique and ground-breaking knowledge conveyed by Danish intuitive philosopher Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) – Martinus Cosmology, which has been systematized and further developed by his student and collaborator Per Bruus-Jensen (1932-2022). This work continues through New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS.
At the age of thirty (1921), Martinus had several intuitive experiences, related to meditation, that opened up a new area of perception to him and changed his life completely. He reached an expanded state of consciousness, which he termed Cosmic Consciousness. From this new state of awareness, he could “see through” the physical world, to an underlying paraphysical level and, by intuition, explore the nature and structure of Life and Reality, gaining profound insight into the fundamental principles and laws of existence.
During his lifetime, Martinus presented a new world picture with comprehensive and coherent analyses and explanations of the Nature of Life and Reality, and the principles that govern the infinite Cosmos. His main work is represented in the Book of Life (vol. 1-7) and The Eternal World Picture (vol. 1-6). Martinus’ approx. 100 symbols form an ingenious complement to his texts.
Martinus Cosmology comprises two main “branches” that complement each other:
– The first, represented by Martinus’ original texts and symbols, including what he termed Spiritual Science, explains and describes Life and Reality beyond physical energy and matter, as well as the meaning of Life. It also includes an intellectualizing of the content of religions, focusing primarily on Christianity, hence the collective name The Third Testament. This branch is represented by the Martinus Institute in Copenhagen.
– The other branch has an Ontological and Scientific character, denoted by its profound analyses and definitions of the fundamental principles and structures in the Cosmic Worldview. Martinus laid the foundation for it in his own work and further by teaching his student Per Bruus-Jensen and assigning to him the specific mission to systematize, specify and thereby further develop the intuitive knowledge that Martinus himself conveyed. New Cosmic Paradigm NCP X-AIONS continues Per Bruus-Jensen’s work and represents this branch.
Read more “The Two Branches”.
The NCP X-AIONS Project (founded in 2010) has been made possible by Per Bruus Jensen’s long-standing teaching and support of us, Arnold Therner, Birgitta Therner and Steen Loeth.
Per Bruus-Jensen has commissioned us to continue his work, and to manage and convey the extensive body of knowledge he handed over to us in 2016. It is our ambition, desire, and goal to continue this mission. We are convinced that the emerging Cosmic Worldview will lead to a better world for all life, and we want to contribute to this through the NCP X-AIONS Project. We are humble and grateful for the assignment we have been given, to which we will continue to devote ourselves to the very best of our abilities!
Arnold Therner (1947-2018), Birgitta Therner and Steen Loeth, founders of NCP X-AIONS
The X-Structure
The Nature of Life and Reality
Existence – Immortality – Evolution
The Cosmic Worldview – Ontology of Life, Consciousness and Reality
We Welcome New Supporters and Collaborators
Support our Mission – Donate
The project and running costs are dependent on voluntary contributions such as financial support and different types of work. If you wish to contribute in any way (e.g. translation, text editing, proofreading, layout, web design, etc), you are Welcome to Contact NCP X-AIONS. Support and Donations are Gratefully received, please see Support – Donate.
New Cosmic Paradigm – NCP X-AIONS – The X-Research Project

Arnold Therner
Founder (1947-2018)

Birgitta Therner
Founder, In Project leading

Steen Loeth
Founder, In Project leading

Nike Therner
In Project leading
– Warm Thanks to Collaborators, Contacts and Others –

Sigbritt Therner

Alex Riel

Pim van Lommel

Peter Fenwick

Leif Pettersson

Andrea Möllenkvist

Lucie Minne

Lars Palerius

Eskild Kjær-Madsen

Merete Bruus-Jensen

Lars-Olof Hammarberg

James Travell

Pernilla Rosell

Lothar Schafer

Gustaf Ullman

Abi Behar Montefiore

Dean Radin

A.K. Mukhopadhyay

Stephen Brock Schafer

Solveig Tovoté

Valery Vengerov

Viljo Mentu